Angry Mob

The left HATES it, they hate the "m" word. PEACEFUL protests only.

Attached: Screenshot_2018-10-12-23-59-21-1.png (1440x1660, 1.14M)

Other urls found in this thread:

They really are

Liberal of peace

Attached: Betablocker.webm (426x240, 2.66M)

LOL his fucking shirt is a hand pointing, "REPENT, SINNER"

That's because "mob" spells "npc" if you shift each character up by one letter.

That guys face is quality


Attached: 1530135788187.jpg (405x412, 33K)

Magic is real

Attached: 1f914.png (512x512, 19K)

It's like the GOP has finally woken up. They are legit running on the craziness of the left.
This is an official GOP vid They are learning to fight

Oh man.... IBM HAL MOB NPC

To go with the whole NPC meme


An AI controlled monster. ‘Mob' originally comes from the MUD era, where it was short for ‘mobile', to differentiate monsters that would patrol a set of rooms as opposed to monsters which would stay in one place until killed.

Hahah yep, I forgot about IBM and HAL

Holy fuck
I could use a good chuckle

>tfw staying up all night to play muds on dialup and go to school tired as hell

Attached: 1539322690448.webm (640x330, 2.34M)

that filename tho

Attached: 56506fa5040fb8cadff2c4746365297a7c2fc056d4b13b651f8ccc562d59419d.png (1921x1075, 1.23M)


At first, I thought it was an Antifa scrub getting in a sucker punch. Then, I saw the kid's nose and realized he was found a shekel behind the other guy's ear.

Attached: andre.gif (200x150, 1.87M)

This shit pisses me so much.
Why you retards are allowing this fuckers to sucker punch you whenever they can and get away with it?
You should beat the shit out of any libtard that dares to touch you.

Attached: 18yoAvenger.png (1000x1000, 1.22M)

Both are the same desu

His hand looms like it goes out right at the moment the libshit tries to throw the punch. How does he have such reaction time?


> Angry npcs forming a mob
Pic related

Attached: A mob of npcs.jpg (1400x867, 256K)

The power of christ

Repent sinner

>cuck norris made the reel
okay whoever made this has to be browsing here.

In another thread someone said he's a trained kickboxer, and you can see his eyes glance down at the punch just before it was thrown.

Yep, the lord was with him! haha

This is the source btw. Same guy who shot the Portland antifa assault on cars.

Look the webm again, you can see the big guy drop his eyes a bit. i suspect he saw the beta bunch his fist, and he was ready

Furthermore the beta goes high for his punch, which gives a bit of extra time.

nice meme
more of these with them speaking, redpill normies

Most retarded and blue pilled staged shit ever. Fake and gay spam

enemy npcs in mmos are called mobs

Based as a motherfucker

Enhanced and expected to operate

Jews secrete a distinct odor when in fight or flight response. Christian hero simply smell it a few milliseconds before the punch and since smell is the only sense with direct connect without the hypothalamus, the reaction was immediate.

This is another example of "the nose knows", it goes both ways you see?