Audio Leaked: Brittany Venti's boyfriend is completely fucking insane

Holy fucking shit. Here is leaked audio of Brittany Venti's ex-boyfriend screaming like a possessed lunatic at her while she calmly asks him to calm down.

Brittany truly is the virtuous queen of Jow Forums. A woman who dindu nuffin and lived with a mentally fucking lunatic.

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Other urls found in this thread:

The screaming starts at 3:36

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I would love to make beautiful mutt children with her

I want to cum inside.

Someone pls explain

Is this the girl that's a sub to her boyfriend and her boyfriend fucks around with other women?

>her bf is named Mason
pure cohencidence I'm sure

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Brittany and her bf broke up. Brittany claimed he was abusive and he claimed that she was abusive and they called each other liars.

Most people sided with the bf but Brittany leaked this audio that backs up her story.

She really is a good girl

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Her boyfriend turned out to be gay or somthing. He was fucking guys and sucking cock behind her back.

So you're saying I have a chance?

you need help

That's what she gets for dating a fag. Dude's queer than a football bat.
Wait really, I had the above reply ready before I read this

I'd lose my shit too if I had a whore of a girlfriend that bounced her tits around for beta bux and attention from other guys

Oh, I must be getting her mixed up with somebody else then.

Maybe, if i were an american in her area like you i'd give it a proper shot user

Who fucking cares?

Damn, guy's got a screw loose
Think you're thinking of Shoe0nhead

Unless she's running for president, she's not Jow Forums.

Not to mention she's dead to me, and a lot of people. I have no interest in someone who doesn't keep their word.

I'd wanna kill myself too if I was so gay I'd rather suck cock than play with Brittany's top tier tiddies

wasn't that 90s kid from HWNDU NY?
anyway hi Brittany

who the fuck added all that stupid ass music in it?
makes it impossible to hear what's really going on

is there a version that isn't retarded?

Oh yeah, I am. I think it was Venti that told the story about Shoe0nhead and that's why I associated her with the story.

hello Britney , SHOW BOB'S AND COOCHIE

Women can make any man crazy.

Fuck off Venti and clean your apartment whore

>caring about your appearance this much
unlike others, I liked the background music

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Is this the same guy from HWNDU?

Who is this underage whore and why should I care about people who shag her?

We all have a chance lad

The race is on

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and the fact that she's all nice and calm has nothing to do with the fact that she knew it was being recorded and he didn't?

I'd like to hear her when he's recording and she doesn't know.

Yes. That's where they met.

Truly /nu/pol, discussing an irrelevant brapwhore, truly political. Shame a yid has to remind you what this place is, you bunch of faggots

That guy always came off as creepy to me

At least Brittany is available now that the beta weirdo blew his chances with the Mutt Queen

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Holy fucking hell, even le creepy ambient music aside I'd be way too scared to sleep in the same house with someone like that. Mentally ill people scare the fuck outta me

Jeez that guy needs to take a chill pill

>I'd like to hear her when he's recording and she doesn't know.


I like how the background music is complementary with the freaking

too bad there aren't subtitles

Is that her booty?

That's nice too

Don't ever reply to my post without my permission again, you fucking lampshade.

Yeah it's A1

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I want to cum in her so many times my balls look like deflated balloons

No lie, I'd eat that booty like groceries

Hello Brittany if you read this please be my gf

hello. i noticed you posted something about an e-celeb on Jow Forums.

please fuck off back to you-know-where and, additionally, consider suicide. thanks.

what's wrong with her eyes

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>queen of Jow Forums
you can say that with anyone else but as soon as you use it with a nigger im going to personally become a mod and come to this thread 5 years later to delete it.

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where's the sex audio at?

She’s a slob who leaves food everywhere and has cockroaches

Wow, what a fucking psycho. People shouldn't ever have to put up with a person like that.

Muttius boobius

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Politics sucks, I'm just here for the memes and the ventiddies.

why do you even care? she's been proven to be a complete moron multiple times, ignore her and move on


>I have no interest in someone who doesn't keep their word.

what didnt she keep her word about?

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This is the political question of our time. Great thread, OP.

Boyfriend almost sounds like he has body dysmorphia, goes on a psychotic rant cause hes a model, about how he looks the same as he did last year. Brittany doing nothing to escalate it or fuck with him, gives him simple and real advice. like says, sounds like a great girl.

Only thing I can say at the end is fuckin New Yorkers.

That's literally someone having a psychotic break. Super fucked up I feel bad for them.

>Owns a cat

So does he look exactly the same as a year ago?

>praising women for living with lunatics
they feed on the drama aand dont want "boring" men

The size is about right
Don't care I like catfish gf

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Team peanut butter. If she wasn't going to follow through, she shouldn't have made the deal.

He got slightly chubby and she commented on it.

She said she'd post her tits on April Fool's Day if her team won. It did and she said it was just a prank brah

brit is a legit OCD hoarder who lets cats shit in her own bed.

go fuck yourself, OP. she's literal human trash.

>I wonder who leaked it
No i don't

I wonder who could be behind that post

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Those fucking thighs.

oh, did i need to post my credentials?
nycfag here. brittany is a legit psycho whore from queens who is a hoarder and lets cats shit in her own bed that she sleeps in.

Please go back to 9gag

I mean she's a liar. She said her room was dirty because Mason was throwing stuff on the ground but it looked like things had been laying there for days and growing mold. I bet she forgets to brush her teeth and/or shower sometimes. I mean all she really needs to do is stream.

They were both disgusting people, what a vile looking apartment.
you don't like rolling around on a bed with cat shit?

lmao this has to be staged. Who the fuck lets themselves go like that?
Body images are for fags and manlets tbqhwyfam.

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A good doggo

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Those are birthing thighs lads. When Civil War II goes down I'm securing her as my waifu.

guy is having a breakdown and she records it? what a fucking cunt

Holy fucking shit nobody cares OP kys

also this is not politics.

this dumb cunt rakes in more dollars per hour than the most highly skilled gamers on the planet who do amazing shit, and she just sits there and makes thousands per stream.

she is a low life titty streamer and contributes nothing, riding off the coattails of hwdunu nonsesne. she's literal trash.

Venti dated a retard (who else would date this quadroon) and now reveals she exasperated his mental shit to then reveal when she needed more monies from her retarded fans

Wait, shoe0nhead is a sub to her nigger boyfriend? Oh lawd.

Are gross

date Britney venti and she will record you at your lowest point in life. nice.

notice that she is also narrating the scene for the listener: you have scratches all over your body, stop hitting yourself, ...

>date Britney venti and she will record you at your lowest point in life. nice.
This. The quadrooon mentally abuses boyfriend, tapes and leaks info for personal profit.


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shut up you faggots. listen to the cuck fag himself who had to deal with her, then make your ... whatever.


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Venti is a dumb thot. Give me a tldr on the video

B..based j..j.jew..?

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wig0nhead is just some stupid slut from long island that brit attacked c ause shoe was hotter than her.

they're both useless holes to stick it in, at the end of the day.

It's the classic mistake by women. They think that men can't do the math that says "if she does that to him, what would she do to me?"

It's like women who will cheat on their bf/husband with some dude, and not figure out that the dude knows she will do the same to him.

Avoid damaged women.

all NYC apartments in older buildings have cockroaches

>preripped skinny jeans
>gay little leather boots
how did she end up with someone like this?

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Even if these aren't hers, they're fucking delicious.

>cause shoe was hotter than her
Yes and no, sho is white and a stacey.

I don't give a fuck about their shitfling. I want to know if the nigger is cucking her and if she likes that.

Yeah, except he almost kinda deserves it. Every incel on Jow Forums knows you can't act like that in front of your woman.