why did this movie backfire so bad? why do people think Hitler was right?
Why did this movie backfire so bad? why do people think Hitler was right?
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other than the part where hitler shoots the dog I think it's brilliant. Not for the reasons the creators made it though.
Look around you. If you have any grasp on history, it's not hard to see how worse of we are now as western society's.
The movie was good, the ending was absolute kino
accidental redpill for sure
I think with the way they made the ending I don't think it was accidental
i think it was accidental because it was meant to shame
I mean the ending ending right before they roll the final credits where they show the protests
okay this is epic
didn't see it
is it really that good?
i feel like if your are already on board with nationalism then the film reaffirms your beliefs, It doesn't really give you a good counter narrative. The point of the film is to shame the public more than shame hitler himself.
>shame the public
I don't get it
Afaik this scene was not in the book.
it's good. I'm not sure if it convinces anyone either way but it's goal of shaming nationalist fails miserably. I don't think it convinced any nationalist to reconsider their position.
>why do people think Hitler was right?
Because he is right
it's trying to shame the public when it says hitler's values are ingrained into everyone's core.
perfect use of the NPC meme comrade well executed it will certainly catch on now
You're against people killing dogs but fine with Jews dying, go to fucking hello weeaboo faggot
It was unironically because the Jews making the movie thought he was a bit too sympathetic.
dogs are better than jews is that controversial?
We are supposed to hate charismatic leaders who give passionate speeches about issues that really concern us.
Instead we should always vote for the vapid sleazebags who speak in meaningless platitudes.
Funny thing is, he doesn't shoot the dog in the book. They editied that one into the movie. The meeting with the old Jewish lady doesn't go as violent as well.
yeah I see how that could be an unintentionnal redpill
is it worth watching if I'm already in the Hitler fan club though?
A dog once brought me a ball
A Jewish kid stole that ball
>He likes lying so long as it reaffirms his world view.
if you want to laugh and be entertained
Dumbass half your friends are probably Jews your too retarded to notice Jewish genes are so widespread in the west the fact you think they're plotting against you is completely retarded
sauce anyone?
>that pic
the dogs didn't bring niggers into the Rhineland
torrent sites... you might have to download the subtitles separately
Half your friends look like this?
user... I
>multi culti is destroying Europe
>Jews pushing degeneracy
>"why do people think Hitler was right guys?"
Just take a trip to Paris or Berlin
It's on Netflix if you have it, otherwise you can find it easily enough online. The movie name is Look Who's Back/Er Ist Wieder Da
yeah I often forget how backwards normie logic is
but I could also watch schindler's list
it's not so much the user being against dog killings, just that Hitler himself was actually a faggy vegetarian animal lover who would have never shot a dog for no reason, so other than that part, his character was a pretty accurate representation
nah I'm from midwest america. I've known a handful of jews but mostly we weren't aware of them
Dogs don't scheme and undermine the household. Termites, gophers, and Jews do.
and I've read enough jewish literature to know that they think they aren't the same as us,
>Dumbass half your friends are probably Jews
And they sieg heil with me too, takes a lot of beer but they do it.
Fuck off cunt. There is no denying the fact that jews have a disproportionate amount of wealth, power and influence in the west that they are using to push globalism, race mixing, degeneracy and multiculturalism. They don't even bother trying to hide it, majority of the population just seems too retarded to properly look into it
Back to the bong buddy
Caulfield kike
>if target.offensivestatement = true
> {
> run adHominem.exe;
> }
The speech he gives to the audience was fire. Absolute fire.
yeah I don't blame the jews for acting in their own interest. I just want everyone to know what's going on
I'm not fucking Jewish im 100% British which is rare
this man has a point , i thought all my life i was white when it turns out that most if not all my ancestors were jewish which also explains why my grandparents on the mothers side who is a jewess but not practicing , were largely against the marriage with a goyim peasent man from hungary. my whole life was a lie and fuck learning hebrew or having hours of prayers at friday nights and cutting off my foreskin. i was always a big fan of hitler because his speaches and demeanor ignited a fire in my heart that burns to this day.
a nation for his inhabitants , working together with other nations respecting eachother and not having a cabal rule over everyone instigating wars , a world where islam christianity hinduism and buddhism cooperate , respect eachother and INTO space , the inner earth.
that was all he wanted , for everyone to get along with eachother.
many dont know or understand this but hitler was a saint and he had to do questionable but neccesary things to get the ball rolling , the thing is now the annunaki which call themselves jews but aren´t (you can tell by their hideous looks and fake smiles , soulless eyes) are hellbent on bringing their own "saint" but they won´t win.
they dont want to win , they want destruction - its in their seed.
i should know because im one of them , and ive homicidal thoughts , pedophilia , lust for blood , criminal activities but ive found the lord and abstain from the urges - they are still there and its getting harder and harder to resist but i know right from wrong for i´ve eaten the forbidden fruit and it was delicious.
sieg heil , may the lord jesus christ forgive me for my sins for i cannot forgive myself and am nothing but a vessel for the holy spirit that takes the reigns when the hour comes.
Descended from Irish convicts. Potato nigger, not an actual one. Better than jew
then explain this
They overplayed their hand (like always).
The Holocaust is a foundational myth of the west. Or in terms of a meme magick analysis, a dominant memetic structure, a RSM or root of the social matrix.
This means that you can use "literally hitler" and "holocaust" as attack memes to BTFO other potential dangerous memes that could infect the collective unconscious.
Nationalism? Holocaust
Banks are bad? Literally Hitler
You don't like your race to go extinct? Remember the 6 gorillion.
The problem is that the more you use those memes in petty and irrelevant things the more you dilute it's power.
When you start calling everything literally Hitler then literally Hitler is not so bad.
This start a domino effect, because the more holocaust and literally hitler lose effect as a social dominant meme, more and more audacious memes try to infect the RSM, making you use more and more your meme diluting it more and more.
This movie was and attempt to reinforce their memetic structure, wich probably worked for some people who are now more "anti hitler" than before. But as a global thing their balance is negative. They are losing grip on the majority of the population and making a small very select group of fanatical zealots.
Reality on one hand and the misuse of the holocaust meme on the other are making that memetic structure collapse.
If you want to know more about memetics read this:
kike alert
1. Whats the forbidden fruit?
2. I think jews may have some kind of genetic neurosis in which they have a insane victim complex.
I said I'm British through and through, didn't I just say I was British
>why did this movie backfire so bad?
No idea what you mean.
My best friend is a turbo normie stay at home mom, I havent ever tried to redpill her on anything because again, turbo normie. Well the other day she sends me a text, "Me and Adam just got into a huge fight, hes pissed at me because I said Hitler was a good leader"
well it's just juvenile to think he wasn't a good leader.
>why did this movie backfire so bad?
The point of the movie wasn't to show that Hitler was GRRRRR LE EVIL MADMAN. It was to show that actually he was seductive and persuasive and people loved him so much they were willing to die for him. It was to remind people that he wasn't some sort of demonic monster but rather a politician who could easily win ordinary people to his side - that was precisely what made him so dangerous. Did you even watch the film?
> I'm totally one of you guys
> Now let me use my "one-of-you" card to produce small cracks in your armor and subvert your reactionary pushing against the system that i defend
Begone talmudic devil.
I think he means it made people sympathetic toward Hitler, humanizing him to normies.
And the jew was a great bad guy
Let's put it this way: I want to have a dog in my house, but I don't even want to have a jew in my country.
dogs don't betray you
The wrong actor for Hitler, that guy was a tall brown eyed chad
Hitler was smaller and had blue eyes and he was really sympathetic, especially in private around kids and the loved dogs
>checks flag
Yep back to the bong boyo
The mannerisms and way of speaking was on point though, the actor actually really impressed me, especially in the original german dub.
Am I the only one that thought the main character resembled a short redheaded Goebbels? Being hitlers "media guy" I didn't know if it was intended but Its what came to mind. Hitler with brown eyes irritated me from frame 1
yeah the brown eyes bothered me
He looks exactly like the villain in tintin.
>My best friend is a turbo normie stay at home mom
the fuck are you doing
Hitler loved dogs, it's just another jewish trick to alter history.
hes trynna fuck, isn't that obvious?
it is obvious and the question stands
Ive known her for over a decade, sometimes you just meet someone you click with user I dono what to tell you man do you not have friends?
you shouldn't be friends with women
as said, the only reason you'd be friends with her is because you want to fuck her.
ohhhh that's a goodduun
yeah it was to try and convince us that we are all evil and Hitler resided in all of our hearts
that's mostly true but some women are actually fun to be around
they can be good friends provided you're not sexually attracted to them
First of all fat chicks or married chicks make great friends, theres no pressure there on either side and you get a unique perspective on things you wouldnt from your dude friends. I get what youre saying if theyre hot, but *never* be friends with 50% of the worlds population? Thats just faggot incel talk user
I have a couple more.
>turbo normie stay at home mum
doesn't sound like someone fun to be around, sounds like this flog is trying to cuck an entire family
>but *never* be friends with 50% of the worlds population?
yes, be friendly and polite to your mate's missuses but anything beyond that is just introducing the potential for a shit show. any husband alright with the mother of his children having male "friends" who she "hangs out with" is begging for his family to be torn up and his life to be fucked.
>using incel as an insult
you have the spirit of a woman so it's no wonder you enjoy their company
>*never* be friends with 90% of the world poulation? That's just Nazi cis-scum talk.
thanks Rabbi, I'll go befriend the nigs now.
>doesn't sound like someone fun to be around
true but idk her
>any husband alright with the mother of his children having male "friends" who she "hangs out with" is begging for his family to be torn up and his life to be fucked.
we're not niggers
the Media guy was a cuck, Goebbels had at least some charisma, that's why he had many affairs and managed to be propaganda minister
I was friends with a married fat chick and she wanted my dick but I wouldnt do that so I ended the friendship by ghosting her
Autism at its finest
Hans I live in Indiana, more of your population are niggers than mine. Nogs dont factor into my daily life. Women arent your enemy, stop being a faggot.
What's the movie called?
Look who's back