
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

ARCHIVE LINKS pastebin.com/ynXV6CHT
DAILY SCHEDULE (WH Press Corps) publicpool.kinja.com/
TrumpTV Weekly Updates: pastebin.com/6HbHjbqF

>Bannon: Trump @War re-up 9/28/18

>Pres Trump MAGA Rally in Lebanon OH 10/12/18
>WHVideo: A Message from Pres Trump on Hurr Michael 10/12/18
>Pres Trump speaks to press in OH 10/12/18
>Pres Trump departs DC 10/12/18
>VP Pence @Republican Party Fall Dinner 10/12/18
>Ivanka will end White Slavery 10/12/18
>Taylor BTFO 10/12/18
>HUDSec Sleepy Ben on OAN 10/12/18
>TreasSec Mnuchin on CNBC 10/12/18
>NECDir Kudlow on CNBC 10/12/18
>NECDir Kudlow outside WH 10/12/18
>CEAChair Hassett on FBN 10/12/18
>DepTradeRep Shea @CSIS on WTO 10/12/18
>AsstCommSec Redl @Brookings Inst on privacy 10/12/18
>USArmy Best Warrior Competition 10/12/18
>243 Years of USNavy History 10/12/18
>GOPAd: Hispanic Heritage Month 10/12/18
>This Week @State 10/12/18
>GOPAd: Unhinged Mob 10/11/18

OP pastebin: pastebin.com/nygxu29R

Attached: lewd holo.png (680x327, 264K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>anime in the OP
>never ever
>bullying for no hat
>unwarranted antisemitism
Did I forget anything?

Attached: hole the Sad Wolf.jpg (1920x1080, 208K)

fuck anime and jews and fug your benis :D



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We have the best obama folks

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That's okay fren

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post yfw no Joe today



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get off your high horse dumb frog

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Is the stock market tumble over yet?

does /ptg/ think he's straight?

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It rose a bit today

Give Lindsay a break. His boyfriend died of a brain tumor in August.

Lol I actually own a switch
Thanks saved


posts like yours and posts like the ones you mentioned are cringeworthy. you should all get some fresh air.

I don't get joe posting at thread limit and I don't want to get it

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saved but I wish the thumbnail showed apu. nobody bothers clicking on gifs that look blank. Extra chance of getting spooked too.

No way in hell

you can never tell with guys from SC because they all have that fag accent

did he scan some produce one at a time?

A 97 year old rich white man walked up to my family at the Wal-Mart and proceeded to beat my 3 month old daughter to within an inch of her life with his cane. When I asked him to apologize, he flipped me off then put on sunglasses and a MAGA hat and told me to "deal with it". This is normal in Trump's America!

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>mfw the new shill lines are ben shapiro talking points because the the overton window is already that far right

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i think a lot of people that post with foriegn flag are actually u.s citizens on proxy, like that porto and the Fins and others, they know way too much about u.s poltico not to be

Lindsey Graham has finally denied being gay but he did it in a weird way. "To the extent that it matters, I'm not gay."


>Talking about Robert E. Lee as he was known as a great general defeating the union despite being outnumbered and outgunned several times
>Telling the story of Robert E. Lee to explain General Grant

of course this kike would take it out of context and spam it all over twitter.

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New LA Times out yet?

not getting a switch til the next gen of pokemon comes out instead of faggy lets go pikachu

same user did halloween version too

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45 minutes

how do we stop him?

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I feel the same way as I did 2 years ago. Treat the polls with some skepticism because this is no ordinary presidency. October feels like it's dragging on forever.

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Fair enough
I think they are actually foreigners, remember USA is the most important country in the world everyone listens to the music and watches the movies

I agree, would change if I could

This has some serious potential, both in terms of persuasion and causing butthurt.

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>Lindsey Graham has finally denied being gay but he did it in a weird way. "To the extent that it matters, I'm not gay."

damn he took the bait, and answered terrible, this aint going away, this is aaron rogers, i really really like women moment

press F for lindsey cause hes going to have a bad time

mr stein, WHO CARES? lefty activists like you try to use this to convince righty activists on your activist site known as twitter and the other 98% of the country couldn't give a shit about trump complimenting robert e lee. only autists like you with no sense of the big picture "care" about making it a big deal

i don't think he is gay. but its fun to joke about it because he's unmarried and got an effeminate southerner accent.

He is never going to forgive the mainstream media for there smears. He is not leaning right he is leaning anti-media.

thank you didnt have this

Doesn't really matter. Libcucks trying to call him gay to smear him just makes them look really retarded. "Assuming his sexual orientation", etc.

Attached: WeLikeGaysUnlessWeDon't.jpg (591x346, 65K)

Why all the hate for .40S&W?

I felt that way about September

>"To the extent that it matters, I'm not gay."
It means that traps aren't gay user

I stretched this t-shirt over a frame and hung it in my kitchen

Remember who thy enemy is. Behind every societal ill and the disenfranchisement of The American way of life is a stinking lying Jew.

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cuz its not 5.56NATO

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But beware of that evil white male goyim

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Democrats create jobs, too. See? A police officer position just opened up ;^)

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>Behind every societal ill and the disenfranchisement of The American way of life is a stinking lying Jew.
Please elaborate.

she's not gay because it's not gay for women to like men

Jesus Christ, are you serious? Lindsey, buddy, no one cares that you suck dick on the side. You work in Sodom-on-Potomac. Of course you suck dick.

let him lean. all people are affected by the pull of the mob. its only a mark of the times, people change and lean and talk differently as time goes on.

its another try and turn /ptg/ into Jow Forums episode

doesn't really bother me though, wtf else u gonna talk about.

nothing wrong with .40, 9, or .45 its all your preference

this isn't the first time he made a denial. he made some weird comment a few years ago that was something like:
"Sorry boys, I aint gay... tee hee hee ;-)"

good morning /ptg/

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Its for women. At least it sort of keeps 40 cal projectile prices down

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Fuck you spic kike

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Precisely my thoughts, user. 9mm or .40S&W or fucking .41 magnum...whatever suits you.

It's not even that he's leaning anything. He hasn't really changed much. The left just went nutso so everyone not in the left is 'right-leaning'.

good morning, fren

wtf i thought guns were outlawed in australia

> he uses .40S&W

Its nighttime in America, Australia is right side up currently

that's not how it works dumbass, australia is only right side up in the winter time

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Ironic because I ended up being a Jow Forumslack because Jow Forums mods kicked me over here everytime I tried to start threads about shit in Syria

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Apparently one *can* own guns in Australia, it's just bureaucratic as fuck and altogether unpleasant.

He is a classy guy who keeps what happens in the bedroom quiet.

Mike Pence was in Indiana this evening, endorsing the Republican candidate for Senate there.

How are things in Northern Ireland? Will the kill catholic plastic paddy's or just real Irish catholics? Going next month.
Also your car rental options are soul crushing. I didn't even know they made car engines under 2.0l

>he uses anything but a smoothbore

Take in deep breathes through your nose slowly
exhale fully and slowly through your mouth
Close your eyes lightly
straighten your spine
Sit in a balanced way so that you don't have to engage any muscles to maintain the posture
focus on remaining lose
shut down all mental signals sent to the muscles of the body
except for breathing, slow controlled smooth breathing
focus on the present
eliminate all thoughts of the past
or worries/anticipation of the future
focus on your 5 senses and live in the present
if any thoughts other than the present enter your mind, push them out
to help you in this, imagine a fire, imagine feeling the warmth of that fire, the sight of it, try to simulate the feeling of fire in the mind until it almost feels real as if it were a dream
hold your hand over the fire until it gets so hot it burns
then plunge your hand into cool fine, loose sand
imagine the super fine sand like on a beach, squeeze the sand and feel it rub through your fingers
feel the sand consolidate into pebbles and let them drop out of your hand into a pool of water beneath you
drop the pebbles in the water, feel the droplets of the splash strike your skin
place your hands in the water and feel the moisture return to your hands
swish your hands in the water
take your hands out
imagine a breeze across your wet hands
it dries them off but also chills them
so return to the image of the fire to heat up your hands.
repeat the cycle of elements.
each time around the sensations feel more "real"
you notice that you are not longer having intrusive thoughts.
you can now concentrate on the present
you know know that your body is not you
you pilot your body, you send energy to muscles to engage them.
send energy to your root chakra but do not engage any muscles, let it pool naturally, push your energy towards the energy and feel pulled downward. concentrate on your material nature.
Now you are ready to climb

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the Jow Forums defense

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good to know, I guess

Here they are at work in Chile.
Like good little heebs, spreading their ideals of progressive universalism all across the globe.

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It's an uphill fight desu. For reasons completely unknown to me Donnelly is well liked in Indiana.

To be fair normies had the braaap meme first you fucking perverts

>anime image
Neck yourself immediately

Hey guys, I’m unable to sleep and was wondering if you all have any suggestions to make myself extra comfy and sleeepy?

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Are we being raided? Wtf is with all the low quality threads? And where the fuck are those gay ass mods

There's snow here

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One* under certain conditions and prerequisites, and it can only be certain types of rifles or handguns. And the police can demand to check where and how you keep your guns at any time they desire.

He only lets girls with penises fuck them

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>Democrats create jobs
Of course they do, Democrats have always cleaned up the Republican's mess. See pic related.

>No arguments
>No proof
K then.

>1 (ONE) Jew represents every single Jew in the world
Yeahhhh, no.

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It's nightime, most americans are asleep so assmad europoors get their proxies ready and start shitposting

>push your energy towards the energy
towards the earth*

the conquistadors that conquered the Aztecs were actually Spanish Jews

Lay down, get comfy and visualize your ultimate dream in life...immerse yourself in it...you'll be asleep in 5 minutes or less

yeah, stop using electronics an hour before bed.
sleep in a pitch black room. Drink some alcohol.
Take a shotgun blast through the roof of your mouth, etc.