Anders Breivik

I just watched "22 July" and I have to say, Anders Breivik is the fucking man. He sees his country going to shit, and spends a long time doing something about it. When chasing the little commies, he says "you are going to die today Marxists, liberals, members of the elite!"
Keep in mind, the AUF are communists, that is where their history comes from. Based Anders will be the uncuck.

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Other urls found in this thread:

I thought the masturbation scene was unnecessary personally, but otherwise a good movie

so based

It's mediocre, but satisfying in major part of senses "fuck'omentary"

Liberalism is based on Marxism, Fascism, National Socialism, and Communism...
Liberalism in the early 20th century was based on Innovation and Technology and not so much about these other National Socialist things. Germany and Britain were the great National Socialist Countries because that is where European Marxism originated from.

Ffs really....
Is there a torrent out?

Its on


I've seen better b8 scraped off highway asphalt.

Attached: Roadkill2.jpg (1300x1300, 317K)

Why shoot up an island of does that solve anything....

>Anders Breivik

Anders is a hero. What is sad though is that out of 800 MILLION white men, only one stood up to defend his people. Imagine all of the 60+ white male Christcucks who could take up arms and secure a future for white children, but instead they're going to sit around watching golf and riding their Harleys before shitting themselves to death in a nursing home while being abused by nogs and spics. It's fucking pathetic.

If I could kill everyone 55 and over with the flip of a switch--I'd flip it twice.

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I thought it was even handed, breddy gud


You're an idiot.


That was the next generation of pro-immigration commie Labor politicians

>be a retarded autistic
>murder a bunch of kids
>turn them into martyrs
>cry and threaten hunger strike in prison because you don't have a ps3 and vidya for it

yeah i can see why folk on Jow Forums think he's a hero

They omitted some things to make it more palatable to non Euro audiences. First of all, in Breiviks first trial appearance which you can look up, nobody gasped like they did in the film when he did the roman salute (he did the 'nazi salute' after he was convicted and returned to court for something else). Second, if you go on youtube and get his first trial appearance, you will be WTF when the entire group of judges and lawyers are super friendly with him, each one shaking his hand and smiling before the trial. This is apparently standard Euro faggotry before a trial, unlike here in N. America where you're essentially considered guilty before trial and nobody would dare even talk to you let alone shake your hand and have friendly banter, esp the fucking judge.

Third, the guy in film wasn't nearly as trollish as IRL Breivik. This is a guy who cried while watching his own propaganda in court and was constantly trolling any camera that came near him, and looked absolutely delighted in every picture. He literally wore a 'Marxist Hunter' tag with unlimited kills allowed. That's cruise control levels of terrorist trolling.

Thank you.

>be a one man army
>stage a coup attempt by yourself
>'liquidate' a camp filled with future leaders
>survive unscathed
>continue to troll on maximum levels from prison, like going on hunger strike until you get a hearing, then telling the hearing that you wish to apologize for not killing more communists

Breivik is like the most purest concentrated form of Jow Forums but totally insane at the same time

yeh i got it off pirate bay on tor

does he actually say the words "based and redpilled" in the movie or are anons spouting fake news

How does killing the ones who will grow up to destroy your country help. Oh wait its a leaf nvm.

Yep absolutely no reason not to. Lived a full life on the way to grave anyway. Disgusting selfishness.

The military fighting aged “kids” on that island were the next cohort of the elite to open the migration floodgates. An entire leadership class gone in an instant.

Norway is better off in relation to its neighbor Sweden. The shitholing of Norway was thwarted at least temporarily. Take from that and the shooting what you will.

Don't cut yourself on those edges, kid.

This, Imagine some unhinged antifa killing a bunch of white Republican teenagers being praised by the left as the hero of the revolution...just picture that. That is not the way civilized people act. Besides, Anders does have the typical profile of a sociopathic killer, these people literally find any excuse to justify murders in their heads, going from political topics to religious ones.

Yeah it is. I'm a fucking dick to almost all older white men. I'm very quick to throw it right in their faces that they haven't done a fucking thing to save the white race and instead spend all their time on bullshit entertainment they should get off their fat asses; I also tell them that I'm not interested in any of their political opinions until they actually win some battles.

t. zhang

How is it edgy? most were above the sexual age of consent? Above the sexual age of consent but their kids. Incredible mental gymnastics.

These kinds of political terrorist kilings happen all the time, the Taliban pulled one off in 2014 killing 132 future officers of the Pakistan military

In Latin America in the 1970s this happened all the time too.

Anders was a young man. Who threw it all away making the ultimate act of selfishness. Very strong mental resolve desu.

He targeted the camp because multiple left leaning politicians had kids there and their supporters and friends. The rest of the kids came from areas knowing for being left leaning.

you are very gay. i have a feeling you're just sitting around watching golf and riding your harley just like all the other little faggots.

not based. he's a fucking do-nothing faggot just like the ret of you.

>esp the fucking judge
you're a fucking idiot. judges are basically referees. as long as you're polite, they're going to treat you just like any other person.

and what are you doing, king faggot? sitting on your fat ass just like everyone else. god, you're pathetic.

you're a fucking idiot. No judge in the history of the US has ever walked off the bench, and shook hands and smiled with the defendent before the trial, let alone somebody accused of mass murder, as the jew lawyers would scream bias and have the judge removed. That's why that was cut from the movie, because nobody outside of Euro countries would understand what's happening.

believe in something, even if it means everything

>How many people have died?

Was it actually a politically neutral film? Not a scathing criticism?

Instead of getting mad at the slimes he went to the root and dealt with the next crop of the ones who are driving the agenda.
Not a nice thing to do but the guy wasn't fucking round.
History will come to see him favorably after a couple hundred years.

>implying nogs and pakis will write anything down

where is that scene where he spares someone because "he didn't look like a leftist"?

watching it atm
pretty good so far

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Jesus dude stop embracing yourself and pick up a book.

I don't hear 'Norway yes ' as much as their neighbours, or Germany, or France, or UK. Intimidation works. There is a reason we don't see Mohammed cartoons anymore.

Now we wait for a Norwegian cuck faggot poster who lost a commie friend on the island to tell us how bad he really was.

How do I access the pirate bay on tor

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>Why shoot up an island of does that solve anything

He cut down the next generation of leftist leaders. It would be like a Bong shooting up the College of Europe and wiping out the European Commission's entire next generation.

In all fairness Norway seems less cucked than most of its neighbours.....

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Thinking that shooting a bunch of teenagers is not destroying the credibility of the right and put more leftists in power

>destroying the credibility of the right and put more leftists in power

The right has no credibility, and Breivik is considered an insane lone wolf. The left has all the power in practice and any effort to systematically undermine that state of affairs is a good thing.

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That's just wrong. The anti-immigration party has done great the last years. Immigration is down and emigration is up. It's not perfect but ABB did help Norway.

>when your life gets so bitter and angry that you cheerlead for a mentally-ill mass-murderer because the suffering he caused children makes you feel a pang of something other than interminable depression

It's Jow Forums, half of you might be joking or grow out of it, but the other half; get help please. It might change your life.

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I bet he fucks around on /pol. Video:

>Liberalism is based on Marxism, Fascism, National Socialism, and Communism...
you fucking nincompoop, liberalism is considerably older than all of them

>Breivik is like the most purest concentrated form of Jow Forums
If only Europe had even 1,000 men like him ready take a stand.

>and spends a long time doing something about it.
He spent years playing World Of Warcraft and when his money started to run out and he had finished his copy-paste "manifesto" he decided to start buying chemicals and a rifle like 1-1,5 years before the attack

Future elites of cucks politicians

Fuck off kikes. Brieving was a kike puppet and so are you for idolising him

Look into it, you will find the answer

At around 4:43 in this video, they show some of his film he made. Everything he typed out is what can be read every day on /pol. Here:

Wikipedia says he only got 21 years for this? Is that right?

Angry anders big day out had more impact than millions of ballot sheets.

he may be a batshit crazy psycho, but hes definitely our batshit crazy psycho

Jesus, this dude would fit in nicely here. Wikipedia: "On the day of the attacks, Breivik electronically distributed a compendium of texts entitled 2083: A European Declaration of Independence, describing his militant ideology.[11][12][13][14] In them, he lays out a worldview encompassing opposition to Islam and blaming feminism for giving rise to a European "cultural suicide".[15][16] The texts call Islam and "Cultural Marxism" the enemy and advocate the deportation of all Muslims from Europe based on the model of the Beneš decrees, while also claiming that feminism exists to destroy European culture.[17][18] Breivik wrote that his main motive for the atrocities was to market his manifesto.[19]"

>Angry Anders big day out

It's not rocket science lad

Attached: Brevik's Law.jpg (920x624, 37K)

>actually believing if you kill your enemies they win

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is that fucking mussolini reincarnate

>kekistan image
glow in the dark niggers should off themselves

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I will not condone the killing of teenagers and children. This is muzzie tier shit.There is no guarantee that all of them would have entered politics. Hell, some of them might even have become right wing in rebellion against their parents. He could have gone for the actual politicians(the truck bomb doesn't count it didn't kill any politicians), but they have bodyguard that shoot back. What a coward.

Anyone who supports this shit loses the right to talk shit about muslim terrorists, because he did exactly what they do.

"If you kill your enemies, they win"

God bless the German value of never fighting back.

>Why shoot up an island of does that solve anything....
It solves more than doing nothing to you politicians and judges like you Cucks and the unloicenced Brits

Learn to read retard. You go after your actual enemy not their children. There is no honor in it.

This movie helped me redpill my wife.
>yes honey he is a crazy radical who kills youngsters. But fundamentally he is not incorrect

>You go after your actual enemy not their children.
So its okey to shoot members of "Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands" but its not okey to shoot members of "Arbeitsgemeinschaft der JungsozialistInnen in der SPD"
Even tough the latter will eventually take over the first one

If that's the hill you want to die on, go ahead Hans.

Where can I purchase

I take offense. But yeah they are surely doing better than Sweden.
Granted Norway didn't get their independence from Denmark until just one century ago.

>kills white people instead of redpilling them
Teach the traitors, Anders just snuffed out future white kids. How is Jow Forums this dense?

Killing is not my style personally, I would never do it. But if you have to kill people, go for the actual targets.

Not really the same as muzzie terrorists muzzies shouldn't be in europe or the west. Traitors deserve no rules of engagement and deserved to be swinging in the breeze from lamp posts.

Just because their parents are traitors doesnt mean they will be how adorable. Do you think just because a niggers dad acts like a nigger doesn't mean he'll grow up to be a nigger?

>>be a one man army
>>stage a coup attempt by yourself
>>'liquidate' a camp filled with future leaders
>>survive unscathed
>>continue to troll on maximum levels from prison, like going on hunger strike until you get a hearing, then telling the hearing that you wish to apologize for not killing more communists
>Breivik is like the most purest concentrated form of Jow Forums but totally insane at the same time
He also saved his country from going Swedish tier suicidal. At least bought it some time.

>(((white people)))
Whatever their phenotype, they are Semites.

"One's idea of race depends on one's idea of man: the nature of each racial doctrine is determined by its conceptualization of the human being. All distortions in the field of racism derive from a materialist view of man, a view informed by science and naturalism. By contrast, at the very basis of my racial doctrine I placed the traditional idea of man as a being comprised of three elements: body, character and spirit. I argued that an exhaustive racial theory has to take all three elements into account by examining race in its threefold manifestation: as race of the body, race of the character, and race of the spirit. Racial 'purity' is found when these three races stand in harmonious balance with one another, each race shining through the other two. This, however, has long been only a rare occurrence. The most unwelcome consequence of the various cases of miscegenation which have occurred during the historical development of human society is... the divide and contrast between the three kinds of races within the same individual... I here argued, therefore, that three levels of racism ought to be distinguished in order to reflect the three kinds of races: the first level of racism pertaining to the race of the body, the second to the race of the character, and the third to the race of the spirit." - Julius Evola, The Path of Cinnabar

No way this guy acted alone, the farmhouse where he built the bomb was a hive of activity.

>Learn to read
It's basically tradition in history whenever a king, tsar or emperor became dethroned by an opposition that same opposition would also kill any offspring that could lay claim to heritage at a later point.

It's not about your personal honor anymore Hanz, it's about cleansing our lands of muzzies, marxists and jews

You mean daydreaming and larping about it.

Yes, indeed that is all someone like you is willing to do as demonstrated here:

like you are doing anything besides talking shit.

>go for the actual targets.
So lets talk about the targets
Gro Harlem Brundtland was supposed to be there during his attack on the island, he got delayed and she had left when he got there
Eskil Pedersen who was the leader of the youth wing was on site during the attack but he and some of the leaders of the youth wing escaped by taking the only boat on the island and escaping
Ali Esbati a "Swedish" politician (he is from the middle-east) was there to visit, he was married to a Norweigan ethnic woman who was a member of the Norweigan social-democrats
The average death of those on the island was 20 years old
Many of the leaders of AUF was on the island that day and many of them have seat in local municipals and regional parliaments
If they havent already many of them will move onto being part of the mother party and be leaders there

Hur dur let's just play their rigged game and vote our way out of this

I'm not the one accusing others of only daydreaming you filthy Kraut. What is it with you people and never accepting noble defeat? I've noticed that whenever a German is beaten into submission, he will keep coming back for more until his ass has been so thoroughly drilled that he is in two pieces. It is no wonder Arab men are so popular among German women.

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