How do we get pewds to the same level of impact as Kanye?
I'd like to support Kanye but he's a nigger
How do we get pewds to the same level of impact as Kanye?
I'd like to support Kanye but he's a nigger
pretty funny that pol will support a globalist nigger who isn't even remotely conservative or right wing in any way shape or form. It just goes to show that all you retards would vote for anybody even a donkey if it had a GOP sticker
Hi kike
fuck off trs
think of it like this
kanye's last album sold 500,000 units (including streaming)
pewdiepie gets at least 2 million views a day
hey unprincipled civcuck
This is the problem with the white man. When one race is admittedly better at something or has more balls, all white men can think about is if they guy looks like them.
What are you even on about
Pewdiepie is for middle schoolers
>cant discern astroturf from legit Jow Forumsacks
>ook ook
can someone translate?
I despise this fucking Jewish slander so much
It's actually starting to put me beyond the point of sanity. It's just "far right sexist bigoted racist nazi supremacist" 24/7 and I'm reaching my breaking point
This is the problem with niggers. When one race is admittedly better at something or has more balls, and White humans point out that its racial, all niggers can think is that they're talking about aesthetics.
Pewds was never political. Kayne is the level you guys deserve
That's the point. Influence them at an early age.
>new following
>How do we get pewds to the same level of impact as Kanye?
He called someone a nigger on stream and got some poor indians to hold up a sign that said death to all jews
Why do we even need an "ourguy". who fucking cares.
Jow Forums is a homogeneous pool of cancer.
Pewds is always political, he just does it subtley, like a White person.
Its okay though, judging by your flag, you aren't White, so you wouldn't understand.
His demographic is 8-10 year olds, also Kanye's mental age. Just a coincidence ?
>How to take this useful idiot
>and make him as useful as
>that more useful idiot?
Figure that one out and we will rule the earth.
Nice mind gymnastics, so as white and subtile like Adolf?
>when Pewds drops the biggest red pill on jewtube soon
Stay tuned.
nigga u gay
Fuck off shilling your talentless, mediocre, former let's player you faggot NPC sheep.