
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

ARCHIVE LINKS pastebin.com/ynXV6CHT
DAILY SCHEDULE (WH Press Corps) publicpool.kinja.com/
TrumpTV Weekly Updates: pastebin.com/6HbHjbqF

>Bannon: Trump @War re-up 9/28/18

>Pres Trump MAGA Rally in Lebanon OH 10/12/18
>WHVideo: A Message from Pres Trump on Hurr Michael 10/12/18
>Pres Trump speaks to press in OH 10/12/18
>Pres Trump departs DC 10/12/18
>VP Pence @Republican Party Fall Dinner 10/12/18
>Ivanka will end White Slavery 10/12/18
>Taylor BTFO 10/12/18
>HUDSec Sleepy Ben on OAN 10/12/18
>TreasSec Mnuchin on CNBC 10/12/18
>NECDir Kudlow on CNBC 10/12/18
>NECDir Kudlow outside WH 10/12/18
>CEAChair Hassett on FBN 10/12/18
>DepTradeRep Shea @CSIS on WTO 10/12/18
>AsstCommSec Redl @Brookings Inst on privacy 10/12/18
>USArmy Best Warrior Competition 10/12/18
>243 Years of USNavy History 10/12/18
>GOPAd: Hispanic Heritage Month 10/12/18
>This Week @State 10/12/18
>GOPAd: Unhinged Mob 10/11/18

OP pastebin: pastebin.com/nygxu29R

Attached: 1487271470564.jpg (4784x2912, 2.88M)

Other urls found in this thread:



Attached: 142534563.jpg (1468x914, 191K)

What is the future of space?

Attached: soyuz.jpg (1361x1361, 359K)

Who the FUCK are you and WHAT IS YOUR ENDGAME?

Attached: 1434451982823.jpg (406x480, 61K)

This sucks.

So when will she croak

Attached: 9DDBA851-1846-4334-8861-5B2E3B1CB658.jpg (555x831, 82K)

this ABC interview seems like a hitjob


In between Thanksgiving and Christmas.

Morning frens

Attached: 1530557848673.jpg (1920x1280, 1.8M)

When is the rally?

Thanks for baking, ancap baker.

Two days after Trump's been replaced.

Attached: macron_dab_0.jpg (750x324, 30K)

Attached: 1539408358488.png (738x1130, 157K)

inb4 bob comes here and shills his video for the whole day

> Trump throws a hissy wissy fit and shuts down the stock market because the big bad bankers made him feel mega doyble dum dum for breaking the economy before midterms
Omg drumph is stumphed LOL


Attached: bingresults.png (695x837, 240K)

its actually decent

Attached: 1539406304133.png (900x1914, 1.73M)

Attached: 1539393579200.png (732x1195, 507K)

Attached: 1539400943442.jpg (1101x817, 254K)

They will probably do like those Communist leaders, hire some lookalike and keep replacing it each time it dies

You would have adored her once upon a time.

Attached: EA8A407A-2091-48A2-AC7D-D4E7FF67584C.jpg (2048x2560, 302K)

>adoring a Jew

Melania just uncovered the Stargate, so pretty bright

Attached: 1539385976490.jpg (800x1200, 213K)

Is there nothing else sacred?
Even that startpage is censored beyond repair

AI robots sent into space, clearly not to risk them too soon Kimmel's audience to be sent ahead for the test proofing

That nigger is married to a (((white))) man.
Race mixing produces cucks.

Women are prey and deserve to be raped to create more men. It's that simple.

>if we just call everything that looks bad for us "debunked" then we can censor everything bad about us!

>That google title image
This has to be fake.

Startpage uses google's results, but at least anonymizes your search.

t. Necron


Attached: Contrast.png (517x491, 439K)

Italy is heading in a nice direction

Attached: curfewforforeignshops.png (1120x820, 619K)

When is Trump coming to Florida to help with the disaster response? He has to give up a rally and do that otherwise it looks bad. Also there are two important races in a Florida so he’s gotta come anyway

After Trump, so she can spit on his grave.

>tfw no brazilian Juno gf

Do I just have autistic taste or is that girl gorgeous?

It's generally too early for them to be out of their tombs.

How long until it is illegal to post pics of Al*x Jon*s?

Attached: alex-jones-i-am-an-angry-person-image_qel1sa.png (825x464, 353K)

Reminder that the "NPC meme" is a controlled opposition psyop.
Don't fall for it.

Attached: npc irony.jpg (1224x900, 737K)

so they fix those 'horrifying' results, but leave the illegal shit...
thats interesting

He's fresh out of paper towels.

> adoring a Jew
It's happened before. Remember the Magi?

Attached: BC1C2924-8435-4FF1-AC43-B9F240CE3255.jpg (1000x815, 183K)


Attached: 1539408550654m.jpg (627x1024, 83K)

>t. Unthinking NPC with a memeflag
Get fucked kike

>When is Trump coming to Florida
Next week so get your panties out of your ass crack.

>When is Trump coming to Florida to help with the disaster response?
That's Scott's job.
>He has to give up a rally and do that otherwise it looks bad.
le geninue concern


Kanye's lastest music video features a dozen white women on their knees with their mouth taped and arms tied behind their back (pic related). This music video was released 2 weeks ago.

If you financially support Kanye West., your are not only a brainless NPC, but you are also unironically supporting the spread of race mixing and nigger culture.

Attached: Dmne_FiXcAE6pTm.jpg (1200x675, 49K)

Also I like how this is what liberals are focusing on and not the fact that bing is known to routinely return child porn from image searches.

>comparing the son of God to a woman who's ancestors killed him
The blood is on her hands too.

Thanks for proving the point.

Attached: npc racism.jpg (500x564, 80K)

Reminder that the "NPC meme" is a controlled opposition psyop.
Don't fall for it.

Attached: 1539214229574.png (374x229, 29K)


They're okay with the cp since they're into that sort of thing.

Proving what point, that literally every post from under the Catalonia flag is actually so shitty it manages to take from the co variation instead of merely adding nothing to it? Go fuck a landmine you inbred cunt

Attached: chinesetotallymentallystable.jpg (2552x3372, 1.67M)

Only cucks and civ-nats thought otherwise.

>the "NPC meme" is a controlled opposition psyop.

unironically this. its classic divide and conquer technique. it is also weakening the population's belief in god because it promotes simulation theory

Attached: 1473658066657.png (289x356, 213K)

won`t make it that far.
it was fortold for the 26th.

Attached: cgL3.gif (507x433, 443K)

>flag flag

kys retard nobody cares about flags.

Proving the point that you will ignore everything outside your echo chamber

You guys are so mad lmao

unironically this. its classic divide and conquer technique. it is also weakening the population's belief in god because it promotes simulation theory

Attached: 1539214121038.png (416x435, 114K)

>t. NPC too stupid to realize the power of God

>t.cucky civ-nat

Its true though german

>literally a shareblue posting from a VPN
>calling me mad

lmaoing @ ur lyfe

Attached: 1538525901769.png (1440x907, 1.25M)

No. Fat liberty was real.

Who the fuck even gives a shit

What can be done to increase birth rates?

Attached: refrainfrombirth.gif (1600x1600, 104K)

I love it.

I want to vacation in Italy again some day. Clean the trash out of there.

Attached: 1537548026905.png (189x325, 157K)

Who programmed all the NPC's?

Is there anything big planned for next week? Any special WH events?

Attached: Tucker_ Witches to hex Brett.jpg (431x252, 80K)

Blow me faggot, you don't even understand the NOV meme. You're just some bugman who obviously blew in from r*Ddit, next time don't refer to the board as "you" and you'll do better, dumb fuck

>chinese are illiterate and paranoid psychotics

Sound right

Can't let people learn about Seth Rich.

the "DemsRdarealracisst" crowd of neocon boomers

>Who the fuck even gives a shit
You because you replied.
If you didn't you would have STFU and stayed out of it.

notice how fast shills rush to defend "le ebin NPC meme"

>witchcraft for malicious reasons is openly used and bragged about on social media
God please strike these people down

Televised hypnotism

>im so upset about the rap nigger that I wont let it die
shut the fuck up already

Teachers, especially uni teachers
entertainment media
news media
social media

Her mother must be thinking the same thing about her
>what could I have become had I not given birth to that ungrateful bastard

Attached: 1530147409347.jpg (1200x1200, 195K)

>that moment you realize the Salem witch trials were necessary

How many justices again?

Attached: smug white hat.png (900x900, 350K)

>Kanye's lastest music video features a dozen white women on their knees with their mouth taped and arms tied behind their back (pic related). This music video was released 2 weeks ago.
1st, that's not true.
2nd, the video was released over a month ago.

Proof: youtube.com/watch?v=cwQgjq0mCdE


>notice how fast shills rush to defend "le ebin NPC meme"

Attached: 1539214160694.png (1850x1895, 845K)

The best part is that the screech about Trump saying that Kav was proven innocent after an investigation found nothing, but at the same time they screech "debunked" about things that were never even investigated.

>notice how fast shills rush to defend "le ebin NPC meme"

Attached: 1539214229574.png (374x229, 28K)

Can you give me a rundown? Flicker Rates? Beta Waves? which is it? How exactly does (((TV))) work?

Attached: 1538439077083.jpg (626x602, 58K)

Attached: coat hanger tattoos.jpg (787x806, 274K)

God wrote the original code. Satan hacked the system and modded the NPCs.

Attached: 1538788240055.jpg (536x633, 63K)

Removal of illegals, reducing taxes, and making it easier to get a house. Also, that art style is so tumblr.

in a month

Stunning and brave

im actually laughing at how pathetic you are in trying to keep this shit alive

(mocks you internally)

NPC's on debugging watch

Attached: file.png (1009x681, 122K)

So you don't think there is a majority of programmed masses whose thought is limited to topics which are allowed by perceived social consensus? Interesting. What is it like being an NPC?

It wasn't even intentional, the cancer that is television naturally found it's niche until it had developed into an insidious contraption that substituted the part of your brain dedicated to thinking with bright colors and so much shit to endlessly consume