Anime was the worst thing to happen to Youth between 2008-2015

Anime was the worst thing to happen to Youth between 2008-2015.
Prove me wrong.

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>blaming cartoons for your own shortcomings

I never said I had shortcomings. Anime has turned boys into effiminate cucks that like drawings over real women

What's a Haitan

I W I S H that Americans were heavily influenced by the Japanese, when in fact they are heavily influenced by niggers.
America is a niggerfied country. Not a Japanified country. It would be infinitely more civilized if it were.

I kinda want to go to japan

Not that but that has contributed to it. Unironically the internet is the worst thing to ever happen to youth in the history of mankind.

Fite me fagt

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>ywn see another nazi pro wrestler with a gas attack

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Nothing about anime made during the years I mentioned have remnents of Japanese culture. Anime and Manga are all marketed towards westerners.

A nigger from Haiti.

>tfw I eat chicken wangs like a black person

normies only know harmless shonen stuff like naruto and bleach. only hopeless autists watch the degenerate moe harem shit anyway

They don't make jack shit from westerners.
You don't know what the fuck you're talking about leaf.

Get fuck faggot

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I’ll bite. Westerners don’t buy anime or anime merchandise. It doesn’t make any financial sense to market towards a group you can’t make any money off of. This is the reason why anime series that are extremely popular in the west don’t get multiple seasons or are cancelled dut to the fact that the Japanese don’t care for those particular series. Also, westerners mostly can’t read Japanese so they don’t buy Light Novels either, and that’s a ginormous factor since anime is usually a way to sell Light Novels. Educate yourself, leaf.

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No, you're right. It was the anime that was the worst thing. Not the spiritually bankrupt nigger culture which is literally infused with every aspect of American life, and is unconsciously breathed into every pore by every American youth.
It was anime.
oh right forgot who I was talking to

>tfw white but just learned I eat chicken like a nigger

Sorry bros... looks like I'm a race traitor...

Shit, I'm black?

The only bad influence Anime had on culture was the stupid fucking neon hair that millenials sometimes have (who more often than not don't even watch anime)

niggas stank

Jokes on you faggot, my girlfriend is into anime as well

Stay mad you chink faggot

fucking i hate google captcha not been able to use it on firefox, now every plugin seems to fuck with it unless their all off.

Island nigger.
>They can't swim

People were watching anime like half a century before that user.....


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>Mfw white Hatian born in USA

>white Haitian
what happen I thought the blacks killed all the whites in 1804?

>being this young

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No you dumb child, the complete economic collapse of the western world circa 2008 was the worst thing to happen.
It caused a recession that has lasted a decade and will last another three decades.

By the way, if 9/11 hadn't happened we would LITERALLY have a base on the moon.

I'm white but I eat chicken in second picture.
Anyone who leaves that much food is wasteful scum.
Learn to appreciate food, faggots.

Anime will unironically save the West.

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Oh your are one of those people.

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Odd way to say 1995.

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Venus a best

What gets me about anime queers is they are the biggest losers imaginable but they are extremely arrogant and obnoxious.


Voltron 1984
Star Blazers 1979.

Is that really a difference? People have been watching anime way before both of those which is why I said half a century before 2008 at least.

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Well yeah I always save a meaty bone for the animals

Again, stop blaming gay cartoons for your own shortcomings.

Anime isn't Japanese culture.It's the decandent death of Japanese culture like faggots in america.


I proudly eat chicken like a white person. I want the good stuff.

It was a joke, user. I simply wanted a seemingly clever reason to post a pic of Desslok - Desslok Desslok

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Good luck watching anime before the 90s in the West.

>women have turned boys into effeminate cucks that like drawings over real women

Fixed that for you.

I was once so hungry I ate the bones of the chicken after I had eaten all the meat. Am I an African now?

Post waifus

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I meant to say watching more then those shows. And Voltron was not even an anime. It was a western invention. Star Blazers was a Western anime adaption as well. So really not a lot of broadcasting of actual anime before the 90s.

Faggots will be faggots, regardless of where they get their inspiration from. Parents who sit their kid in front of the talmudvision and let it do their job will produce shitty kids, regardless of anime. Social outcasts like us will find solace in something not socially acceptable, regardless of whether it's anime or not.
Anime is a symptom, not the disease itself.

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Honestly Anime is more red pilled than most of the garbage the US is making these days

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Apparently I eat like a continental nigger.

Haitians actually have it correct and I'm willing to die on this hill

The bones are full of marrow and calcium. They are healthy as fuck. The ancestors of both whites and blacks alike ate bones, why is it a black thing now?

Hail Satan

How I eat chicken.. not off the bone

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>I never said I had shortcomings
Your clearly do though, faggot.

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Everything you said is wrong. Westerners purchase tons of merchandise like body pillows and figurines. They also buy TRANSLATED light novels and manga. The Japanese are aware of this and do market to Westerners. Educated yourself proxy.

Anime wasn't a nigger president.

the responses to your post only confirm your hypothesis. Maybe I'm too old to get it but anime is not great. But jerking off to cartoons means the jew has won. Shameful

honestly, you should take the bones from your hormone&antibiotic-free pastured heritage-breed chicken and boil them in a pressure cooker until they dissolve into broth that you can in mason jars and incorporate into other meals

a yes-man

How so? What's the difference between masturbating to cartoons and masturbating to photos?

You inbred white bastards spend most of your time grazing fast food, engaging in beastality, shooting up schools, fucking with underage kids.

You have no idea what you're talking about, lmfao. Japan doesn't give a fuck about the western audience or market, for the most part.

So does everyone else. Who seriously just throws all that extra fried skin away just because it's kind of close to the bone?

wow OP how about you fucking argue why it was the worst thing so people can agree or refute instead of doing dumb people shit like this

bone is good stuff

Fucking. Based.

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Jerking off to chinese cartoons is far less degenerate than jerking off to videos or photos of women being fucked.
For a lot of reasons.

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>anime started in 2008
Are 15 years old or just fucking retarded?

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That's a strange way to say 1979

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I knew a white kid in school who would eat the bone marrow from the drumsticks.

Who eats the rubbery cartridge near the joint? You gotta throw that inedible shit away.

This guy gets it. I lived in Japan for numerous years. But, I didn't get into it till 15 years later. Enjoyed it, wasted a lot of cash buying shows ( I know, but I'm not poor and have a big ass theater room to watch it in. )

Fast forward three years and I've moved on from it. Was an ok hobby, plenty of good shows sure. Though it was a waste of time to me, when I could be drawing or creating my own shit for fun. ( I don't play video games never have )

So sitting around watching chinese cartoons just seemed pointless in the end to me.

However OP is a faggot and will be a forever alone faggot.

Reminder: Anime imageboard.

GTFO roasty cunt. InuYasha was bae and it still is. Best romance cartoon for 15-21 since forever.

Jupiter best girl

Nah. When I was a little kid in the late 70s/early 80s I remember Battle Of the Planets, Force Five, and Star Blazers being sandwiched between Scooby Doo, Jetsons and Flintstones after school on a Boston channel. I’m sure it was a totally Americanized cut-up but it was still anime

based and redpilled

I thought anime was an alt-right hobby now

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You're here, a weeb website that is now some kind of echo-chamber for conservative, neo-nazi and ultra-right-wing ideologies.