Did you ever tried drugs Jow Forums? I'm not talking about some faggot weed

Did you ever tried drugs Jow Forums? I'm not talking about some faggot weed.

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pope thread?

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meth is good for you if you don't use it too over extend your system

work and expending effort in the name of profit is bad for you if you don't give the planet and resources time to rest and renew

Yep, done LSD, shrooms, coke, ecstasy, and opioids. I've been sober for several years now, but I used to enjoy getting fucked up on stimulants and psychedelics and just going into the swamps and marshes, Florida has beautiful natural paths of you can withstand tropical environments.

Never tried drugs or weed, this shit's degenerate

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meth does a great job of making you want more meth
It's very good at that

I ruined my life with meth
that shit is satanic

I did LSD twice; it was interesting but I don't recommend it.

Essentially your mind is a rope and LSD will take that rope and twist it so it unwinds

I've had at least 300 individual hits of acid. It raised my IQ. I'm also schizophrenic.

And it's not seeing weird creatures or shit like that, reality just seems like a dream and nothing is physically straight anymore. Realty just crashes around you for about 6 hours until you peak until you finally adjust to it

This is factually incorrect.

I was a heroin addict for 10 years, "functional" for most of it. I'm now 6 years clean.
Used to take a lot of party drugs, coke, ecstacy & MDMA in my late teens, early 20's

What a degenerate.

I've tried all the bitch drugs and never touched the harder ones like coke/meth

Because I know for a fact that I would get hooked.

nice try, FBI

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I'm smacked out of my head on Vick's Vaporub right now, and a guy a met on Grindr is coming over in 30 minutes to piss on me in the bath.

I’m a heroin addict and on the verge of relapse a month after getting out of rehab.

Idk what’s wrong with me I just can’t hell it.

I smoked gangweed once when veronica dumped me

Pope is crying coke.

Meth is NOT good for anyone or anything you degenerate fuck

realized i feel the same way on them as without them
constant burning desire for pillaging and change
if you are dreamer at any degree do not take any ''agressive'' drugs, it may ruin you
biggest disappointment ever

used to take acid until i overdone it and ended up in a loop where i relived the same 15 minutes for a whole night
shrooms are fine, mdma gives me too much energy and is tricky to take in crowded spaces

I smoked meth every day for like 2.5 years

get a healthy diet, eggs and veggies, if you need to do drugs, shrooms and weed. Dont do it user, the trade off is super shitty. The other two drugs are actually good for you mentally.

I used to be addicted to Mcat, That shit will fuck you up mentally but simultaneously increase your productivity 500% and make something as simple as drinking a glass of warm water euphoric.

I did crack & coke, and just withrew from a morphine addiction that had been fucking me over for five years after a car accident.

Sorry bro. Your life can still be made fruitful. Somebody didn't wake up this morning, but you did. God bless you.

Yes, and regret it. I was really degenerate a few years ago. Drugs, alcohol etc. Ironically it was Jow Forums that saved me. I really miss self improvement general.

I still do coke if it's around. Shit is fire. There's a reason why it's 60k a kilo.

Since my teenager age I was buying, selling and consuming drugs. War time in Serbia, during 90's were wild times. Police find you have 1 kilo of weed in your bag, they just take it, slap your face and let you go home, so it was low risk high reward business during 90's. I literally hope that time comes back so I can start selling it again, it's not worth it now. Now police find you have 1 joint and you are fucked.

I did all drugs except worst ones like heroin, crack, meth, glue etc.

Cocaine best drug, it does least damage on your body, but it's most expensive.
Other than that, my opinion is LSD/shrooms are best indoor drugs, and speed is best outdoor drug. But not meth, it's too strong and fucks you up, just regular speed.

Didn't do any drug since 2013. Just weed.

LSD was my first drug I ever did, I was 16 yo. It was biggest redpill night of my life, it changed me literally over night, I realized world is not nice place, and something is terribly wrong with whole picture.

I also think speed helped me to get even more redpilled, it helped me to grow up and toughen up fast, and get ready for death of parents.

To this day I am 100% sure, if I didn't ever do any drugs, I would still be NPC bluepilled dummy.

Balance and strong character is the key with drugs.


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Meth is crystallized PTSD.

I tried Psychedelic truffles, And 2cb, Had a bad trip on both of them, I don't see the appeal to them, They last to long

I’m a big fan of cocaine.


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I eat psilocybe mushrooms every autumn because they actually grow in the wilderness here and you can go gather them. I am a shaman.

Ever checked out Saliva? Super intense trip for about a minute n yer done. Kind of feels like ur mind is reset to factory settings then all the upgrades all switch back on all at once


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Nah i heard bad things about it, Lads saying they were on fire screaming and shit, Psychedelics aren't for me, Learned that the hard way when i was so fucked i forgot how to breathe

Dont make the pope cry

I always wanted to try LSD just once but I was afraid that it will fuck up my mind. Is it just that you feel like nothing is real and nothing else happens or do some demons/nightmareish stuff appear too? Did it have any lasting effects on you?

>1 new post

Don't take LSD because man made that in a lab whereas God sent mushroom spores from another dimensions, literally.

Mushrooms remove fear from the mind of the participant, so you dont have to worry about a bad trip.

Get a load of this fag here

where from? 239 here

Too much drug. Clean now except occasional alcohol.

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the whole "you can't have a bad trip on shrooms!" meme is total bs spoken from people with no shroom experience.

Nah, only benzos prescribed from my doctor which I take for recreational purposes mostly.
Would love to try heroin but idk where to get.

did too many drugs. im over the phase. it cost me a hospital trip and a few in psych wards.
not saying you shouldn't do them, just saying it should stay at a rare occurrence.
they can all be fun. im never touching heroin.
lsd did nothing to me sadly

Cocaine for about a month when I was younger. Fun but ultimately vain

It's from peer reviewed research actually.

no you degen

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Psilocybin inhibits the processing of negative emotions ... - ScienceDaily

Psilocybin and the Shadow: Psychedelic Mushrooms to Heal Trauma


Bullshit, I've been tortured for hours in a cognate, mirror maze on mushrooms and had experianced life altering comradery with my mates on Acid. You end up where your consciousness is actually AT regardless of the method.



No-one is claiming bad trips ain't healing, it's hurts like fuck yo have a broken leg reset too but no-one could call it fun.

Speaking of the Pope

>Meme flag

wtf are you talking about you crazy potato fanatic
bad trips dont hurt, they are just uncomfortable
unless you are like a nog and only react in the now, anyone knows it will fade after some time


we healed

No. I was taught that drugs were bad and never to try them because it's a slippery slope. I believed my parents over kikes running Hollywood before I ever knew what kikes were scheming.

I was also taught that alcohol was okay and now I'm borderline alcoholic.

So for all you kikes claiming it doesn't matter what you teach your children, they will rebel anyway, I am an example of that being incorrect.

>>zog meme flag
>>trust these experts
>>disregard lived experience
We see ((you)) fuck face

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anybody here have tips for keeping food down on acid? me and my friends recently took pretty high doses and i heard conflicting advice on what i should eat beforehand, if anything at all, so i just ate a little pizza but me and another friend just ended up throwing it up later.


I have been huffing 6-12 cans of compressed air duster a day for the last 7 years. it cost me my wife, my career, my relationship with EVERYTHING outside of the internet.

I was a staff sergeant in the US Army with 12 years of service.

i make this little bitch look like she needs her cupcakes:


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>does least damage
>doesnt know blood brain barrier

Psliocybin mushrooms
Amanita Muscaria
Hyosycine hydrobromide

and that's about it, I'm actually pretty close to spiritually ascending to the 5th dimension.

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why do we fight broski

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I trust people saying mushrooms are beneficial because I know from first hand experience they are.

Jesus was a mushroom

nigger detected

since when can niggers spell more than 4 letter words correctly

>blood brain barrier

oh wait

and that's it.

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I'm completely white leaf

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Weed - lovely, occasional panic attacks

Magic mushrooms - ZOMFGPonies! and a couple of grim ones

LSD - colours, trails, concepts getting shish-kebbad and folded in on themselves so I could see them and grok them but not describe them.

DMT - the machine elves showed me how the fractal edges of everything fit together to allow movement in time but not the three other primary dimensions. Gravity is what you get when something is decoupled on too many edges.

PCP - oh hell no.

Heroin, coke - hell no

Tobacco - no. Projectile vomit is no fun.

only certain lipids can cross the blood brain barrier

Ask a single person with shroom experience if they felt scared or paranoid during their trip at some point and they will say yes.

I blacked out on them once and when I came to I sent hours convinced the blackout was my death and I was in the afterlife. I couldn't feel my own breathing or heartbeat and was running around frantically asking people if I was breathing



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coke passes the blood brain barrier, leading to entropy and damage of brain cells. coke will also weaken the blood brain barrier, making it easier for other undesirable chemicals to enter the brain.

> (OP)
>I'm smacked out of my head on Vick's Vaporub right now, and a guy a met on Grindr is coming over in 30 minutes to piss on me in the bath.
Sounds like a splendidly scrumptious evening

I had a bad LSD trip, a very dark LSD trip but have not had similiar experiences on mushrooms.

My mushroom trips were a completely different experience in comparison with LSD which was a kaleidoscope of both natural and unnatural form, context - far more psychological in a way which could be extremely terrifying.

The mushrooms were lubricated with a calm acceptance of mother earth which was starkly missing from the LSD, which at times thrusts you singularly out in front of the entire form of the universe, in a bleak loneliness so startling ones wishes to remove their human skin

Meth ruined my life for a couple years. Would do a shot and whack off for 24-48 hours no joke. It is the devil

I've been sober for years but how badly did I fuck myself doing ecstasy during highschool?

"But be thou sober in all things, suffer hardship"

2 Timothy 4:5

k thx guys

I'm too fucking weak for drugs. Just strong pot will send me into mania after a while
Only hard shit I did was smoking heroin but obviously without the needle that's bitch shit. Saw my homie almost die from that shit

Have tried weed, LSD (being 1200mu the biggest dose), 6g of shrooms once, Peyote, Ayahuasca and a lot of DMT

Try noodles.

Surely you can go 12 hours without food

LSD suppresses the appetite

I cant imagine wanting to eat on it

Polish Pope, best Pope.

Daily reminder if you're not Catholic, you're a subhuman nigger

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Yes, all of them

Good goy!

Do you know he wore brown shoes?

Nah man, I tried to eat a peanut MnM and it turned into fucking sweet psychedelic sand in my mouth and I could feel every shard of the shell in my mouth, couldn't swallow it either.

Tried to eat curried rice one time as well and it legit just looked like maggots man.

Drink orange juice and health smoothies, eat peanuts from the shell, chocolate and tea and coffee. Any actual meals are too, how to say, like mentally unfeasible and too sensory overloading to eat.

same as you here pretty much plus heroin and methamphetamine plus sub and methadone, add in a ton of research stuff, opium, benzodiazapines and a lot more trips dph/sertraline/quatiapine dont really count I'd say, for sure get off your ass and try DXM, go to an asda pharmacy and buy some

What a great description. Psychedelic sand, I know exactly what you mean.

Walking up the street became quite the task.

Serotonin depletion that takes fucking years to return to baseline.

YOu know they say orange juice negates the effects because of the vitamin D content and also caffeine maybe when you are coming down is a good idea but hot drinks are a no no.

No boiling kettles full of lsd
No peanuts, choking hazard

-safety man