Why are liberals so violent?
Destiny: I've Moved on to the Real Political Violence Level
Isn't that the guy who was shilling for ethical child porn?
did anyone report him to twitch?
Jesus Christ, is that really all he can squat? That is the most embarrassing shit I've ever seen. I see tiny girls squat more than that at my gym.
yes, I'm an out of shape dough boy but I still squat 125lbs
Are those 22lb plates? Weak shit. I started at 45lb wtf
this faggot is a videogame streamer yet his subplebbit is completely devoted to left wing politics...
How do we stop him bros? he beats us in debates, now he beats us irl. :(
jesus christ women squat more than that wtf is wrong with liberals
what's this pound shit cunt fuck me no one says pounds ya fucking fuck it's kilos
it's fucking "Trumpublican", it's not difficult to remember
>that form
>Lmao no pl8s
>Ethical CP
Is he still allowed on the internet? Instead surprised. Also sage.
holy fuck that image is so fucking funny and so embarrassing at the same time
literally who?
Yeah but it’s ethical.
>he is still on twitch
He makes alot of money and have alot of whales so he makes Twitch money
I guess that if he tries to squat more, all the stress will activate a herpes breakout.
But surely people have reported this to twitch?
Wow squatting what 20 whole pounds.
Violently lashing out is always the answer when you can't actually back up your arguments or your cause through words.
Someone trolling compared me to him on here. Ots funny because i squat lol 3 plate
if aussies adopt imperial measures we could unite and be the most powerful empire on earth
>we could unite
I doubt you would bring back the monarchy, so it's not happening.
Liberalism is based on Marxism, Fascism, National Socialism, and Communism...
Liberalism in the early 20th century was based on Innovation and Technology and not so much about these other National Socialist things. Germany and Britain were the great National Socialist Countries because that is where European Marxism originated from.
The house of Windsor is outright demonic. We need a true royal family to lead and unite all the Anglo peoples.
>The house of Windsor is outright demonic
They are being held hostage by the Rothschilds and their parliament.
I'll let your comment slide due to the suffering of being under the Zionist propaganda.
Fuck you cunt it's pounds keep your metric garbage
The Windsors can be traced straight back to Italian Jewish banking families.
Bring back the Stewarts, the last British royal family.
If Twitch were to just up and disappear overnight I honestly wouldn't give a shit.
Twitch completely ruined the concept of streaming.
Streaming used to be a fun hobby for random people, not some faggoty platform for panhandlers and literal whores.
No thanks
>barely any weight on the bar
>does 3 reps
>ahhh, it's heavy
he has the body of a child, it's not fair to compare him to yourselves
Oh good! If he lifts he might resemble a normal human being
Why are liberals such faggots?
Why does Jow Forums always turn into /cow/ on friday nights and Saturdays?
Anyways, DesTINY is a confirmed pedophile. The moar you know.
>that horrific squat form on only 30kg
Lel, I'm pissing myself scared here
Destiny tier in vid
That webm is excellent, leaf. Well done.
not landing that punch saved this kid a beating
I don't get how he can say that he wants political violence against conservatives and not get banned off twitch. Surely that is against their TOS Not that it matters, I want him to say shit like this. People like him cause people in the middle to move right.
Acts like he was a pro. He was never near it. He's always been bad at everything he does but troll. He's the original alt right troll
Why is he so scared of Ryan Faulk?
He is obviously unhinged
Should lay off the shrooms for a while
He is like 4'11'' and does Twitch all day, cut him some slack.
he's just mad that he keeps getting gnomed
lel I bet most of us could squat two destinies
what a s oy faggot
His form is even at this weight so shitty... Hes overextending his knees way to much, I hope he gets knee problems kek
He permanently damaged his back with those exercises, press F.
tread theme
holy fuckin shit that was too funny. Do you have more of this?
Somebody tell Dame Pesos to make more soilless Matt episodes or fuck off my internet. Post them on a different channel it's not like they're suitable for advertisers anyways.
I can bicep curl more than that.
How is it possible for a late 20s early 30s male to be that weak? Those are basically bodyweight squats and he can barely stand up lmao.
Got a source or story on this webm?
>Hmmm, Upgrades.
He was already arrested for it, out on bail
yeah but he got banned for a month and came back again
Somebody tell him that gymbros turn into conservatives.
You can actually see the dudes eyes shift downward to notice the clenched fist, he knew that was coming. What a bro.
based af
wheres this from
They’re prob 25 pound plates. But yeah he’s not doing much, most people curl with that amount
this is fuckn gold. that agro little ranga is turning beetroot red after getting the whatsup from godsqaud.
It’s going to be funny seeing these twitch streamers go poor. People like destiny have no real skill and streaming won’t last forever.
to think I used to actually like this guy back in the day
Reminds me of the webm of the soigremlin who is squatting just a bar
Notice he took his attention off the leftist. big mistake
He also employed the buddy system, and that saved him.
That kid will never forget lmao.
> Squats 40lb
> Doesn't own guns
We're Literally Shaking.
That's a jew throwing that sucker punch.
The shirt pointing too is too much
fucken hell this is like the 5th thread ive seen this in and I watch it at least 10 times in each one. Fucking 10/10 work of art. That faggot embodies the definition of onions and gets laughed at like the manchild he knows he is
I'm really curious why he didn't proceed to beat the shit out of him. If someone shoots at you and misses, you don't just shrug it off, you draw down and put down, because you know they've already broken the law trying to use deadly force against someone over words, so you protect yourself and everyone around you by disabling such a faggot.
you don't know what jurisdiction it's under, or how extreme the christian group is
It's a Christian group so they probably practice that pacifist bullshit. I think the optics of this turned out way better though. Weak chicken arm cuck takes a swing and gets emasculated more than he already is, guy shows restraint not beating up the physically disabled, like he was 0 threat and something to be laughed at. It just makes the left look more and more like spergs while we are reasonable and civilized
Take a look at your country, pick the worst things you can find (like antifa, gang violence, pedo, rapes... just pick your personal worst) and ask yourself: what didn't conservatives do anything about this (because let's face it, they didn't)?
And that's your answer. they are violent because someone has to in order to change things
Can't watch the webm. Is there a YouTube link? Shiet
Yeah, I suppose you're both right. Gotta get enough people on your side before the heresy purge can commence.
Source for the vid, same dude who shot the Portland mob of peace hitting the cars.
Yeah i'm pushing it hard kek
Holy shit learn to grammar nigga.
Now, to answer what I think is your argument, conservatives think that by taking the moral high ground they can persuade their opponents to join them. This is due to a bastardized version of Jesus' teachings that was shilled by the Catholic Church and none of the other denominations seem able to go back to the original "use nonviolent protests and shaming tactics, but if the enemy doesn't have shame and has no compunctions against killing you, go scorched-earth on their asses."
Plus, the majority of Republican politicians are working together with the Democrats to destroy the country and only play at being enemies like this is WWE.
You might not want to be a pile of muscle in a civil war scenario. You'll soon struggle to eat your fill.
Holy shit I would snap the cunt like a twig
fecking mogged
22 pounds is 10 kilos but I am sure those are 5 kilo plats. Which is 30kg in total he is squatting.
I'm surprised he hasn't wrapped a towel around the bar though 30kg wouldn't even put pressure on the back of my dick
>when a woman has a more defined jawline than you do
So, conservatives are dumb enough to think they can convince someone who is in a self-proclaimed moral high ground too...
And on top of that, they vote to a party that is working to destroy the country?
Fucking hell, the conservatives really are useless... no wonder why liberals have to do the hard work
>back with 2x25’s
That’s a benefit not a crutch
>"use nonviolent protests and shaming tactics, but if the enemy doesn't have shame and has no compunctions against killing you, go scorched-earth on their asses."
Checked and respect.
don’t look like 25s tb h more like 10s. could be wrong tho i train with with standardised kg pl8
Every man starts somewhere brother HH
He will never be a gymbro. You have to have alot of will to stick with it and if you have strong will, you would not be a lefty soiboi in the first place.
>"w-why is he still in twitch!?b-ban him!!!"
trying to silence the person who destroys them everytime