Attached: Screen Shot 2018-10-13 at 6.56.20 pm.png (1120x820, 619K)

Other urls found in this thread:

and that's a good thing!

Sounds like he means it's time to remove African and Muslim migrants from Italy. I support this

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Literal fucking animals

Attached: ngamba_chimps-10.jpg (600x400, 171K)

no fucking way this is real

Unironically based

Problem? Go home

This one man is uncucking Italy speech by speech.

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Italiener kauft nicht bei Negern!

Memes aside but meds are based

You’re all newfags, he’s all talk and no go.

This semitic kike-gypsie should close his mouth after 9 p.m., being himself all non-European at all

>meds are based
bluepilled shitskin lover

Oh meme flag, what are you like?

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>Jow Forums mutts consider this white

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فاگگوت موحامهدان

Salty literal nigger detected. Time's running out, Deandre.

He's Italian, that's all that matters. Take your autistic skin tone analysis somewhere else



why not? we usually close shops at 6/7pm
only niggers keep them open the whole day to sell drugs or other illegal things

> Discord trannies consider this human (and white)

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Looks like a Latvian I know. So kind of?

poor german turk getting white because he gets no sun

This guy makes Trump look like a fucking pussy.

is this like where the nigger ran into a surgery room and killed a doctor in the middle of surgery

>fagagoot moohaamhdaan
>موحامهد instead of محمد
lel what is this bullshit


Attached: image.jpg (1052x475, 508K)

>sparked outrage
Literally nobody talked about it

nah thats a good idea because late at night there aren't as many people around to make sure that mr muhammad doesnt close up shop while someone is alone and vulnerable inside at 11pm

It is real

Based pastarinos

it's not in arabic

This says it all.

How did you produce something this retarded anyway? I know it's supposed to mean "faggot mohammedan" and you wrote it letter by letter in the Persian script (abjads don't work that way), but how and why such retardation?

Hi Turk

Lmao no chance, only Medoids consider him white
He has gypsie-semitic blood, no Germanic would think he is European

t. non-white subhumans

>t. Med diaspora in Germanic country
Subhuman polluting a superior genpool

That thing Macron did has yet to stop being amusing to me.
It's like something Jow Forums would come up with as a parody, but no, it really happened.

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Don't talk about yourself that way

i started learning persian alphabet(since i want to learn persian) a week ago, but as to why i try to type english in the script ?
no clue, just for fun

Our president looks so happy! Daily reminder a newspaper here got an explosive dossier few months prior to the elections about Macron going in gay gangbang to get anally destroyed by niggers but they oyveyed "shut it down" and the editor was forced to remove all the newpapers copies from the shelves.

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You D&C kikes are way too transparent.

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i use this site

So proud of Italy.

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How's LePen doing in the polls, frog? After the disaster that is Macron, she has to be soaring, right?

Your so beloved Medoids are the people with genetic similairity to Ashkenazi trash, not me

real question from a dumb american
what do yall do when you're hungry at like midnight and there isn't any food in the house

lel ok well just so you know you don't need to write every vowel as its own letter and a doubled consonant wouldn't be written as two persian letters but rather as one with a tashkil (the one that looks like a w) above to indicate the doubling.

And his wife/mother made a little threat towards them

yeah, i figure that yesterday, but i forgot to update it

like anything good happens at night

*figured that out yesterday

Whiter than you nigger

based and iranpilled

marg bar amrika

Didn't read, lol.
Since you're such a (You)-hungry slut I'll give this last one since I'm feeling kind.

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he passed more laws in 5 months than PD in 10 years

He's kinda right, ethnic shops become noisy squats after 8PM

I keep the hunger. Eating right before going to bed it's bad for your health.
But it's impossible to not have food in the house. Pasta basically doesn't expire, so in worst case scenario just make some carbonara

Attached: carbonara.jpg (900x600, 137K)


I have a book now, you see?
it arrived this morning, so I am ready now

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you... just go to sleep and get an extra cornetto the morning after along with coffee

what the fuck

>and there isn't any food in the house
WHY isn't there any food in your house, american?
Do you guys not have refrigerators?

>oy vey i've been found out shill for the high score

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Re bro, last week a famous nigger metis actor in France who was in the same high school than Macron commented about how he was craving for the nigger dick at school and how he was so excited each time he was in the changing room after sport with niggers. I wish i was making this shit up....

Another guy who worked with him at rothschild bank stated he was in couple with another man (white) but was also fucked by niggers during jet set parties. And that he was in couple with Brigitte only to be able to reach presidency, because french aren't "evolved enough" to accept an openly gay president yet, both being from the same freemasonic lodge.

Attached: quand-fabrice-eboue-ironise-sur-ses-annees-de-lycee-avec-emmanuel-macron.jpg (1140x641, 78K)

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Attached: sweaty fuhrer.png (600x600, 323K)

This. Mutts will believe anything JewNN tell them to. They don't know cultures of other countries. lol

Never happened anything like that to me but i guess you could just go to sleep and then buy something later in the morning.
Also restock your food supplies thats quite odd

What the fuck.

How many votes more will Salvini secure after the student protest that burned his and Di Maio's straw puppets at the stake in Turin?

These fucking retards I swear.
This kind of shit failed with burgers, why should it work with us?

Attached: aybabtu.png (640x400, 14K)

he's obvioulsy gay and and likes arab men but nobody seems to care

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Lepen is a fucking kike traitor, she always was one. She doesn't want the power, she just act as an opposition force to simulate democracy, nothing else. I've more hope in the qt of the family, /ourwaifu/ Marion lepen, who dissociated herself from her aunt when she understood the jewish scam she was (reminder Lepen fired off her own dad from the party he created and she now preside). All what Marine Lepen want are those sweet sweet shekels, she couldn't care less about the fate of the frenchs. After all she is a lawyer.

Attached: marion.jpg (805x453, 26K)

Well there USED to be little ethnic shops open....

آره، برادر

get to my sniff level.

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Did he do anything until now besides talking?

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*bale, barādar!

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I thought you were very similar to spain where you have all your shops open all night. Or maybe i'm just forgetting and it was the same way where only kebab shops were open that late for drunk tourists and niggers to eat.

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> mutts still stuck with this mongrel logic

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Fucking disgusting.
Sorry you guys have that kind of shit hovering over your heads.

Jesus christ that was a full frontal visual assault.
I really hate image hover sometimes.

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yeah browns are going to be removed worldwide this is just a taste

what a terrible posture, just look at how much the shoes are worn on the outer side

RN is doing good in the polls for the EU election next year. They are going all out against Marine, trying to take her down but it won't matter because if they succeed there are other good people in the party.

>there isn't any food in the house

I respect your autism, in a way.

Attached: cineBro.jpg (167x131, 17K)

Cannot unsee now. Physically hurts to watch her standing like that