White ethno-nationalism is civic nationalism

Sorry to break it to all the brainlet NPC's out there, but the ironic thing about white nationalists is if you were to ask them what they think of civic nationalism they'd probably call them "cucks" and how race is the most important thing. The delicious irony of that is if you identify as a white nationalist then you are a civic nationalist. You can't define white nationalism any other way other than to say you're a civic nationalist, because "whiteness" is about culture it's about what is perceived about being part of western culture. Which let me make clear I'm not suggesting that race isn't really or that it's a social construct, no race is VERY real. However on this board we see constant disagreement on which ethnicity's are white. "Are Italians white?" Are Greeks white?" "Are Slavs white?" Are Spanish white?" Many on here will say "no." Which is funny because that is where western culture originated from, ancient Greece, ancient Rome. Apparently they don’t count in the minds of many anons. Now let me ask you a question as to where the line is drawn when it comes to western culture, for example Romania, would you consider Romanians western? They're practicing eastern orthodox, but that comes from Constantinople which is the eastern Roman empire and what can be more western than the Roman empire. However they use the Latin alphabet instead of Cyrillic, so are they west are they east? Can you see how in culture there are gray areas? The same can be said in biology where things get even more complicated now I've been on this board for years listening to you guys spin your wheels endlessly arguing over what is white, never being able to come to a consensus and guess what? You never will, because it is bullshit. Now this is where things get really complicated see whiteness is a descriptor of culture however its become conflated with race and now you have people believing "white" describes something in biology which it doesn't.

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When we look at the groups that are generally accepted as being white for example German, English, French. Now would you say there is no difference between and Englishman and a Frenchman? Or would you say those are the same thing? Because if you believe as I do that race has to do with biology as those of us who are true racists know this goes more than skin deep. For example, because I don't have any Ashkenazi DNA I will never be susceptible to Tay-Sachs disease and because I don't have any African DNA I don't have to worry about Sickle Cell, which tells you that there are different between different humans. In fact I would go so far as to say, and this is where things get really racist, that the term homo sapiens as just one species is kind of deceptive. There are distinct sub species, but we're just compatible enough to produce offspring. English people are rude, Irish people are drunks that can't hold their liquor, Italian people talk with their hands all the time. This is true shit and it's genetic, all the different ethnicity's of "white" people are not the same.

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Now about IQ, a lot of people make the mistake of assuming IQ= intelligence and I'm not saying that IQ is bullshit or that it doesn't measure something real just that it only measures a specific kind of intelligence. Now intelligence comes in many forms. A great example of what I'm talking about is a man by the name of Chris Langan who for a long time held the record for having the highest IQ and despite this he is a dumbass. Now Chris writes a lot of editorials were he talks about race and he has expressed some rather short sighted ideas on the subject. Once he wrote about koko the gorilla now if you remember koko the gorilla was famous for having learned hundreds of words in sign language. Now kokos IQ was measured and it was measured between 65-90. Now Chris made the argument about African immigration into Europe expressing how dangerous it is by comparing kokos IQ of 65-90 and sub Saharan Africans average IQ which is between 65-70. Which by the was this is my evidence that Chris Langan is an idiot despite his incredibly high IQ. Because if you believe a gorilla is more intelligent than any variety of homo sapiens than you're an idiot. A humans brain is so much more advanced than that of a gorilla as gorillas doesn't even posses the theory of mind and that is to say, if you're interacting with a gorilla and then you were to leave the room once you later return to that room it would never occur to the gorilla that you might have experienced something outside that room.

White is another term for European Christendom you low iq idiot. This is why light skin Mongols aren't considered white. Fool.

The gorilla would never ask you a question like "how was the weather?" Now just to reiterate a white nationalist is a civic nationalist. Hitler wasn't a "white" nationalist he was a German nationalist which is a true example of being a ethno-nationalist because being white wasn't good enough you had to be a German. So get fucked stormfront, get fucked reddit and embrace civic nationalism.

Yes, basketball-Americans are violent stupid pavement apes and (((merchants))) are greedy and sneaky. Yes, it's hardwired into their DNA. Nevertheless, race isn't as simple as you may think. Indians and Japanese are both "Asians" but Indians don't fap to futanari and there are no designated shitting streets in Tokyo, so what does "Asian" really mean?

Niggers are white.

Asia is a continent you low iq mutt.


Look all I’m saying is if you’re going to be a ethno nationalist you have to limit it to one ethnicity that is the definition of ethno nationalism. You can be a German nationalist a French nationalist ect. but you can’t be a “white nationalist”

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Moron, Chris Langan was clearly stating that niggers were subhuman low iq retards and using the ape argument as bait. Retard.


And by him coming off as a retard that doesn’t know the first thing about the human brain was supposed to be persuasive how?

>I was only pretending to be retarded

97% of your niggers vote democrat you idiot.

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White is another term for European Christendom you braindead inbred.

Kek this leaf is seething. Let me guess you’re a mutt of several different “white” ethnicities?


that's a long fucking way to say "europeans aren't all the same"

European culture doesnt mean Liberalism since that is a pretty recent phenomenon.
That's like saying European culture is Communism, since it comes from Europe and was widely used.

Neither of those mean European culture, they are just a few hudred years old ideologies.
European culture is much older and for the most time, Europeans were ruled by monarchs.
Monarchy is therefore European culture, since it, throughout history, has been the most used in Europe.

Also please stop using the "X is not white meme" it is easy to tell who is and isnt white and if you cant, youre not white.

Mongols aren't white and they're lighter skinned than most Europeans. White is another term for the cultural, religious and ethno-lingustic grouping of European Christians.

Not gonna read that novel but I'm straight with everybody that wants to be about real American values. Mostly born out of Christian teachings. My enemy is the current left which is plum insane.


Fucking leaf changing your flag doesn’t change you ID. We still know you’re a fucking leaf.

>hurr durr I cant thinm logically so my point is automatically valid as long as I say it and i have a belief behind it

>>I was only pretending to be retarded
This doesn't apply whatsoever to what Langlan did and further evidence of your retardation. Any further post by you in this thread are the seeds of a retarded mind and there is nothing of value to be grown from them.

This is gibberish



>However on this board we see constant disagreement on which ethnicity's are white. "Are Italians white?" Are Greeks white?" "Are Slavs white?" Are Spanish white?" Many on here will say "no."
polacks are referring to the habitants of such countries, not the ethnicity.

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