Many trans/genderfluid people are bullied and as a consequence suffer from mental health problems.
How can we make society more accepting and tolerant to this marginalized and vulnerable group?
I look forward to your suggestions!

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Jow Forums as a whole is becoming more accepting of trans people

>Many trans/genderfluid people are bullied and as a consequence suffer from mental health problems.
I really don't care. They are mentally ill. How many schizos get harassed for saying and doing crazy shit? Who fucking cares. Lock them up in the looney bin with the rest of the mentally ill people.

stop being trans

fuck off kike

I don't support anyone who mutilates themselves and takes drugs to trick people into believing they're something that they're not.

It's time to start calling trans people what they really are: SEX FRAUDS

stop posting this every day. someday you'll realize that this is pathetic and you'll put a gun in your mouth and end it all.

Fuck off

The dick makes it better.
Whatever you do, don't get rid of it.
Through dick, unity.

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i don't know how white nationalists can think this way. do you literally think there are no actual white trans people?

A eunuch with fun bags installed is still just a mutilated man.

Kek. Kys

Skylar has a vagina now. It was her choice.

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just give me a suicide booth already. fuck being trans in this timeline.

Sure there are white eunuchs. They're degenerates.

Why are you spamming the board with these threads?
And why aren't the mods doing anything baout it?

Literally got rid of the one thing that made them special.

i love you.

Statistics show that they suffer mostly not from intollerance but from their own partners and are mentally sick from the beginning

learn your shit shill
>caring for >1% of population that much

well i'm not jewish or a eunuch. could be degenerate, though.

No fucking way

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Hi Jow Forums why don't you like me ;)

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You mean he has a fronthole?
That must suck.
I hear dilation is a bitch.

Do you think he has to dig out combo-clot-hairballs from his fronthole? How regularly?
What do you think they smell like?
I'd put my bet on... You ever smelled old cottage cheese? Okay, imagine cottage cheese thats been sitting in a ziplock bag in the tighty-whiteys of an obese fellow from one of those durka durka countries for a few weeks, and then combine that with old cum. THat's what I bet it smells like on the outside.
On the inside? Wew lad... Absolute horrorshow. Ultra-violence worthy.

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Stay invisible and I don't give a fuck.
and stay the fuck away from me and my family you freaks.

Stop making this thread, Denmark. You're not going to convince anyone here, don't pretend like you will.

>I look forward to your suggestions!

We should just completely ignore them. No hate, no love, just ignore. That would solve the problem.

If she didn't have hormone blockers, she would have gone thru a very painful male puberty. Luckily science has advanced enough to help her and others.

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Because you're an ugly brown faggot.

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Friends with a girl with gender dysphoria who wants to become a guy. Doesn't get bullied but is still suicidal. Claims it's part of the dysphoria. Could this be true? Also trans women aren't real women get the fuck out of the restroom trying to get little girls just cause' you identify as one.

Or the mods could DO THEIR FUCKING JOBS for once.

Kys faggot


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Well, hes still gonna go through puberty, it'll just be later, when he grows out of this phase and realizes what hes done to himself.
Like that kid John Money molested.

Dude lives don't matter? Get over yourself self absorbed, narcissistic masturbation frenzy. Nobody gives a fuck about your genitalia! Stop taking sad-face selfies. There is only one thing you need fucking indulged and spoiled you are.

Prescribing them testosterone instead of estrogen when they say they dont feel like men should probably help.

Please an hero for the good of the American Reich

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her anus will always be her real pussy

They aren't Trans, thats a lying label you created or accepted.
They cannot be trans, by definition, that is a condition of movement. You're lying.

Because you have a penis.... and no mutilating it and turning it inside out will not change that.

I know, right?
These people are going to have a really rough time when the US goes into civil unrest and they're getting dragged behind Toyota pickups on the daily.
Only then will they realize how good they had it when people DIDN'T go full-fash road-rash on them.
You never know what you've got til its gone... Kinda like these trannies and their cocks.

if your family is anything like you they're probably a lot more dangerous and threatening than the average trans person

post benis

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This is actually the first positive feedback I've gotten in these threads. Gives me hope to carry on, thank you.

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>How can we make society more accepting and tolerant to this marginalized and vulnerable group?
We can have people pray for their souls after the public hanging....

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>Many trans/genderfluid people are bullied and as a consequence suffer from mental health problems
Other way around

Ugh this again. Looks like I'll be adding TRANS to the filter.

okay that's actually 11/10

bait. seriously you struck gold with that one.


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I want to suck their feminine penis

Stop posting on multiple IPs while spamming your tranny shit.
Its very rude.

Despite your rampant shilling, you have failed to accomplish your goal.
Excepting your astroturf, everyone still hates faggots, and shemales all the more.

Not according to Jesus Christ

Nobody cares that you're gay bro, keep it to yourself.

How bout trips get benis

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Traps aren't gay

Seriously, which discord are you coming from?
And holy fuck how shit is the moderation here? I've been banned on this board for posting porn, and you've got transfaggots spam-shilling the board with this trash?
Fuck's sake.

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It's not a vagina, it's vicious gaping wound. You can't make man into fully functioning woman with reproductive organs producing eggs with her unique genetic legacy.
You know, when there will be renaissance after incoming civilization collapse, future scholars taking interest in ancient history will probably consider so-called "gender reassignment surgery" to be some extreme torture based on castration with additional body horror and used to punish worst criminals society has.

No, Skylar won't ever go thru male puberty. You need to read up on gender transition, pal.

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They sure are bro, they sure are.
And so are you.

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>front hole
Call it what it really is..... (and I don't just mean the front hole)

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fuck off reiko

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Yes, he will. One day, probably not all that far down the line, he'll realize this was all for popularity and he'll regret it and try to reverse. That's what most transfaggots do, btw.
Or else he'll just kill himself.

> Traps aren't gay
They are to straight guys. But you can be " not gay " with all your gay trans friends all you like.

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Mentally ill people.

Its a front-hole.
That's literally all it is.

On a woman, it might be a vagina, but on THAT?
Its just a hole made by someone ice cream scooping out the parts that actually work to make a front-hole for fags to cum in.

He'll have to clean it out constantly too. Big ol hairballs covered in puss and old cum and scabs and shit dude, super gross.

i've seen other people saying positive things about trans people.

i might suggest, though, that this is not the best place to be if you're looking for hope. this place is like an intellectual downtown public restroom.

though i do see value in that. Jow Forums has its place.

>being this deslusional
This isn't war dumb fuck , we have rules in the first world pedro.

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Astroturf as fuck senpai.
I wonder if its the mods doing this...

> this place is like an intellectual downtown public restroom.
What like a place full of trannies who fuck and suck each other dinglies?

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Tolerance got us into this mess. We need to start getting real tribal and xenophobic smart quick.

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We can help these people by reopening state insane asylums.

Not trans, XXY Chromosome

It's not a vagina, It's a wound and the body rejects it by trying to close it.

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Thats not a bad idea.

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Amazing that it never occurred to those freaks to maybe raise ONE child as their natural gender. Nope. They're all trans.

irrelevant, and irrelevant. you should reply to what i actually said.

>faggot goes to prison
>they put him in the ladies prison because muh fee fees
>he fucks all the cunts because he's the only thing there with a dick
>move him into the fag prison
>he fucks all the fags because he's the only thing with a front-hole

Hahahaha holy shit dude my sides.

>but on THAT?
I didn't mean the front hole, I meant the thing that had it.

Oh so a genetic abomination rather than a mental invalid. Thanks, the distinction really helps

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>irrelevant, and irrelevant.
This is the kind of shit you did in that other thread as well dude.
Why don't you address what they said instead of just dodging it like that, you slimey kike faggot? Fucking lel.

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Ahhh, I get you.

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Literal biologic aberration.

You should be ashamed of yourself for having that picture on your hard drive.

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so i should reply to his irrelevant dodge?

again, i'm not jewish. but i wouldnt' care if i was.

People sometimes need to get smacked the fuck up.

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this isnt a tranny.

Where do you think we are?
Shame doesn't live here anymore.
The princess is in another castle and the Jow Forumsncess is on another chan.

>so i should reply to his irrelevant dodge?
There you go, dodging again.

And no I didn't say dogging you fucking freak calm down.

trans people suffer from mental health problems because they're trans not because of bulling.
Their whole unnatural belief that they are a sex they are not really is all the proof you should need.

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