Beto O'Rourke, Democratic dreamboat, is getting his ass kicked in Texas

Oh no no...

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Archive that please.
Beto is up against a hispanic in hispanic town.

>he even calls himself Beto because it sounds hispanic and (((they))) know spics are all tribalist and stupid so they vote for whatever sounds spicky

You mean Robert Francis?

Except Texas' white conservative Governor (Greg Abbott) has more support from Texas Hispanic voters than his Latina Democratic challenger, Lupe Valdez, even in a 'blue wave' year.

She didn't mention hiis DUI or is that fake news

more like Beta O'Rourke lol

>implying hispanics vote
ur retarded m8

>grassroots cash



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Unleash the endorsement! Plz Taylor Swift!

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Faggots I swear

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to be fair he runs against "ted" cruz

Funny that Ted vs Beto is actually Rafael vs Robert

Cruz has passed through his redemption arc. I'm lending him some of my energy.

Cruz only lost to Trump because he's the God Emperor, he's still 5 tiers above chumps like Beta O'Irish


Bernie Sanders would have beaten Drompf tho

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bernie had two main problems:
>he was popular among millenials and chapo trap house redditors who rarely bother to vote
>latinx and black pippl didn't care about him at all

Bernie didn't have any appeal to people who want JOBS. He only appealed to people who want free shit.
There's a big difference between the two. Most people have enough pride to want to work for their bread.


I didn't think russian bots were actually real

Once I hungered for delegates. Now I feast on donors. You were never a threat Beto, just bait.

Attached: Ted Cruz Pistol.jpg (992x558, 249K)

In every Democratic presidential primary since 1992 the winner was the winner of the Black vote. Blacks inside and outside of primaries vote as blocs. Bernie didn't win Black voters. Hillary did rig the primaries, but Bernie also lost them.

>grassroots cash

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>media campaign to manufacture public opinion fails once again


Great, another standard leftist Southern Democrat that only exists because of media hype massive infusions of cash from the Northeast and California.

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An Irishman and Spaniard pretending to be spics to win an election in Texas. The absolute state.

spanish people are spics, latinx are beaners

i would imagine they do

Bego is larping RFK ...good luck with that

yeah because he was viewed as a weak faggot and also his character was in alot cuck porn

>grass root cash

I genuinely scoffed.

I have loads of pics that if released would ruin this guys campaign. Thinking about doing it because his team is a bunch of scumbags. On the other hand I want free shit.

You can't buy Texas

You should approach a GOP dark money group in Texas and sell them the pictures. You get money and you fuck over his team. Everybody wins.

As a follow up I think it was the GOP's plan to pretend like Cruz could lose to get Democrats to spend a bunch of money on a dead race

>Cuban Reagan LARPers who advocates amnesty , illegal immigrants ,deindustrialization due to FREE TRADE

>White hippie boy

When did you learn that Republican state like Utah and Texas is Zionist headquarter

Self-hating crypto vs. self-hating crypto.

I like this idea

If you can find the right people make money user.

My opinion is do it now for lulz and brief chan fame. (But that's me being selfish. )

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Have fun.

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>Had to fundraise in NYC

Thanks rat.

Yea. I was gonna vote for him but after getting to know certain really slimy people on his team it put a bad taste in my mouth. It's nothing bad about him but it still hurts him indirectly

Who specifically and what specifically was slimy about them?

So if Cruz dunks on Beto, does that mean El Paso gets a Republican House seat in his absence?

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Houston fag here

Do it IMMEDIATELY. All the free shit won't matter when Beto helps to tank the Texas Economy and fuck over Abbott.

Never forget Abbott:
- Helped to mandate voter ID in Texas
- Banned Sancuary cities in Texas
- Stopped the Salvadorian Caravan from entering texas by sending national guard+ Texas militias
- Helped to Sue the federal government over DACA

If you truly want Texas to thrive, then help end Beto the potato fucker. Also if you want free shit, i'm certain some GOP outlets will pay a pretty penny for those pics, just give them a sample and then set your price. Be the Entrepreneur you were destined to be!

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Hi! This is a reporter for buzzfeed. Pls respond.

I’ve seen this shared by a few Hispanics on the Facebook.

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It's not the DUI that's the problem, it's that he tried to leave the scene and was detained by witnesses (all documented) and then lied about it recently.

Whenever you look at a poll you need to ask yourself "Who actually answers polling questions on their phone from unknown numbers?". I personally think polls are skewed towards the democrats because a democrat is much, much more likely to answer an unknown number then stay on the line to answer their polling questions. I almost never answer an unknown number and when I do if they don't have a direct link to my life I hang up within 5 seconds.

Bernie Sanders didn't go through the scrutiny of a general election. If he couldn't come up with a coalition to win the primaries how could he win the general?

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I like to read the comments on reddit thread about beto. the self delusion is strong. cant wait for the salt if he loses

They're dumping absurd amounts of money into another losing race. Democrats are caught in a fuckwit loop.

This is the last hypothetical timeline that exists in which delusional user berniebro isn't a total failure as a human bean, don't take it away from him senpai

Was watching niggerball (on antenna because not giving them $$) and they played 2 ads for him. They are blowing money out the ass

The guy talks up police when he's in front of them, then calls them the New Jim Crow in front of black people. This is the state where a BLM extremist killed several officers commando style.

>Beto O'Rourke, Democratic dreamboat
they raised over 30 million dollars for this piece of trash last quarter. WHY??????????? HES YOUR COOKIE CUTTER LIBERAL FAGGOT

DUI is still a problem. imagine if it was trump or a republican with the DUI. theyd massacre him in the news cycle week after week after week. the DUI IS the problem


So hes a criminal?
Why the hell would they pump so much money into a criminal?

They can control him, if beta ever steps out of line the dem machine will leak info on some crime we dont know about and he’s done for.

Texas, you got this. Ted looks good.


Should have gone by Betx then

beta o rourke

Also the retards criticizing Ted for his name change dont get it

1) cruz did it when young to fit in to the dominant culture
2) beta did it later to fit in with a voting bloc for political reasons

Those dildos are never going to help me, they don't give a fuck about young poor people- everyone just votes for whoever helps themselves out so why shouldn't I? You don't know what Texas is like: It's boring as all fuck, the average girl is married by 21, and everyone works some underpaid factory job. I don't want it to stay like that. But I really fucking hate the beto team..

help yourself, idiot

So the
"he's going to turn Texas blue in the wave" turned into
"Beto is going to lose, and that's a good thing."
They are trying to motivate Dems by saying they are losing. Fortunately, Beto is a terrible candidate for Texas.
Cruz >60
Although Blue Wave is coming.

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Tejanos are conservative. Only the Cali beaners and illegals are all about gibs.

isn't most of his money coming from out of state?

a similar thing happened here in MA, some woke black woman won a Congressional election and it was painted as a grassroots victory, but most of the campaign money came from literal out of state Jews. coincidentally the woman in question was far more pro-Israel than the incumbent Democratic Boomer.

worst part is, this isnt even a troll
fucking incredible

>michigan tossup
>arizona confirmed blue

>the devil you know...

They're not going to help you but give you the opportunity to help yourself you faggot. Whether you chose to do so or not is another matter entirely.

First, how does getting a huge cash payout for political pictures not help you?

>Boring as hell
What, if you're just floating around in a podunk like Winnie forever. We literally have every single kind of terrain to see in our state, fuckton of music festivals, sights, attractions, water parks, cultural festivals, shooting ranges, 9 billion different BBQs, Rodeos, local beers. Hell we got one of the few remaining German communes in Fredricksberg if you wanted to see what pre-globalization Germany looked like.
>average girl is married by 21
How is that bad or even a contention? It a personal choice by the individual.
>everyone works some underpaid factory job
Bullshit. This isn't the East Coast. Fuckton of good labor jobs, skilled labor, well paying oil jobs, or whatever brand of higher education work you want in the metro areas of Dallas, Houston, Austin, Fort Worth, Amarillo, or El Paso.

>don't give a fuck about young poor people
Texas conservatives are some of the only ones standing up to the massive influx of illegal immigrants that drive down young peoples wages and take their starting low skill jobs, keep the state from having any Taxes outside of federal (more money in your pocket from your own paycheck), and who work to keep the massive amount of industry and jobs in our state. I feel you are just misinformed partner, but Texas is an amazing and helping all walks of life in our state.

You are only a Tejano if you went through LULAC, are a son of Seguin, or have family more than 3 generations here.

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>isn't most of his money coming from out of state?

Yes. If O'Rourke loses next month, he should move to California, they're pretty much funding his campaign, maybe he can do better there.

O'Rourke seems like a white Obama, I honestly think if he won he'd be a potential serious presidential candidate. He has the 'feel' to him the way Obama did, whatever it is, that makes liberals go crazy for them.

You are a Tejano if your family fought for the Republic.
There were more Hispanics than whites that fought for the Republic.
There are waaaaaay more Tejanos than what you're suggesting

Beto wishing all these illegal mexicans could vote

Cultural appropriation is for Halloween, and shouldn't be a lifestyle.

Bullshit! He's gonna win! Keep giving loads of money to him instead of candidates in more competitive races, fellow Democrats!

He's got fish mouth though

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what a faggot. Texas is great, only thing that sucks here is the weather if you can't handle the heat here

>beta o’rourke

>average girl is married by 21
where do I find an average girl?

>meme flag accusing others of being shills

Mexicans aren’t really rallying around this guy, though. Only white NPCs in Austin and niggers in Houston are.

>What is a Son of Seguin
You know who Juan Nepomuceno Seguin of Bexar is right?

Also the legal mexicans that immigrated here from the 1880s to the 50s before gibs and immigration changes that went through LULAC would also be considered tejanos because they went through program designed to integrate them to Texan/Tejano culture, speak english, and teach them how to start their own business.

Go way out to East Texas country or in the small towns inside the golden triangle and you'll meet real tejanos.

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>Beta O'Cuck
>drunk driver, attempts to flee scene
>not a Kennedy
>wants to suck cock and ruin the country
Fuck this faggot. Fuck all of these Lefty scumbags. What are YOU doing to step on the throat of the DNC this November?

Soros money loses, as has been the case since Trump took office.

There are a shitload of conservative hispanics here. (They're usually the ones that bust their ass all day for a living.)

Check out the faggot who reads "Vanity Fair". When does your subscription run out?
You might want to readjust your tampon sister-boy

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>a democrat is within single digits in texas, and that's a good thing

republicans in 2018 sound like democrats in 2016