/hue/volution | saturday morning edition

Bolsonaro's new campaign ad on TV (redpill about communism in south america)

>2nd round polls: BOLSONARO 59% X HADDAD 41% (XP)
Bolsonaro vs. Haddad run-off in 2 weeks (October 28th).

Jair Bolsonaro is the front-runner in Brazil's presidential election. He is a conservative Christian, pro-gun, a former army captain, and the only candidate with no corruption charges against him. He's looking to modernise the lethargic Brazilian economy with the aid of UChicago economist Paulo Guedes. He wants to align Brazil's foreign policy with Western nationalist governments against the influence of China, Eurasianism and regional socialism (Venezuela and Cuba). He has a hard stance on crime and supports increasing the power of police forces and the army to tackle Brazil's drug and violence problems. Under heavy fire from the media and academia, with an extremely restricted campaign budget, and having survived an assassination attempt, Bolsonaro's presidential run is nothing short of extraordinary.

JB's antagonist in the presidential race is Fernando Haddad, a sociologist, former minister of education under Lula and former mayor of São Paulo. He's running for the left-wing Labour Party (PT) under the guidance of former president Lula, who is currently in prison after being convicted for corruption and money laundering. PT had been the ruling party in Brazil for 13 years, but is facing high rejection in the polls after a police investigation uncovered the largest known corruption scheme in Brazilian history, which PT architected.

MORE INFORMATION: pastebin.com/raw/fuZH3p7g


Interview that made him famous youtu.be/041YPJI5zz8
Compilation of some of his talks youtu.be/U0MBcUAf21k

>USA about Bolsonaro

Previous thread:

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Go to sleep user, you must be tired

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this is almost as bad as the Obama/Raul Castro incident.

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>His son is a Mossad agent.
>His Vice-President is a mixed guy that is preaching that mixed men and black men should breed only with white women to "whiten the race".
>His Vice-President is a high-ranking Freemason member, a Master Mason
>His Vice-President said they have plans to invade Venezuela already (youtube.com/watch?v=ZJWhpOqIxDI)
>Bolsoberg said he plans to cut down the Amazonia jungle and sell all the resources in it for the Americans (epoca.globo.com/em-encontro-com-empresarios-bolsonaro-indica-ser-favoravel-exploracao-comercial-da-amazonia-22975107)
>Bolsoberg promised to give the Alcântara Launch Center to the Americans (youtube.com/watch?v=xK4C75l69eY)
>Bolsoberg salutes the American flag and chants "USA!!! USA!!! USA!!!" (youtube.com/watch?v=8M1dUtgFd0g)
>powerful Jewish Israeli Rabbi sends his energy to Bolsonaro, the Israeli candidate (youtube.com/watch?v=RIm8NsC6_Vc)
>each member of the Bolsonaro family became a millionaire in the last decade. (opovo.com.br/noticias/politica/2018/01/patrimonio-de-jair-bolsonaro-e-filhos-se-multiplica-em-apenas-dez-anos.html)
>Bolsonaro accidentally admits him and his party received bribes from the one of the companies that used to give the most bribes, "Who receive bribes? all parties receive bribes" says Bolsonaro (youtube.com/watch?v=S5CS08R2u9U)
>Bolsonaro said that Bolsa Familia was a program to support vagabond people that didnt want to work, a program for the government to buy votes, and a program that was gonna damage the country's economy. NOW HE IS SUPPORTING IT!
>Bolsonaro claims to be right-wing but yesterday he said he plans to make a 13th salary for Bolsa-Familia, a communist welfare system that gives free gibs to poor people the more kids they have

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Mamma Mia

>he wants a (((Chicago Boy))) for the economy
Sounds familiar.

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Will Bolsonaro win?

>that evil look
Lula looks like he is being controlled by the Devil
He is the hue version of Justin Trudeau
I remember that. Pretty much pathetic. Obama is not only a muslim degenerate but also the most cheap political prostitute you can find.

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If they don't cheat, character assassination and dehumanizing his supporters already started, but that's about 50 million people they're trying it on.


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>As mensagens do esfaqueador de Bolsonaro para Gleisi Hoffmann

>Além de publicar uma mensagem de apoio à candidatura de Lula, o esfaqueador de Jair Bolsonaro dirigiu-se também a Gleisi Hoffmann.

>Num de seus comentários, ele disse:

>“Caso Lula não venha realmente concorrer, espero ver você na disputa, segunda alternativa o Mercadante.”

>Em seguida, de acordo com a Veja, ele avisou que o candidato escolhido pelo PT seria perseguido por Sergio Moro e por “toda a maçonaria”.

So theres not much can be done?
I dont want more fucking 4 years of PT

Have to fight, talk to people, other than a massive fraud they can't do anything

One interesting fact: Paulo Guedes is the first goy to be nominated since a very long time

>Pedro Malan 1995-2003: jew
>Guido Mantega: 2006-2014: jew
>Joaquim Levy: 2014-2015: jew

What happens if Haddad wins thou? No way in hell Bolsonaro will not have 50+1
Can the right wing congress do something to investigate the elections afterwards?

just goes to show this guy is completely full of shit and likely a kike shill himself

I am reading Villa's Ditadura à Brasileira.

Anyone else read it? I've noticed that I cannot very well understand the meaning of the economic indicators.

Can anyone recommend me basic economics books? I am 22 already and I should definitely know that stuff.

I have no money to import Sowell's basic economics and no desire to read an e-book.

Is there any BRAZILIAN book which explain economics from a BRAZILIAN point of view, and using PORTUGUESE technical terms?

At the same time, I want something from a more liberal perspective, since I know here in Brazil we have this weird debate between orthodox and heterodox economics, which seems to be a little like the debate between analytic and continental philosophy, with the first one being in both cases more rigorous and less left-leaning than the second.

Haddad is a cryptojew and PT has close ties to Soros (who is also financing fake news against Bolsonaro). Rothschild's media is all involved on fake news against Bolsonaro as well, being the first foreign media to engage in doing so.

But obviously, since Bolsonaro visited Israel once, we better vote from them

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what is wrong with the Northeast?

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Miserable people, poor infrastructure, corrupt politicians

Massive ammounts of niggers

Poor infrastructure prevents people from getting informed. Therefore, they believe everything but PT is literally Hitler. They then vote PT, who steals all the money that should be going there from the other states and Nordeste stays a poor region. For being poor, they have poor infrastructure and can't get informed...

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So how was Haddad as a Mayor of Sao Paolo?

Bolsonaro likes Israel because he is interested in doing trade with them
In the past 16 years we have been fucked up in the ass by Iran and Palestine. We sent millions of dollars to palestinians just so they could breed more. Besides Lula gave brazilian citizenship to thousands of degenerate arabs
Soros agenda is 100% aligned with Haddad and PT (worker's party) so it's quite obvious they are trying to destroy Bolsonaro's reputation
the worst mayor of all time. The cuck muslim mayor of London is a saint compared to him

He was elected the worst mayor of the country, he lost his reelection bid on the first round

Also he currently has 32 lawsuits, from corruption to receiving kickbacks and mishandling public resources.

I hope Sao Paulo learned their lesson. Pic is what happens when you elect a half-baked marxist pretentious intellectual

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Cant believe I'm saying this but Jow Forums to me has got to be the most informative in regards to Brazil and its election lol. The media has been pure shit in giving anything of a perspective or understanding of the situation in Brazil right now.

>Soros agenda is 100% aligned with Haddad and PT (worker's party) so it's quite obvious they are trying to destroy Bolsonaro's reputation
Yeah, I mean it really makes you think.
>one of the biggest problems, if not the biggest problem facing Brazil is political corruption
>Bolsonaro is well-known for being incorruptible during his political career, can't be bought or corrupted if he becomes President
>international media with ties to corrupt financial parasites shill hard against him

thanks my pinoy friend.
Hope you're enjoying this ride as much as I am, cause I'm having a blast

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It's the corrupt, leftist, drug dealing party that supports criminals and land squatters + public jobs full of excesses on benefits against the regular population that got sick and tired of it.
International and national media is calling more than half of the country "nazis" for wanting change.

The people are literally piss-poor. Really.

If you look at my state - Amazonas - EVERWHERE VOTES PT, except for the main city - Manaus, which has the vast majority of the population and therefore makes the state lean Bolsonaro. Why is that? Because outside of Manaus, the vast majority of the population is ribeirinhos (people who dwell right in front of the river, in very small wooden houses). These people have no bathrooms, no money, no cellphones no anything. It was Lula who gave them electricity and Bolsa Senpaiília (welfare money), so they think he's some kind of God. I've been to ribeirinho communities already and they really are poor, no joke - getting killed by alligators while taking a bath in the river is actually a thing there, the wife of one of my father's peons almost died like that, but dad was there with a gun and shot the damn thing before it could kill her.

At one hand, this is awful, because they will always vote PT, but what people aren't realizing is that this is equally excellent, because, once Bolsonaro enters the stage, all he has to do to keep the right-wing in power forever is to buy the Northeast and the poorest areas of the North for himself, by increasing the gibs.

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>one of my father's peons

Wrong, niggers are mostly in Bahia and Rio. Also, the 'interior' (everywhere outside of the capital) of Amazonas has pretty much no blacks, only Amerindians, but it also votes PT.

>international media with ties to corrupt financial parasites shill hard against him
You are correct
Another interesting fact: the international media is more obsessed against him than our marxist press

At least our internal press is not calling him Adolf Hitler every day like New York Times, The Economist and Le Figaro

Soros started investing in Brazil in 2007. The Worker's Party gave him a lot of inside information so he could profit overnight. It's a shame this information never got out of Brazil


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When he tried reelection, he not only lost to his opponent João Doria, but also lost to blank votes, i.e., more people voted blank than voted for Haddad.

João Doria has just offered his support to Bolsonaro, but was beautifully snubbed, because his party is too corrupt and Bolso wants no association with it.

There's a picture of him with the alligator, but I don't have it on my computer.

As always.

They call themselves that, "peão" = "peon" in English but it would be the same as saying "helper" or "cowboy" in meaning for foreigners.

If Doria is a smart guy he quits PSDB in 2019 and create his own anti-communist party. Too bad he looks like the kind of cuck who will never do such thing
Paulistanos would re-elected him with 98% of votes in 2022 if he set up an anti communist movement in urban areas (like Sao Paulo, Campinas, so on)

The word 'peon' is used by Joseph Conrad in Nostromo, a book set in South America, which is why I employed it.

As for the alternatives you offer, 'helper' is too general, and the word 'cowboy' carries a lot of associations which the word 'peon' just doesn't - John Wayne is a cowboy, but not a peon, quite the opposite actually. 'Rural servant' might be a better and simpler translation.

Who is going to be Bolsonaro's Kavenaugh?
Also can someone give me a very quick rundown on why the hate?
For what I read the only thing that kept the leftist crowd angry was the fake rape accusations against him

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He should just go to PSL, but I am pretty sure he won't.

Kavenaugh is impossible in Brazil. No one would believe the bullshit. Our population cannot be bought by the media anymore. It's a cultural phenomenon. It's easier to make the average Brazilian believe in a Pizzagate version starring Lula than in rape accusations against Sergio Moro.

Bolsonaro's first options, according to The Antagonist, are Moro and Gebran Neto.

I should buy that book, I only have a collection with Heart of Darkness and other small tales.

I don't know who is Gebran Neto but I hope he is not a massive pussy like Barroso
I read really quick here that Gebran denied Lula's HC. It's a very good start

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yeah, I pretty much knew that it has a different meaning in Latin America. Here it has feudal connotations, basically same meaning as serf.

Guys, seriously, there has to be a way to sue Haddad or at least convince Record to talk about all of these fake news. This shit is out of hand

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It's a magnificent canvas and tells everything about South American politics. Sometimes, you feel like you are reading about Brazil. Conrad really knew what he was talking about, and you will find every single character there: the white gringo who wants to make the country grow but has to involve himself with local corruption in order to do it, the revolutionary priest, the beloved bandit, the empty-minded rhetorician, the stupid army leader-politician (Mourão, I am looking at you), the enduring pain of the always-sleeping lower classes, and much, much more. The only problem is that the book is too long - it could be reduced to 2/3 of its actual size -, but I suppose that's sort of necessary in order to make the canvas more realistic.

I really want Moro, just so we can have a purge of corrupts

Leandro Paulsen, Gebran Neto and Victor Laus are Sergio Moro's bosses (desembargadores) at TRF 4, the guys who approved Moro's sentence and condemned Lula back in January, only increasing his jail-time from 9 to 12 years. They are entirely on our side on the anti-corruption fight.

To the hues itt, local press says Bolsonaro and his followers are attacking gays, y tho?

Daily reminder than a woman killed his mom after an air injection, that she learnt seeing 2 alike murders in Globo' Segundo Sol soap opera noticiasdatv.uol.com.br/mobile/noticia/novelas/filha-mata-mae-com-injecao-de-ar-apos-ver-crime-de-laureta-em-segundo-sol-22728

Bolsonaro has sue Haddad AND talk about it during his TV time, showing the initial petition for everyone to see we're not joking when we say this fake bullshit is fake.

10/28 is one of my doggo's birthday. good luck taking your country back user.

Low IQ made worse by poverty and coronelism. People there aren't ideologically leftist though, they just vote either because they are motivated by gibs or because the local coronel told them to (and the local coronel gives them gibs).

That said, Bolso won in plenty of NE capitals.

I don't, because it would contribute to the demonized image the left is trying to create of him:

>do you see? Moro has been awarded a Supreme Court position by the evil International Capital! That's was his plan from the very beginning!

I think Bolsonaro should look for some little-known right-wing judge. There are a few...

Celso Furtado's Formação Econômica do Brasil. A keynesian (actually he was inspired by a Romanian economist called Manoelescu), though

That's very good news anonbro
Hopefully we can get rid of Rosa Weber, Gilmar Mendes and Toffoli before 2022

Doria will probably try to take over PSDB, especially if he wins. The old leadership is the weakest it's ever been.


Based Janaina Paschoal can get a nomination to Supreme Court in 2022

Fake news.

The reports started all of a sudden, and a lot of them look fake. The fakes thing is how sudden they all started though, it's probably being coordinated. See

I want Moro to stay at the helm of Lava Jato for now. I would like Ives Gandra but he's just too old.

Moro is a pro-judicial activism guy. I don't think it's a good idea to put him there. I would prefer Ives Gandra Filho

That's almost correct, only there is no actual legal institute of serfdom as in Medieval Times. Peons are free to find another boss if so they wish.

What about these guys?


Still beating an election boys, that has high odds of being fraudulent, you guys are jumping ahead of the horses already deciding an SC nomination.

Going for random populist judges is probably a bad idea because they can backstab us and push progressive agendas after getting the seat.

If Haddad wins I'll pay China to nuke Brazil
See this journalist here trying to cover PT agitation
Communist cynicism must be fought with nukes

Most of them are false flags. Maybe one or other is true, but who knows?
Btw, the most folkloric Brasília fag, Carlinhos Beauty, is pro-Bolsonaro correiobraziliense.com.br/app/noticia/politica/2018/10/12/interna_politica,712467/carlinhos-beauty-publica-video-de-apoio-a-bolsonaro-e-o-cara.shtml

If we lose, we win in 2022 or else in 2019 with a coup (my preferred option).

Digits for a sticky on the 28th

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Do asian women love Bolsonaro?

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First time on nofap, after not being able to perform with a girl.

78 hours already. I already feel a little better. It seems that the more you achieve, the easier it gets. My goal is to cum only with girls from now on. I'll try to meet one next week, let us see...

Bolsonaro should ban pornography and Frota should make a video on how it destroyed his psychology, turning him into the freak he currently is.

>78 hours already. I already feel a little better.
Try 34 days. It's good and you can do it but you need to get away from Jow Forums and pray at least 3 times a day
Drink lots of water and don't watch tv

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The ones I know don't, but they are thots. But I guess in it's majority yes. In first round polls asians were the biggest proportional voters by race for Bolso.

There is a judge in Santa Catarina who is olavette. He made a very good ressocialization problema with prisionera for they reas certain soul-crushing books, like Crime and Punishment and Othello. The reincidente numbers in his area is one of the lowest of the country

Can Bolsonaro actually win?

He'll win a 100% if there's no fraud

I won't try 34 days, I will try the rest of my life.

From now on, I intend to masturbate ONLY by rubbing my penis inside of a woman.

His advantage over Haddad is more or less like Macron's over Le Pen's.

Unless the media invents a scandal just like they desperately tried to do before the first round (and failed big-league), his win is 100% certain.

Another option is fraud.

Are people beliving Haddad's bullshit ads? I know very few people and no one is buying it

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O PSB - Partido Socialista Brasileiro é MEMBRO DO FORO DE SÃO PAULO e fechou apoio a HADDAD em todo o BRASIL, exceto em SP e no DF onde ele possui candidatos disputando o cargo de governador.

MÁRCIO FRANÇA É O PRESIDENTE DO DIRETÓRIO do PSB de São Paulo e secretário NACIONAL de FINANÇAS do PSB. França é membro do partido desde 1988 - seu único partido até hoje.
O PSB fundado em 1947 e EXTINTO PELOS MILITARES (AI2) em 1965. Retornou em 88, com a nova Constituição para ajudar o PT na implantação da Pátria Grande

TL;DR: PSB is PSOL without transgenderism.

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To be honest, I am actually afraid he might get some votes with it, specially from NOVO idiots who might think he's ready to become a 'moderate' now, while Bolsonaro rejects Doria and is still an 'evil radical'.

PSL president said if Haddad win we might have no other option than leave Brazil
I think this is the only opinion I ever heard from him. 2 months ago I already decided in case of PT victory I'll become a homeless in Argentina or Colombia


Ele vai, mas não nos debates até o dia 18.
Depois do dia 19 acho que ainda tem 3 debates até o dia 28

>t. Haddad

He'll probably go to the Globo one, it's the only one I would were I in his place.

Nah, Novo voters wont be that dumb, im afraid of losing the ciro and alckmin voters


Vai ''pegar mal pra ele'' se ele não for.

Anyway, there are so many things to talk about PT, that it won't be very difficult.

Whenever Haddad says 'What do you intend to do about [insert problem: corruption, crime, sexism, racism, whatever]?', all Bolsonaro should do is reply: 'What has PT done about?' and case closed.

For instance: if the difference between male and female salaries is so big, why did it not end during PT's reign?

He could also mention such things as the fact that the most voted black man, woman and Asian of all-time are all pro-Bolsonaro.

He really should just to expose Haddad


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Guyz, never forget to ALWAYS share every new piece of information with friends and parents on zap zap, specially the tiozoes. Its the best way to counter Haddad's bullshit ads

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Tiozoes do zap is the bolsonaro guerilla
Im even in tiozoes do zap groups of another states, the state of redpill of tiozoes right now is beyond the imagination


Somehow I know
That things are gonna change
New boundaries on the way
Like never were before
Find a meaning to your life
Healing whispers of the angels
Bring the sunrise again

New day shines, fallen angels will arise
Nova Era brings the ashes back to life
All over now, all the pain and awful lies
Angels will arise
Back to life!

Fresh winds of hope
Has taken us ahead
Forever is a place
You have to keep in mind
No way to limit our goals
We'll find a reason to believe
Facing Nova Era


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