I recently talked to a kindergarden teacher. She used to teach kindergarten before she had kids. Maybe 15 years ago...

I recently talked to a kindergarden teacher. She used to teach kindergarten before she had kids. Maybe 15 years ago. A few years back she came back and things seem to have changed.
Before she left they had a 15 min break in the morning so the kids could eat the snack they brought themselves. Now it's no break because a. Most of the kids don't bring snacks anymore (the parents don't give them food to take with them) and b. the ones who have food are often unable to eat it during this 15 minute break. One boy, she told me, brings a yoghurt every day and all he does is eat the yoghurt. For hours. In a corner. So no break and everyone says what they have and when they want.
The second thing is they are not clean. When she left all the kids used the toilet. Now she has kids that shit themselves whilst talking to her. Without the kid even flinching suddenly a turd dropps out of their pants. The teacher told me now all kindergarten have clothes in a closet to give to the kids when they have an accident.
I can't even remember a kid shitting themselves ever....
Mind you she lives in a pretty rural pretty well of area.
Wtf happened in the last few years? Who's to blame? Have you heard similar stories?

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research the endochrine system and understand how BPA affects hormonal imballancd and urinary function

Millennial parenting 101

"they'll potty train my kids at school"

Ok. Can you tell me WHY it does not work anymore?

Ok read up on it. Tldr plastic fucks with your hormones. Ok but why are we letting this happen then? Is this new anti plastic movement aware of this?

It takes me over 50 minutes to finish even a cup of yoghurt I don't think that is weird. I like to stir in hair from the barber's to give it more flavour.

Why are you fucktard posting this again? We had your fuckstory yesterday.

So much this

>I recently talked to a kindergarden teacher. She used to teach kindergarten

mind = blown

In the 2000s Dr Laura predicted this shit as more and more people just dumped their kids in day cares. She was, of course, labeled an anti-woman bigot because of it

My girlfriend is a dentists assistant and today she had a 9 year old kid with a rubber ball that smashed a light on the roof, a picture frame, ripped plastic off a chair and the entire time the mom sat on her phone ignoring him.

The dentist bent down to talk to the kid and said "You have to put the ball away, you're being destructive". The kid just stared blankly at him for a few seconds then starting going "MEP MEP MEP MEP MEP".

In the end the mom chimped out calling her child a precious angel literally screaming that everyone was looking to "rip her off" because the dentist gave her a bill for all of his damages.

Parents fucking suck now, children fucking suck now and i'm genuinely not surprised that young people are having abortions and not having chidren anymore because this is all they see.

Sorry am I distracting you from reading blacked or npc posts?

Omit the rest so it looks dumb. Great work. Sidenote didn't mean to win a pulitzer

remove child to a different school.

Haha, Canadians

Not my kids. I am just wondering what lead us here

I have a 6 year old and a 7 year old and yeah their peers are absolute little retards and let me tell you why: smart phones.

Almost all their parents neglect the fuck out of them. But not in the old way where they'd be too busy at work or leave them alone in the house. They're physically around them so think they're parenting, but they're just constantly looking at their phone, not even looking up when they half-heartedly mumble a reply or order to their kids.

And even worse the kids get their own smartphones when they're about 5 and have been using their parents ipad all day every day since they could sit upright unassisted as it's an easy way to keep them entertained with babby games and videos (this is how shit like elsagate happens, literal babies sitting in front of autoplayed vids for hours). So not only are they fucked in the head from their parents rarely actually engaging with them for any amount of time they themselves lose any conscious desire for this and just turn into zombies who do not even know to make eyecontact with someone when talking like an actual atusitic person and have never had physical or creative play in their lives, they just watch youtubes of other people playing with toys and drawing instead.

My kids are an ultra Chad and a mega Stacey because I don't have a smartphone and they're not getting one for another decade so can basically control other kids and a lot of adults like literal NPCs from having social skills above a cinderblock. Watching them play with their peers is like watching teenagers babysit barely vocal 3 year olds. Thankfully they have some more well adjusted if older homeschooled friends/young family, but the average little kid is completely fucked.

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Are your kids vaccinated?

>Reading this on my phone
>ignoring my son giving his dinosaurs a bath in the sink
>probably causing water damage in other parts of house
>still appauled over story

Meh, I played remote controlled airplane all morning and painted a 747 with him!
Yesterday we went grilling in the forrest and explored caves, that's something, but damn, the kid isn't agreeable one bit and will probably be a disaster later on.
Oh well, what do you do.
Hoping for adulthood!

Fuck your son.

>my girlfriend is a dentist’s assistant

You know you’re getting cucked, right? Every dentists office I’ve ever been in is one dentist and a harem of young dental techs that do more oral work than just hygiene. 8 chances in ten, he’s fucking her.

This shit is happening because no one is actually raising their kids anymore. Moms pop them out, then at 4 months after the kid is born, they return to work and put their kid knot the care of some 3rd world degenerate. Do you actually think anyone fleeing a third world shithole is going to teach these children any life skills or decent grammar. My mom used to be an elementary school teacher. She quit because the kids were a train wreck, and the parents didn’t want to hear the truth about how failed parenting practices had screwed up their kid. This shit isn’t that hard folks:
-birth control is cheap. Use it
-don’t fuck chicks you don’t want to support forever
-exercise some financial discipline and get your house in order before you have babies

It really is just that fucking easy.

>dont have children whites
Hey shlomo

>muh raaaaayce
There is literally nothing wrong with normalizing abortion for non-whites.

Why do I never get those dental techs?