What is it about Trump that causes liberal to sperg out so much?

What is it about Trump that causes liberal to sperg out so much?

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>and that's a good thing

It's like a huge shitlib circle jerk and they're all reading out of the same playbook

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He’s the only guy in modern US history that isn’t controlled Opp/doesn’t play ball.

And his rhetoric is moderate mind you, but it horrified them, because they know he means it, and can do it.

Good job americans, now put them in the fema camps.

Trump isn't a fascist. I wish he were, though.

For everyone on the left it's about abortion. They all think that Kavanaugh's going to walk in on his first day, get some coffee and overturn Roe v Wade. Abortion is a central plank of the Democratic platform and, apparently, the voters don't have a solid grasp of civics if they think RvW has a significant chance of being overturned anytime soon, but that's the motivation for sperging.

To put it in perspective, he “wasn’t supposed to happen” to the same extent which Hitler or Napoleon weren’t, and they honestly are mostly in fear that Pandora’s Box is open.

But that’s unfounded. He’s a Manhattan Democrat, not Julius Caesar. They just went a good sixty + years without ever actually losing.

Should we rename NPC's who lead other NPC's as BOSSES?

Well, they’re very invested in assuring their voters that that’s the case. I’m telling you, they have not lost in their sock puppet system a single time since LBJ, and they have no idea what’s even going to happen, now that it supposed to happen guy, has happened.

the same reason that right wing attacks on Obama were always stupid and not on point

>he's a Muslim
>he's a commuist
>he's kenyen

I always thought these attacks were stupid when the right did them because they are obviously false

now the left is doing the same kind of shit over Trump and it is just as stupid

there are plenty of real criticisms of both Obama and Trump and I think arguments are best kept to the legitimate ones because people in the middle are most likely to listen to rational arguments

don't cry wolf about shit that's only happening in your head, stick to the facts

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Trump is a nationalist who doesn't owe anybody favors for getting elected, unlike every other POTUS who relied on the regular cabal of billionaires to ensure he was elected and did their bidding. This is highly dangerous to the usual order of things, where puppet candidate wins and you can control him to continue milking the system.

Fucking based

the difference is Trump's own party was after him, in fact literally every media outlet except Bannon's Breitbart, and every political party in the US including the GOP was trying to kill off Trump by any means necessary, not just opposition taking silly potshots at ObamaLlamastan.

Womp womp

>republibergs pissing off the non evangelocucks by preventing dead nog babies

Never gonna happen.

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i'm getting real tired of seeing these people wail about all these horrible things that exist only in their heads yet they speak of them like the living truth.

A white man becoming president right after Obama and in defiance of Hilldawg is anathema to the cult of diversity.

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lol, what did he do to deserve any of this? The thing that turned me on to Trump was videos of people asking this question to liberals. They never once gave even a 'kinda' answer, just squirmed.
They all loved him just a few years ago. He was also my favorite WWE star back in the day.

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and a whole lot of white hat military,intelligence, and patriots are backing him up and supporting him against the (((Luciferian )))death cults...

She activated her almonds?

They complain about everything.

YEA how they fail to grasp that all those social justice policies were bullshit when faced with real Problems like economic stagnation and unchecked immigration with rapid demographic shifts

They are like spoiled children. They had Obama for 8 years and now they throwing temper tantrums when they dont get their way.

god i wish it were that way for real

the direct and visceral reminder they get that they were part of the losing side every time he says something

It's just their programming.

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>the same reason that right wing attacks on Obama were always stupid and not on point
>>he's a Muslim
>>he's a commuist
>>he's kenyen
but we didn't extend that to everyone that supported him.

Simply put: Trump went with the Republican party. That was enough to piss off the left etc. He's said as much. He's one to not only stab you while looking you in the eye but twists it with a smile all the while. During the election, he made US politics look like a joke. HRC played old politics while Trump was brutally honest.

Abortion isn't in the Bill of Rights. It's the abject violation of them.

>I will become ACTIVATED

MKUltra confirmed

Used to love Conan until he turned into a massive virtue signaling faggot

Just saying if I was working with the FBI or what have you this would be person of interest number one on my list.

Many for every American who desperately wanted to break the cycle of our politics, there's another person who felt safe in that cycle.

They literally believe the propaganda from the media is Truth. You’d hate Trump too if you believe Cuomo.

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>a bloo bloo drumpf threated muh rights
Please. I'm a LGBT trump supporter and life has literally never been better for me. The economy doing so well means I'm making more money than I ever have.

These people literally think the sky is falling because of their stupid little twitter/CNN echo chamber all repeat how every little thing he does is the end of the world when very little the president does actually affects the average person. In reality, US presidents in general don't have as much power as shitlibs would like you to believe. And the only things the Trump HAS done that have had an impact on the average person have been positive. So why are these people so upset?

Trump is a winner

liberals are losers

it's that simple

fox sucks cox man im sorry

>So why are these people so upset?

They're stupid and insane.

Fox is literally fair and balanced.

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>hey let's give this giant entity unprecedented control over the lives of a third of a million people
my only wish during this entire debacle has been that liberals will realize nobody wants the federal government

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Red-pilled and based.

obama was definitely subversive as fuck.
he fired alot of good men from the army and replaced them with fags.

>a leader on social justice, women's rights and fag shit

obama really did a number on these people. you talk about trump derangement syndrome but obama sent these people to a fucking parallel universe for 8 years it seems

Basically the same thing that made the Confederacy sperg over Lincoln: he doesn't owe them shit.

I mean the root issue is that progs have gradually become insane spegs totally divorced from reality, but Trump in particular aggravates them because he won without caring about a single one of their listless pieties, in fact by flaunting them. Now they know that you can win America without giving a fuck about their insane pet project, so they scream with rage and horror.

the twitter blue tick club are the front row seats at a pop star concert thinking their idol is making eyes at them.

It wasnt his turn

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