RepubliCAN'Ts think this is a baby

>republiCAN'Ts think this is a baby

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No we think its alive, and know it will become a baby

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Why does it make a difference if you abort a pre-born fetus versus a minute-old post-fetus?

Why are Republicucks so stupid?

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your sperm is also alive and will become a baby so why do you abort it by masturbating?

Republicans dont even think about soccer, fuck off

I think you mean RethugliKKKans

>demoCRAPS think this is a human

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>being this retarded
Did you fail high school biology?

It's irrelevant what it is when you abort it... it's about what it would have become if you had not intervened.

If I punch a pregnant woman in the belly and she has a miscarriage... would I not be charged with murder? How is abortion any different?

Wrong, eggs and sperm aren't people. The union, zygotes are...

It's a life. Tell when is human sacrifice acceptable.

Life begins at the zygote.

You cant possibly think these kids will grow up to be doctors, engineers, or businessmen

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Retard detected.

im not saying sperm IS people im saying that sperm, just like a fetus is a POTENTIAL person.

every time you jack off you choose to ABORT this potential, so why cant a woman do the same?

So does the Lord

Isaiah 7:14
Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel.

Matthew 1:23
Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us.

I am totally against Conservative having abortions. However I think abortions should be mandatory for Leftists.

its more human than you, npc.


Life isn't sacred. You can lock me up, but there's nothing morally wrong with me killing you.

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Just a reminder that every aborted white baby boy could have been the next Führer.

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nice argument

are you pro or against leaf blowers?

when does a seed become a tree?

A haploid is not a diploid user

>moving the goal posts
First it's not killing innocent babies now it's a potential for life?

jew nigger detected

its look cute when its small but when its grows up its just 1 more out of 8 billion.

too much of those anyway

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>every time you jack off
lmao i nofap, I don't abort nuffin.

The ones that die during actual sex aren't aborted any more than miscarriages are.

A sperm is only half a baby. The soul is created in conception.

why do jews force porn on the world but abstain from sexuality themselves?

No stupid GOD thinks its a baby

yeah. if you jack it off into a open air it will never be one. just like if a woman aborts a fetus it will never become a person. both are choices made by people

It's not just A baby, it's YOUR baby. Take care of it.

I'll get literally 0 exp from owning you.

Good day

Look it would be sort of fair if "muh clump of cells" was real but all too often abortions are done on for all intents and purposes functional humans.

If you don't find anything wrong with the slicing and dicing and pulling involved in that then you're lost.

> A fetus isn't a person

That's where you're wrong Moloch

>jack off into air, leave cum alone for 9 months
>nothing happens

>a woman is impregnated, waits 9 months
>a baby happens


It is a life, not a person, not a baby; a life.

how do yo8u post without google captcha being blocked using adsense and https everywhere, and some elements using other shit blocked/


>jack off into air, leave cum alone for 9 months
>nothing happens

>a woman puts her fetus on the ground, waits 9 months
>nothing happens

why are you not required by law to give your sperm the best chances of maturing into a baby but a woman is?

>if I choose to violently intervene in the same process which created me and all other human life then it can't be a person, and thus isn't a crime

>better in the belly of a whore

sperm is life too

The sperm exists and will die in droves even in the case of successful pregnancy. The baby once made will continue to gestate until finally birthed into apparent legal recognition of humanity.

>The soul is created in conception.


not me, that not my body. a woman chooses to violently intervene or not. a fetus is not an autonomous being somehow independent of the organism that nurtures it (or chooses not to)

Abortion rate is at an all time low in the US. The best way to prevent abortion is to prevent unwanted pregnancy. Support comprehensive sex ed, and easy access to contraception.

Thinking what you propose is not normal.



>Trash mob
You're not even worth killing.

>he sperm exists and will die in droves even in the case of successful pregnancy

that true, but male masturbation is legal nonetheless. even though a person chooses not to nurture life, a potential human being. sure only one sperm sell makes it but you can choose whether or not to nurture those odds

Why can't you kill someone before they ejaculate?

When is autonomy granted?

The first heartbeat?
The first few brain cells?
Or perhaps autonomy is still denied past birth as long as they are tied to the umbilical cord?

>Abortion rate is at an all time low in the US.
You better source that shit

No really, source?
I've heard people saying that the Bible declares that "the life is in the blood" so a bloodless fetus is not technically a person with a soul until it develops its own blood.

Then we should let global warming happen to kill africans mexicans and arabs a lot less population

you can its just not legal, the guy is a person (even though there is a category of people that under a state of emergency could be put to death without that being considered a crime)


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it depends on the law of a given state.

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>it depends on the law of a given state
Oh my fuck. You're brought right back to the last point.
What thinking should go into the states decision in regards to the start of autonomy?
When does it start?
What magic day in the pregnancy is the one the law protects?

The only honest answer is the moment of successful merging of unique dna, and an organism which if not interfered with becomes the Human animal we are.

people should not masturbate

It has the potential to become a baby, barring outside intervention by the thot its inside of because she wants to keep getting free drinks and doesn't want to raise a black child because her parents would kill her if they found out.


abort all jews racewarnow
Some interesting stats there. Including 75% of women who had abortions were poor or low income. Well that just confirms what we already knew.

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i say think until the baby learns to walk - you should be able to abort him

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i dont know man, fuck that, we both male that's on woman whether she wants to abort or not..

republican are fucking hypocrites - talk about "small government" while they trying to get into a woman's belly. ill tell you what, the day republicans families will be willing to adopt all those non aborted kids ill be down with outlawing abortions

Of course you do, you kike parasite.

At least I don't think commies are people

>I dont know the the definition of gamete
Thanks for palying kiddo.

>potential for life and becoming life are the same thing

A fetus is a living being that WILL become a baby barring certain unpredictable circumstances

A sperm aint gonna become nothing more than a sperm no matter how long its alive

DemonRATS think that is not a human

This retarded "potential human" argument was started back in the 1990s, I think, by the people Clinton put on the WH ethics panel. It's mental masturbation at its finest. At one point they're arguing that an acorn is a potential oak tree.

Thanks for the source, I support sex ed and contraceptives, though the sexual revolution has been apocalyptic in terms of relations between the sexes and the longterm stability of society as a whole. But the issue is not with prevention but the ethics of abortion.
From the numbers there was a massive raise post Roe v Wade to almost 30% of all pregnancies and only then return to the mean prior, interesting.

>until the baby learns to walk
You cross over from abortion to infanticide, well at least you're honest.

nonsense. Everybody needs to die

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its not that difficult - you can choose to nurture life (sperm) and put it into a woman or not (if you do life Grows)

a woman can choose, or not, to nurture life (fetus) and let it stay inside her until it gets outside as a baby

she can also choose to not nurture life, just like you do every time you jack off. life is something people choose or choose not to nurture. life is not granted

any country with over a billion people should = instant genocide.

t. Subhuman kike

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Supporting the systematic murder of unborn children


Supporting systematic population control.

Good goy.

Actually, user, higher IQ people tend to be center/center-right in their political views. So, in point of fact, you're the stupid one.

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You're way off base here, Shlomo. At conception there is a unique set of human DNA created. Now, we can argue till the cows come home about "potential human" and all that shit, but the point remains, the moment of conception there IS a unique set of human DNA created.

Having said that, I do think abortion should be available but should also be limited.

I'd hate to be a woman and in a position to have to make this decision, Bjorn, much less a family member. But I'd want that option. I have a private view and a public view on this matter.

then kikes wonder why we want to kill them all

>You cannot kill what does not have a soul.

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you know how you say that South Africa will collapse if you got rid of all white people there, how all the blacks will starve and revert back to barbarism from which the (relatively) emerged? well, what do you think is going to happen to the West after we'll gone? we are the brain of this body called "the west". without us western societies will tumble aimlessly like a lobotomized imbecile. you owe your science, culture, religion, economy, technology, progress, to us. getting rid of us amounts to a voluntary self decapitation. the body cannot live without its head. the muscle cannot contract without the brain sanding out the signal. stop spitting into the well from which you draw your water.

it wasn't her fetus, it's a product of both mates.
fuck, the brain damage you received from that Metzitzah B'peh is really showing

>stop spitting into the well from which you draw your water.
why? did you poison it already?

Metzitzah B'peh is also a form of abortion if you cum in her peh


im talking to a made up person. a made up nation.a haltura

Do kike vermin really think that a sperm will grow into a human without an egg? I though you parasites were smart

Jesus Christ you really are retarded

>made up nation

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>nice argument

From the kike who thinks a sperm is the same as a fetus