Fellow non-whites on Jow Forums, how did you end on here on Jow Forums and how would you identify politically? Also, how do you feel about the racism on this board?
Fellow non-whites on Jow Forums, how did you end on here on Jow Forums and how would you identify politically? Also...
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How about you get of my fucking board nigger?
Your mother ate my asshole and then I came here.
>Fellow non-whites on Jow Forums, how did you end on here on Jow Forums and how would you identify politically? Also, how do you feel about the racism on this board?
I love her
'off'... 2 effs
fuck niggers, fuck civcucks and fuck your nigger kind kanye west
im a far right conservative and the racism doesnt bother me much as i have thick skin
> fellow non whites
OK post who you think is behind this post.. Go boys.
Thick enough to stop a bullet? Nigger
>1 post by this nigger
also FPBP
If Americans are white, then Arabs definitely are.
okay this is epic
An actually based leaf, wow.
I'm Latin. Hola, bong. :)
Appreciate the (seemingly) sincere response. I actually made a thread like this before a while ago and was mostly met with genuine posts, but unfortunately, that's not how this thread is turning out. At least, so far. Anyways, yeah, the racism doesn't really bother me either. What's your race/ethnicity by the way? Just curious.
On the left is american jew, bro.
Lol, I grew up in Dearborn. Arab women don't look like that. 1 in 10,000 might.
>whites and arabs are the same race
>because I got a british chick with bad lighting and compared her to a pale semite
Nah m8.
Look at the nose.
i'm actually offended I can't be included in this discussion because i'm white - so here's my opinion on the racism:
racism represents a low IQ.
ur welcome.
wait is this yours?
liberalish represents a brain damage
Shush Abbo, humans are talking.
Can't be an abo, they're using the internet and their post was intelligible.
>low IQ proven
Stop raping english, Artem. Also slavs cannot be racist, it would be hard to explain.
No, I do believe in hwite genocide, I just used it to show that (Some) Arabs are white too.
AI-assisted abbo shitposting bro. Its the new 'it' thing in Sydney amongst the hyper-rich jewish crowd.
>eggplant telling others how to speak English
Kek. Your ancestors were niggers.
Im no racist im proud to say some of my best friends are niggers.
I'm more racist than most of Jow Forums since I have to actually live around blacks lel
I support some sort of neo-imperialism where we just come out and admit white people can run countries the best and african nations just get adopted by various european ones before china does the same but more underhanded and inhumane
No Pablo, you can't stop me
Arabs are Semites bro.
Race isn't mere aesthetics.
You'll never be White.
Politics is for cattle and I ended up here because I was bullied as a child by niggers and grew up to hate not only niggers but everyone that didn't fit in to my vision of a 1950s utopia...so Pakis, Chinks, slavshits etc. I hate the modern world I hate how easily I can find out new things to hate about it. I hate modern women they are brained dead heffer whores but I still cling on to the hope that I'll find true love. I'm study Psychology and my only real farther figure besides my wigger brother as a kid was Adolph Hitler.
Of course, I'm not into genocide of non-Jews, so, ya know, we got no beef so long as you keep your kebabs and shit in sandland.
Hello user, Black guy here. I've been browsing this board off and on for 2yrs now. Once you notice how triggered whites are when ever they see their women with Black men, you notice a trend in their racisms. Whites are very penis envious of black men. (I Don't understand it either, but when you have a big dick you don't worry about such things.) its so predictable you don't even notice it anymore but it does confirm for me that white men are simply jealous of black men. In real life blacks are the total opposite of everything they say we are on this board, so it becomes funny after a while. if i wasn't black id be jealous of blacks too. Politically, I lean Left. I think democratic socialism is the way to go desu. I don't care about LGBTQ issues but, I also don't think it's wise to keep them from achieving equality.
Most of the degenerate Nazis on here are American mutts. They have no real cultural roots other than their disgusting commercialized American popular media and brand consumption gluttony.
They actually think being 'White' stops them from having the awful qualities they seem to universally see in other races.
I'm mostly Scottish and Irish, colonized by the English historically; less than 200 years ago my ancestors had a completely different language and most of their customs heavily stripped by forced assimilation, it's hard to see pale skin as a defining factor for who I should trust when my lineage has probably been treated the worst by other White people.
This is now a cutieposting thread lads
Then what are we? Obviously we're not black, Asian, Indian and definitely not native Native American or Abomonkeys.
>Pic related is a Lebanese
Ew, does that mean you're going to spam monkey women and that this thread was probably just a means via which to generate a thread that wouldn't get immediately deleted like most of your monkeyspam threads do these days?
>Fellow non-whites on Jow Forums
oy vey
>how did you end on here on Jow Forums
Reminder: an army of well funded, well organized jew shills patrol the internet in effort to shut down any counter-jew discussion and to promote the globalist anti-white jew agenda.
>ACT.IL shill recruitment video
>Why Facebook and Google Are Complying With Israel to Delete Certain Content
>Israel’s Online Shadow Operations
>Numerous well funded, organized projects by and for Israel work to flood social media with pro-Israel propaganda, while blocking facts Israel dislikes. The projects utilize Israeli soldiers, students, American teens and others, and range from infiltrating Wikipedia, Reddit and Jow Forums to influencing YouTube. Some operate out of Jewish Community Centers in the U.S.
>Israel launches secret squad to challenge negative image & boycott campaign
>"Israel's Internet Censorship War - If Americans Knew"
>"The Lobby P1: Young Friends of Israel – Al Jazeera Investigations"
>"JIDF Editing on Wikipedia"
>Israeli American Council shill recruitment video
>"Tony Martin IHR Conference Tactics of Organized Jewry in Suppressing Free Speech"
>"Defamation" – Documentary about how acusations of anti-semitism are used as a JIDF tool to silence goyim who criticize anything related to jews.
>if i wasn't black id be jealous of blacks too
you'd be jealous of what? having built no civilization? living off of european and arab infrastructure? fking 70 iq subhumans
Western politics doesn’t affect me, I just like to laugh at dumb neckbeards, shouting “I am whiter than you” to other white people.
We will preservere and the fucking jidf mods will neck themselves (again)
Spic here. Since way way back like before cranky and lolcopter I always came here for a good chuckle. Ive always ignored pol, that was until the god emperor trump election that I started to come here for even more chuckles.
You're Semites.
Races of the World
- Whites; subraces: Europeans (Western Europe) and Slavs (Eastern Europe)
That's all you have to know
why are you non-whites incapable of staying on your own websites?
So I take it that means that you ARE going to spam monkeywomen then. How grotesque.
Its always you too, Estonia. You'd think you'd at least hide behind a meme flag, but no, every time, some kike faggot spamming apethots, there is your little flag.
I don't know how I even got here and stayed long enough to post daily.
I guess I just like shitposting about politics with fellow autists. There's just something that I like about this board, the sense of humor, it feels like I belong here
I don't get offended by the racism for some reason. some days I'll come to Jow Forums and my day gets better.
for much the same reason they're incapable of staying in their own countries ; it seems everything they do or build is an hommage to our ideals and ingenuity,
TL;DR - they want to replace us
>You'd think you'd at least hide behind a meme flag
Only kikes hide behind memeflags, newfag.
One of the founding pillars of Jow Forums was the idea of "black gf",since this place was not even called Jow Forums yet.
lol good luck when she cheats on you with a black guy when she realizes she isn't in love you because you are full of shit.
(who you wish you were)
Bring me your cute sister for some private time, boy
As long as there's some discussion, that's okay. Black girls are fine with me desu.
Weeew. Sure, there are JIDF shills on Jow Forums, but you also acknowledge the presence of non-white anons who genuinely enjoy using Jow Forums (for whatever reason) and aren't shills, right? Some of you anons are a little bit too paranoid, to say the least.
Fair enough.
Nice. Can't say I'm too big on Trump, but nonetheless, I definitely started frequenting this board during the craziness of 2015/2016.
For sure. The racism can actually be kinda refreshing in a twisted way (as long as you're not taking it seriously even though some anons very well may be serious). It just adds to the board's general banter-filled absurdity.
You will never be us. It must hurt.
What bothers me the most about this image is that lack of trigger discipline
75% of american negros have white male paternal DNA. That must hurt.
Submission to white cock has been bred in the negro race for a millenia. You cant escape it.
Goddam sexy
>fellow nonwhites
Fucking black israelites i swear
that one in the back pisses me off so much. why do non-combat fags have such shit trigger discipline
These are the white women the negro male has to settle for.
you will never be black... just accept it.
you will never be us. it hurts.
I identify as Jew-aware national socialist.
I don't feel anything about any kind of racial hatred from whites because they are not a threat without Jews controlling them. Same with any other race, really.
Feels good to be white indeed.
A sheboon will be content even being a bedwench to a white man as long as he slips down the row once in a while for some deep dicking. Nigresses will carry a white mans child even out of wedlock and show it off with deep pride while literally mnost nigger babies get the coathanger. Niggers are literally this inferior in your own womens eyes they are only submissive to white men while they degrade black bois both physically and verbally.
Listen to this woke black brotha on this subject:
estonia, I think you hit a monumental point by shit posting as usual. most times the black lives matter flags always post BMWF, but this is the first time I've seen one post a black family
Its a real nigger, I can smell it like a shark smells blood in water.
black women only want you for money. nothing else... must hurt,
This is what you have to keep telling yourself.
>black user thinks all women dont have price tags
apparently you dont under stand black humor lol its ok, you never will. just admit that you wanna be us...
Sheboons just want the better man. Even if as only as a mistress.
good joke
Aaaaaaand, my thread basically got ruined. For anyone curious, here's what this kind of thread looks like when it actually involves good discussion:
The girl on the left has no SUBHUMAN nigger and semitic blood though
This is your races past, present and future.
>A beard
Is melanin inversely related to beard growth?
its hard to get mad when you have a big dick. im sorry for your deformity. truly
That nigger is not happy to see his women dating other race.
Literally nothing wrong with his behaviour
Malcolm X negros > “huwhite” degens like you
this is so brutish, youre such a barbarian. A sexuality based on racial suffering, nothing of higher values in humanity, namely love and romance. Youre an ape.
> muh dick
Finally there we have it lads.
Dat hoe is nuts and got everything she has from being 75%+ white.
Pathetic nigger
when you can only post comments of other peoples comments. which are easily faked.
Im surprised he managed to stay out of jail long enough to be present for the family picture.
>possess all 7 dragonballs
kek why do black people love dbz?
30% Arab, 30% Nigger, 40% European ... I'm pretty much identified as a nigger in public.
I love Jow Forums , I love the racism, I hate niggers. I'd fully support a National Socialist government, laws against race mixing and movement towards white ethno-cities and then sates.
Here is a good video by the Hodge Twins.
Can't have too many niggers around. Especially if you are a nigger.