Swedish police starts "stop shooting" campaign

After the dramatic increase in gun violence over the past few years, the Swedish police knew it was time to act. Inspired by the success of the "tafsa inte" (don't molest) armbands, they've launched a new campaign, called "sluta skjut" (stop shooting). Will this campaign be even more successful than the last? We're about to find out!


Attached: sluta skjut.jpg (500x334, 40K)

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> surely if we tell subhumans to stop being subhuman they'll stop.

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p-p-please don't shoot mahmud

combine the rape armband and stop shoot campaigns.
>"pants up don't shoot"

>We're about to find out!

>tell people to stop shooting
>terrorists and gangsters start wearing this shit so you don’t suspect them when they’re about to whip out the AK

Pls americans teach us how to deal with niggers the other day a black guy stole my bike

Does Sweden have room for an extremely well hung gay Australian twink?

>Green hands

Surely turd coloured hands would be more more to point

the slutas are all over your country sven, they've just decided they'd rather fuck achmed consensually rather than get raped

Hands = green
Green = muslim color

Are you rayscist, Sweden?

Amazing. How do you, Swedes, come up with these astounding ideas?

Sweden? How you doing, bro? You all right over there?

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Flee to a gated community or move to the country side



Should have been "don't beat me, better piss on me".
Aw the jokes that only Russians get, gotta love them.

>the Swedish police knew it was time to act.
The colouring outside the line...
This was done by a diversity hire.

Holy shit a Chinaposter, never seen one!

>inspired by the success of the dont molest armbands
Let me guess.. They conflated the distributing of said armbands with a decrease in molestation without comparing it to the rate of molestation or the fact that concurrently swedish media was telling people that it was racist to report a muslim rapist.


>Please stop shooting!
>I have a magical armband, you can't rape me in the ass!
Can someone explain why our rulers suddenly stopped believing it is their duty to kill criminals? When did they stop believing it? This is the eternal duty of a ruling party.

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Because killing criminals is racist obviously.

Man, at this point i wish some racists were in charge.

And yet you'll do nothing.

What am i supposed to do based Vladimir? Vote? Lead an insurrection?

>tfw you lost the little hope you had left in your country

Attached: Wut.png (409x352, 255K)

I dunno. And I'm not based since I also do nothing. We are both cucks friend Ingvar.

Gender quotas, try it

...or they could start shooting back.

I can see multicultural experiment is working out, you fucking cucks.

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"sluta skjut" what kind of nigger swedish is this

It is directed at niggers after all.


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All is well. We'll soon produce our own Birth of a Nation movie. Though we'll call it Death of a Nation. Been in the works for 30 years now.

arabs* somalis*

Well, yes. Sandniggers and regular niggers.

Calling a Somali a nigger is being generous

"sluta skjuta" even rhymes which would be perfect for their stupid campaign.