Another good person fired because of long harrassment by people like you scared of LGTBQA+ representation... Don't you have any shame?
Another good person fired because of long harrassment by people like you scared of LGTBQA+ representation...
Does he start calling everyone out or is that all there is?
Onionsboy faggot
oh he's going to start crying.
fuck this fuck that fuck him
> scared by one-star reviews
> on the Internet
> about your children's comic book
>not well received by a certain subset
He's such a bad writer why would he ever use his position to talk shit
star wars was one of the worst things that happened to western civilization
Fuck you and fuck your troll thread.
I dont know why our traitor ass mods even tolerate cunts like you. Constantly spamming rulebreaking bullshit day after fucking day,.
>No, it could be because of my awful writing style and inserting my disgusting fart fetishism into books
>it must be because gays
>t. jobless chuck
Ohh im so sorry you got fired from your job where you had a designated nap time you pampered baby. I'll play you a tiny violin as I roto root pipes and dodge shit geysers
>>No, it could be because of my awful writing style and inserting my disgusting fart fetishism into books
It isn't. He was fired for talking too much shit on twitter.
we should start a twitter meme that Chuck was fired because hes gay
I have no shame in shaming the sinful.
Pretty soon all you faggots will have to go back in the closet as regular society will want nothing to do with your degeneracy.
Yep, thats me, ass hanging off a ladder 2 stories in the air hanging gutter. I bet you're wondering why I'm so sad. It all started Chuck Wendig of "The Empire is white people" fame got fired from his job writing the scripts to children's entertainment fantasies
Make LGBTQP+ faggots homeless again.
I applaud you for contributing to society unlike most faggots.
What is this mental disorder called? Is it just being a fag? I'd like to think that if I was a fag I'd just be the same but fuck guys but shit I don't know. I hope they execute him for something.
Good to know Marvel is starting to realize pandering to the mentally ill isn't a viable business strategy.
>Make shit comic
>Get canned
The rates of domestic violence in gay relationships is sky high. Hardly surprising, considering the toxic levels of hatred which caused Chuck to be fired.
Lets hope he takes it out on any adopted kids he has.
Well, he could have meant he was scared for his carreer, which turns out he had every reason to.
>Suitable flag.
Comics are for faggots.
Trump Derangement Syndrome
literally what and who
There was a lesbian party member in Knights of the Old Republic and no neckbeard really gave a fuck. He didn't get "targeted" because of his oh so brave gay representation. It was for his constant retarded and scatological tweets, the outburst after Kavanaugh confirmation was the last straw.
Theres the reason this faggot deserved the "boot" in his own words the entire shit covered boot.
Imagine blaming your total lack of talent on any group of people. Yup sure thing captain Faggo you really got fired for sucking miles and miles of dick. Pfft retard. LACK OF TALENT !!!!
>Onions fucks tries to squeeze onions milk into product
>gets fired
Oh, happy day!
97% is technically a subset of 100%
I'm not ashamed. As you say, I'm proud.
Star Wars Theory is going to have a shitfit.
Imagine being a leftist and accusing Republicans of killing babies
The left eating themselves
Chuck shit finally hit my kikebook. I expect more to appear now that the weekend is on and everyone is off work.
He looks like an annoying soiboi
100% is technically also a subset of 100%
Not as much as sticking my dick in a hole in a man where a penis used to be and thinking it’s a vagina and it’s good and normal lmao
why do they all look the same ?
not only are they all programmed the same way they even look the same.its like straight out a shitty bethesda game
They're like children.
Imagine spending hours on nigger mind control media cucking
> Shame
> Our fault
> LGTBBQ friendly
Doesn't matter. Most don't mind gay / lesbian / transgender / otherkin when not shoehorned, written well, creatively dealt with, etc.
Bridget (trap character) is ok, sudden black female genius Ironman is not. Killing off cheaply the original Ghostbusters just to push in a new 100% female cast is not.
Git gud.
you cant hold a leftist to the standard he preaches, that racist!
>LGTBQA+ representation...
Let God Burn Them Quickly All +
So did this guy send photos of his anus to anyone (yet)?
>winter is coming
well it is mid October
Cry, bitch. We told you that you would not like having these rules dropped on you. You didn't listen. Your bed. Get fucked in it.
i-its mutating
Post more.
You do have a point, Germany. Also, nice trips!
>Basedboy posting a novel on a platform he knows looked messages to 255 characters it whatever and then being like "hurr sorry guise this might by a long one >.
What does the 'A' stand for?
It better not be atheist. If I believed in hell, I'd wish all you toxic fuckers would burn for eternity.
> Marvel
>good person
>Cuck Wending
> anti white, anti male, antoii meritocracy
> good person
is that it? There has to be more, he apologized in advance for the long thread and I accepted it, the deal is done
Wait till you read what he's been saying. I think most any company out there would fire this guy for being the massive liability he was making himself out to be.
i will never understand why they push so much faggotry and degeneracy on us.... is it just fags looking to increase their numbers??
I think it's mostly hysterical liberal creators trying to appease their circlejerks, and bubble they live in make them genuinely believe that it's also what their consumers wants. Note how seriously confused and paranoid these people always get when their crap doesn't sell or gets bad reception, and when they are laid off despite being proper progressives. They don't understand how "good" people could disagree with them.
>one star reviews are scary
The truly pathetic thing is people aren't outright laughing at him for making suck a retarded statement.
Kek, fucker claims he's a bastion of honesty then lies about everything. Fucking idiot.
What the fuck fags Pol has become a twitter reaction site
Fucking gay
newfag thinking this site was ever good
I'm ashamed that this fucking pussy of a man is still breathing.
*record scratch*
>So - here's a thing that has happened
NPC detected
>You prolapsed assholes!
>I'm inclusive and respect people in the LGBT community
Pick one, dude. Oh wait, you don't have a choice now. You're fired.
They don%&t look the same stop saying we all look the same!
You expect someone to read that shitty screen cap?
Don't you have a brain? Control yourself, animal.
I mean, if he's an author, why doesn't he just write another book?
Because he has to steal intellectual property that already exists in order for it to sell. He's a shitty author.
>write trash novels and force in characters whose defining trait is their gender or sexuality
>get fucked for it
>"fucking internet"
i feel a glimmer of satisfaction in my deadened mind when i see people like this get shit on
He's just a glorified fanfiction writer.
>scared of LGTBQA+ representation
why do you say that idiot? that guy was a cis white male
aids isn't working we need a new disease to kill off these faggots
Your friends are pretty gay.
>changed his agap bugman profile picture to a more serious yet still quirky expression to express his sadness
this is the funniest part of this whole thing
>gets fired for talking shit on twitter
>proceeds to talk more shit on twitter
The NPC meme is real, these people have no self-awareness. A normal person would delete their account or simply just stop posting.
>no sóy for old men
>The TIE wibbles and wobbles in the air, careening drunkenly across the Myrran rooftops-it zigzags herkily-jerkily out of sight.
Faggot is a disgrace to bad fanfic writers.
Where can I read his extremely progressive masterpiece ?
Is that seriously how he writes?
He deserved to get canned regardless.
Hope this faggot has skin thick enough to handle the night shift at AM/PM.
He's also a baby fucker.
100% SOI
this is genuinely terrible
that can't be real
This is sci-fi, not a fantasy novel. What the actual fuck. It's like he doesn't understand the aesthetic of the Empire. They're scary and frightening because they are uniform, faceless, and bad. Giving them any kind of quirks and characteristics automatically makes them less evil. It's why photos of Hitler with dogs are suppressed.
Fucking herkily-jerkily, neighborino.
lol he went from sóyface to NPCface
What an embarrassing, juvenile rant.