>First Serb - Montenegro football match ends in violence
>Kosovo wins against Malta 3 - 1
>First Serb - Montenegro football match ends in violence
>Kosovo wins against Malta 3 - 1
Will the balkans ever know peace?
>literally the Cradle of War
>know peace
not in the foreseeable future, no.
crazy how everyone is poor and still needs more clay to extend their borders
Gib back Kosovo. It's legitimate Romania clay.
Do we deserve peace?
I just don't know how are we supposed to join the EU when most of people live with 150$ per month salaries .
This place really doesn't deserve peace
1/3 of serbia is not balkans
more then half of romania croatia slovenia
trukey is not europe
you're a shill
Never say never to more misery and why not, dindu quotas
Bull, more like 700 if you're lucky, even doctors are fleeing from this place.
Felllow Balkanites, what is your REAL job market situation?
the fight started because someone started singing that if you dont start jumping you are a serb so the montenegrins who see themselves as serbs started beating the shit out of those who are trying to push the meme how montenegrins are not serbs.
lolwot. more like 1.100€
Why did Montenegro split from Serbia some years back anyway, Aren't you both Serbs in blood and culture?
slovenia isn't balkan fuck off
Easy, (((them))) want to get more competition on the labour market so everybody in the eu has to live with 150 a month.
like everytime partisan and red star play it ends in violence i cant fucking sleep those cunts screeming outside and singing they retarded songs
is 2018 not funny anymore
Why do balkan people hate each other? What caused it?
Ayy lmao.
The question: "Are traps gay?"
are you living under rock for 200 years lmao
>What caused it?
ottomans, britain, france, russia, germany
I wanna lick Reimu's tummny and armpits~!
I really wanted there to be a war between Albania and Serbia last month. We need to get this shit over with.
Montenegro is basically a dictatosrhip, their leader (pic related) has been in power longer then even Merkel or Putin, he's been running the place since Commieslavia days
US Embassy gives him and his cronies shitloads of "donations" and their politicians openly lie about their plans for policy during elections
He will probably get Mussolini'd in a few years
da white man is keeping the man down
nonsense, you're here forever
it's rightful German clay
Rothschilds literally bought Montenegro.
>Italian media state with certainty that the small coastal nation of Montenegro (pop. 650,000) is completely controlled by companies connected to the Rothschild family, which financed the project for Montenegro's independence, reports local daily "Dan".
>It is stated that Nathaniel Rothschild celebrated his 40th birthday in Tivat this summer, and the independence of Montenegro was financially supported by his companies Trigranit, British Petroleum, JNR limited, HM Rothschild, Vanco, Societe Generale and many others.
>Nathaniel Philip Victor James Rothschild, fabulously wealthy heir to one of the world's most powerful dynasties, has been granted Montenegrin citizenship
>The newspaper Vijesti said it had learned from the Interior Ministry that the 42-year-old British-born financier, who lives in Switzerland, had gained a Montenegrin passport on the request of then Prime Minister Igor Luksic in 2011.
>The billionaire heir to one of the world's great banking dynasties, known as Nat, became better known in Montenegro in 2011 when he celebrated his 40th birthday in the the newly built Porto Montenegro yacht marina in the Bay of Kotor.
>Among the 400 guests at the glamorous birthday party was the current Montenegrin Prime Minister, Milo Djukanovic.
You're missing Kosovo.
Yeah, they're not allowing us to genocide each other, they're preventing the only outcome of this whole debacle so the balkans never become stable
What do you mean lad, Serbia claims it along with Albania in the map
It's an independent country.
>they're not allowing us to genocide each other
They literally lit the fuse
The US forbid the IMF from giving out loans to Yugoslavia but promised to give further loans to any country that break away from it, this is 100% guaranteed to start shit
They also funded all of the seperatists parties (under the guise of "fundin demograsi :-DDD") through NGOs, even fucking Soros was involved
And now the UN pisskeepers in Kosovo have been fully replaced with NATO Mutts
Yeah, but it doesn't really have a unique national character, what "Kosovar Imperium" existed for them to be irredentist of?
Yugoslavia could have survived if you didn't push for centralization and westerners giving mixed signals like refusing to give loans but at the same time inviting Yugoslavia into proto EU
Yeah they are playing games on us to reduce our numbers and strength, back in 1921 we had the entire Entente on our side in the Greco-Turkish war, then on the next year literally everyone dropped us and sided with Kemal...
Commies wanted power, what else is new
And now we have the war parasites to drag us down for the next 30 years
It is a protected UN zone with partial recognition
sad thing is that it's same people in power then and now. They just switched sides...
Further proof that the Civil War was a sham
I just hope Pussymouth and Bimbinda don't start anything stupid so we can at least attempt to partition Bosnia again, I think a modification of the Karadjordjevo agreement could work best
It's better they unite with Albania?
yes, new Karađorđevo agreement should be implemented. Dayton agreement should have been only ceasfire, but it turned into status quo for over 20 years
No please no, let's just leave Bosnia as it is. It's an ethnic clusterfuck and you're gonna have people on the wrong side of the border no matter how we split it
Also we might have to deal with a Mujo insurgency
if you leave it as it is, bosniaks will centralize it and overtake entire country
They use it like its a fucking constitution
Well fuck I guess we'll just split it then, and hope the muslim insurgency we're both gonna have doesn't get too bad
Send them to Turkey to join their cousins that were sent there during the uprisings (Bosnia was protected by the Eternal Kraut)
Just nuke us already. I'm too tired for this pettie shit.
We meet again greek Reimufag. Remember me? I'm the guy who developed a fetish for her armpits. I hate you.
I don't think transporting a million Mujos to Turkey will be an easy task
why not leave them where they are? Just give them Sarajevo-Zenica-Tuzla area as indepedent country. Even Bihač, because we surely don't need it
>I'm too tired for this pettie shit.
Me too man, me too
Croats actually want to take Slovenia? I never heard of that but considering who we're talking about (faggots, croats are all metrosexuals) it doesn't surprise me.
we don't want Zlovenia or we are metrosexuals, only Split has metro and nobody uses it because it has 2 stations. But they are talking about finishing it after 40 years
>I'm the guy who developed a fetish for her armpits.
>lose Battle of Sakarya with sheer incompetence against a weak Turkish army
>that army get stronger due to victory, fucks you in two weeks a year later
>bitch about Entente 100 years later
never change Yunan, spoiled child of Europe.
>be supplied from USSR, UK, Italy, France and the rest of the great powers
>we did it all by ourselves!
Sit down komshu, one day we'll liberate you
Can’t serbs and Croats just split Bosnia up and send all the Bosniaks to Albanian along with the kosovar Albanians?
Friendly reminder that Bosnia is already split and settled. We dont have to do shit at all.
>being proud of a battle where there were more turkish deserters than greek kias
Never change, you spineless monkey cowards.
We cant do shit with your mutt force present.
>mfw we cant have proper war anymore on Balkans like we always used to.
>get supplied by USSR
after the sakarya
never happened, Llyod George's chimping out was legendary
Bongs pissed them of including you after ww1.
after sakarya
learn your history Yunan
and we still defeted you yunan diaspora. you got so fucked a year later you swam all the way to the Canada, the land of cucks.
That would be great in theory but population transfers of that magnitude haven't been tried since Stalin expelled the Crimea Tatars into central asia like 50 years ago. It would probably cause shitflinging competition to erupt on an international scale and/or intervention towards Croatia/Serbia.
So you do admit that Turks had foreign help, Yianni Turkopoulou it's about time you wake up and admit you are GREEK
of course we had help. USSR hated your guts.
>you are GREEK
actually, yes I am. my family is from Lemnos. Doesn't change the fact that you lost fair and square. stop bitching about it.
I don't think we lost that fairly when every single one of our allies dropped us and supported Turkey though
Why would we transfer muslims from Bosnia when they are absolute majority in their part of Federation due to ethnic cleansing in 90s when we expelled them from our teritories like they did to us but on smaller scale.
Also Bosnia is giant shithole that will collapse on its own in coming years due to it being a giant fucking shithole.
What happens we`ll see but im sure as hell there wont be Yugo 3.0 this time.
your most important ally was the UK. and they were behind you all the way to the end.
because of your incomptence, Prime Minister George lost his government.
I’m sorry serbnon. If it makes you feel any better I think Arkan dindu nuffin wrong.
Guise the girl i like is from Kossovo. Is there anything i should know about Kosovans that could help me.
They were so behind us they stopped helping us completely, and even parked their ships outside of Smyrna like the dancing Israelis in 911...
Unacceptable, it needs to be partitioned so we can finally erase the idea of Bosniak identity
Bosnians will become Muslim Croats and Serbs
This madness has to end, permanently
We need to bring them into the fold, them and Monteniggers
Yes. Avoid them.
they hate serbs. that's enough.
to save your remnants. you wanted them to fight your war for you? George still tried to attack the army in the north. His government prevented it.
But whyy?? I mean her parents are pretty insane but she's well aware of that.
Because Albanians are monkeys.
No problem, its more your oligarchs problem than its common plebs.
Now madam Albraight cant sell her lignit coal to our thermo power station because of her ``border`` with Serbia. absolute kek
Arkan was scum criminal that was good at what he does best, killing people.
He also comanded among most trained units we had which were trained by other competant people, not him.
He had titanium bass though to lead them into some of the thickest fights in that war that i have to admit.
I hope not I am willing to sacrifice one of my kidneys to the dark gods to start another balkan war between every nation.
To save our remnants in video tape perhaps, they did nothing to help in the end of the war
Serbs are based man, I wanna vacation there and see Zastava. Oh hey my handguards from the war have a lewd sticker on one side and say 17,6 Ziko 95 on them. June 17th 1995 but is Ziko a serb name?
Yeah, but she's really fucking hot. And British women are really unattractive.
Lewd sticker
>We need to bring them into the fold, them and Monteniggers
We will, Milo will get dethroned in future and Republic of Srpska is just matter of time to switch documents and car licence plates when that shithole collapses, theres nothing muslims can do about.
We only could have massive emigrations which will destabilise us like cro*ts already have when muslims overvoted them for their candidate.
We must not allow same stuff to happen to us.
Arkan did do more harm than good. He was good at warfighting and waging brutal war. But the 90s conflict would've played out much better for us if it was left in the hands of competent people such as Lazarevic, Pavkovic, Vasiljkovic, Mauzer, Mladic and the actual Serbians in the military back then - not reformed (((Communists))).
>excuses excuses.
stop bitching, you just can't fight with your own soldiers. always looking for outside soldiers to come and help you. admit it.
Do you know whatever happened to the tiger cub from that Croat zoo?
That rifle has seen some shit
Žiko (pronounced Zheeko) is used by all Yugos, but mostly in Serbia and Bosnia
I really don't.
Жикo or Ziko is a Serbian name. The man's full name was probably Живopaд
Yeah, I admit that Turks received outside assistance and that the brits dropped us completely, to get us killed. I indeed do admit that Kemal was probably a kike from Salonica too
t. In denial
Cool, I like my Zastava gats. I have a old double barrel 12 gauge coming tomorrow. They were made between 75’-91’. Wonder if it was also used in the wars.
>Ziko a serb name?
Žika is a name, Žiko would be more of a nickname
Thanks user, Zastava is just a factory, nothing special about it, you would have more fun going to their stores and checking their stuff, they have some cool new designs now.
Ziko is mostly serbian nickname for Zivorad,Zivojin etc., so yes, a serbian name.
My father turned over 2 ak`s and some more stuff, he didnt want it.
Yeah, that gent had a taste.
Do they have milsurp stores there? I have a jna jacket but I wouldn’t mind cool patches or some oak leaf pants.
worse for you, a Macedonian.