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I am unironically voting for him in the 2020 CA primary. Let's go boys.

>CPL making an ass out of himself again

This guy's attention whoring knows no bounds. I wonder how much longer until the DNC suicides him.

freedom of the press doesn't mean freedom from consequences

The terrorist was a US RESIDENT? Whose stupid ass idea was that

oh right, creepy porn lawyer. thought the name was familiar... didnt democrats turn on him?

literally no country is saying anyting, even our turbo cucked PM who has nothing to lose by angering Saudis some more after they kicked out all our (((diplomats)))

everybody with access to intel knows this is some kind of shady spymaster vs agent shit. Khashoggi is related to a former famous arms dealer connected to EU and was writing propaganda for WaPo solely against Saudis and Drumpf. He's a state agent for Iran or some shit

Also yes please nominate Avenmeme to the DNC primary at least for the memes that would ensue

This guy really likes Jews.

Why isn't Avenatti OUR president yet?
He is handsome and has strong moral values, unlike Drumpf.

Stop shilling yourself here, Mike.

Saudis did 9/11


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Hes 5'4" lol

Avenatti danced in th streets after 9/11. Fact.

Honestly fuck that wall street journalist. Saudi killed some CIA deuce fucking around. He deserved what he got

>America has never murdered the resident of another country
why do people grandstand like this?

The truth? The House of Saud doesn’t have the intelligence apparatus to pull an operation like this off alone. Mossad was involved as the Arab shit was also a member of the Muslim Brotherhood. Israel does the legwork and arranges his appearance at the consulate and lets the Saudi agents do their business. In exchange Israel probably got good intel on other Muslim Brotherhood members.

I wonder how much more shilling he has to do to get to honorary jew status.

Trump is a pussy in every sense of the word. He can talk the talk, but when shit hits the fan, don't expect him to walk the walk. He's a 100% fraud.

it was turkey not sa

Didnt russia shoot down a passenger plane while obama was president?

lol, please do.

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1) wasn't he a literal terrorist belonging to al qaeda?
2) still no proof has come forward

I'm not in support of the Saudis either, but what the FUCK is Avenatti's problem? Do you think Trump is going to hash out the Saudi issue on Twitter?

Having your own party's moderates turn on you because they think you're overzealous and crazy isn't necessarily a disqualifying thing anymore.

This leaf gets it

If you haven't figured it out yet, twisting literally everything that happens in the world into an excuse to criticize Trump is kinda the left's entire thing these days.

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>US residents

Kek, what a faggot. The dead guy wasn’t a citizen, and new the risks. He still chose to go.

>Trump is President of the world

If you want to be mad at Saudi Arabia, try 9/11, or that time they gunned down hundreds of Americans in Las Vegas. Dead sand niggers, who are citizens of Saudi Arabia...thats when yoy get mad? Die in a fire, garbage.