Are Muslims still a problem anymore? I've barely heard anything from them all year

Are Muslims still a problem anymore? I've barely heard anything from them all year.

Attached: muslim-girl-shrugging-shoulder-620x330.jpg (620x330, 32K)

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Cuz medias don’t report about them.

Look around you retard just because none of them blew up in a while doesn't mean they aren't a problem

let me check

oh yep, they are still a problem (they still exist)

Attached: 1500503295726.jpg (640x519, 29K)

I know, why haven't they done anything recently? It was really exciting with all those terror attacks two years ago.

its illegal to say anything bad about muslims. where its not illegal, you get fired from your job.

Be careful what you wish for. It could be one of your loved ones that gets shredded in an explosion or run over by a truck of peace next time.

My shopping centres are becoming increasingly flooded with them. Yes they're still a fucking problem.

>attack Muslim countries for the last 40 years without any reason (for zionist masters of course
>Muslims are problem

thank God for the great replacement

Why are all the bosnians suddenly wearing full blown trash bag outfits here as well? They never did this before

Cases like that are dismissed as mental illness of just silenced altogether

You forget you have been attacking westerners for 40 years?

Just because attacks aren't happening, doesn't mean they haven't been tried.
Our intelligence services thwart way more attacks than ever actually occur, thankfully.

>tfw from velenje
can't wait to move

lol you know damn well you don't want to live in a world with only muslims

Attached: cakbabby.jpg (582x580, 63K)

Don’t come to Maribor I can tell you that much

>muslims march in montreal agains't quebecois last week
Muslims are about to go boom either way here in QC

>who rapes the children
>who does beheadings
>who blows themselves up
>who goes on rampage with a rifle in the middle of the street

I hear them all day and night long. Funny thing is, when i do it, it's "noise nuisance". When they do it, it's "southern passion".

True. Even the Muslims terrorist have been lazy lately. But in all fairness. Intelligence services prevent Islamic terrorist attacks all the time. You just don't hear about it.

And if you follow the independent news here in Europe. You will know that not a day goes by without Muslims raping, killing, assaulting, gang raping, shooting in the streets, etc etc.

So it's not like they don't do shit. It has just been a couple of months since they last managed to carry out a successful terror attack

Yeah, I'm leaving the country

There are stabbings almost every day in France. It's always muslims killing non-muslims. The Media covers it as regular crime, never says the names of the attackers.

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*1400 years
fixed it for you

Nigger our intelligence services plan and fund more attacks than they ever stop.

Do you actually believe this? I suspect that our intelligence services are in on it.

The money dried up

>We doooo
>We doooo

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no, they want the public calm

the attacks were really hampering their plans for a brown britain by 2050
This will keep you up to date

Attached: thereligionofpeace.png (837x483, 291K)

Good call.

Then why did they allow them to happen on weekly basis a year or two ago, but only now are they preventing them?
Who thinks there will be some kind of attack near Christmas?

>still exporting
>still permawar
>still invasive in societies
>still don't understand that once ideas stick, they'll get turned back on them
Still an issue in nonmuslim countries
Still an issue in half their own countries

SEA muslims are the only ones who keep their noses clean enough.