Does the NPC meme even trigger anyone?

I keep seeing people on here saying that this meme is “triggering the normies” or some shit. I don’t even think anyone knows about it.

Am I missing something here?

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It has crossed over into social media. I don't trust it, I think it was deployed to foment division.

This, it started popping up all the time during shill hours.

It's not genuine. No one called these fuckers NPCs before this.

division between who?

NPC meme marches to a set timeline. forced

Hegelian dialectic

problem-reaction-solution. they control all parts

It started with that study, of course nobody called them it before then. That's literally how memes and language work, not "it didn't exist the last 800 years so it's fake!".

it's certainly being forced here

It's been on here for more than 2 years. Someone just solidified it into a visual representation after a small article came out that a high percentage of a group didn't have an inner dialogue when asked.

There's definitely been push back. Both from shills and the paranoid who think it'll used as a trigget for a false flag. I think we should run with personally. Anything that makes the normies stop a think about the absurdity of their reality is very much welcomed by me.

It's just a meme that has some resonance. It will lose popularity, like many memes.

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its as old as /v/ is when they would have threads joking about real life being a video game

I saw it on Jow Forums first


Spoken like a true NPC

Probably to keep white nationalists/AR/traditionalist types from reaching normies. I've heard this theory in a couple of other places.

THis. The original theory is old...

Yeah, I agree. That's my bet on where it actually did come from.

>It's not genuine meme because I didn't hear of it first
This has been around for years on /v/, and the theory is much older than that

NPCs only get triggered when triggered NPCs are introduced to the herd.

Dude are you kidding me?
I can think of 30 memes more offensive to normies
(pic related is just an easy one)

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>i dont think anyone knows about it
>posts a thread on Jow Forums about it
This NPC needs an upgrade

calling the people who post the NPC memes jew npcs pisses them off for some odd reason

mfw posting npc meme in redpill threads for months

i love it

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I was talking about Jow Forums. It's at least been 3 years on here, I saw some old posts about it when some user was car pooling.

Well that kinda makes sense, it derails the meme

Yes fellow goyim. It is having zero effect. Let's stop talking about NPCs and forget about it all entirely.

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Yeah, the theory is super old. The Conscious Mind came out in 1996 and the whole theory is even older than that

it's the truth and it's amusing, of course it sets off triggers everywhere

even jews can't really go against it effectively because it's their ingraned "core" believe about the goyim. (of couse they still try because it exposes them even more as satanic puppeteers than saying they're satanic puppeteers)

It pisses people off. That's good enough for me. My wife was pissed too, then she actually started trying to have more independent thinking. It's good.

Attached: NPCgram.webm (667x375, 562K)