If you shill for Israel or their policies you are a complete cuck, end of story

International Jewry is an arm of global Zionism. The Jews destroy all your nations against your will according to their end-times prophesies while they only allow themselves to have their own colonial messianic "ethnostate" on land that's not even theirs despite the fact that they aren't even a real race or ethnicity to begin with. They deny you what they wish to have for themselves.

If you shill for Israel or their policies in any way, you are either a kike shill or a complete cuck who shills for how great the nigger is who is fucking your girlfriend after she left you for him. There's no other way around it.

Kike or cuck.

Attached: Cucks for Israel.jpg (500x375, 48K)

Other urls found in this thread:


I hate both Muslims and Jews equally, and wish to see their genocide in 50 years

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This, fuck off kikes trying to make us pick a side. We all know US Jews hate Israeli Jews and love Muslims. We know Israeli Jews hate Muslims. I hate both. End of story kike.

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Mohammed was also a Jew from the Banu hashim clan. Also, Muslims hate infidels with a passion. There are no peace terms with Muslims or Jews, just none. I am almost certain a lot of the "White Nationalists" on here are actually Muslim Brotherhood shills

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>Kike shills pretending this post is about Muslims or about choosing sides

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You're advocating for the support of Muslims you dumb nigger cunt.

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>You're advocating for the support of Muslims you dumb nigger cunt.
I never said a single thing about supporting Muslims or Palestinians. You are a blatant kike shill and exposed. fucking Jew.

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Notice how the Muslim Brotherhood faggot freaks out and clammers on about kikes after being exposed for the sand nigger he is. You're getting the bullet too Muhammad.

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Literally only kike shill equate hating Israel with supporting Muslims.
Muslims don't even factor in to the point that I am making at all.
You are exposed Moshe, now fuck off kike.

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If only, those of the fallen angel/demon/alien religion were actually liquidated during world war jew; then in that case, the west along with the divine Caucasian peoples of Earth would not be facing the NWO at this present moment.

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Only Muslims have such a passionate hatred for some shithole that they'd obsess over it. Israel should be nuked. The middle east should be nuked. I'm not going to play your little game you kike fucking muslim, I am not picking a side. You're both shit.

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Only Jew shills get so triggered when white European or western nations start criticizing and attacking Israel that they desperately try to deflect the subject onto Muslims rather than the original point.

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>point out that I hate Israel and want it destroyed too
>thinks that I'm actually supporting them and on their side just because I want Muslims ashed too
Want to know how I know you're either a NA Jew or a Muslim?

Attached: shut it down goy.png (354x504, 129K)

>Indirectly defending Israel by deflecting the subject
>Accusations of defending Muslims
>Pretending to not be jidf
Cool story kike.
Now you can go make your own fucking thread and stop defending your fake ethnostate over here you subversive piece of shit parasite.

Attached: Jew anger.png (427x500, 464K)

Stop trying to derail the thread you faggot kike

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You're just mad that Jews are the best.
Unlike stinky white people who sell out their own Jews stick together and utilize all their power and influence for their own people.
They have their ethno-state and are preserving it.
They will survive long into the future... will you?

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Fucking faggot kike. Kys.

>indirectly defending Israel
YES HOW DARE YOU BE AGAINST MUSLIMS! Lmao Christ dude make it less obvious.
>Accusations of defending Muslims
You're literally defending them and have been. Not once have you condemned Muslims in this thread, you have only accused me of being a kike because I want them dead too. Almost like... hmm... you're picking a side lmao.
>Pretending to not be jidf
I personally don't care what you think I am Ahmed, you and Shekelstein will both be 6 feet under.
Yes pointing out that Muslims and Israelis suck is derailing the thread, how dare I not like Muslims too!

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>You're just mad that Jews are the best.
Best at getting themselves exterminated.
>They have their ethno-state and are preserving it.
Not even a real ethnicity or race.
>They will survive long into the future... will you?
Won't even survive the next 20 years.

Attached: Shlomo Sand Jewish people.jpg (646x1050, 265K)

What is this? Some group of Syrians in tax payer paid hotel all on laptops in Canada??

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Also Israel Didn't Do 9/11

Cuck's & sand nigger's united alliance; both mud-men came from the same place, the dirt.
Very good, my learned and skilled goy!

Go make your own thread kike, stop deflecting the subject to protect Israel. You are 100% exposed.
>Not once have you condemned Muslims in this thread
This thread is about Israel, not about Muslims. Like I said go make your own thread kike... but you won't do that because you're jidf and your job is to deflect and protect Israel.

Attached: jidf 8.png (640x600, 112K)

Jews are NPCs >The Most comprehensive rundown yet on NPC theory

>Some NPC's can be saved


He says the video has been demonitized... NPC THEORY SCARES (((THEM)))


>Best at getting themselves ex...
Maybe in the past, before whites got universally cucked.
Those days are over.
The top is nearly fully secured and the bottom has not the will let alone the power to challenge.

>Not even a real ethnicity or race.
Doesn't really matter and that isn't a completely accurate statement anyway from many meaningful perspectives.

>Won't even survive the next 20 years.
You really believe that?

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YES! These filthy fukihg GOYIM will never learn. But they will pay attention when we enslave them and use their daughters as our playthings. Stupid white people...LOL!!!!

i wonder why arab intellectuals havent bombed or infiltrated israel by now

>still refuses to say that Muslims are shit too
AHAHAHAHA!!!!! Fuck man, that's too perfect. You're the one who has exposed himself. You could have very easily just replied to me and that other guy stating, "Yes muslims are shit but I hate Israel more" or whatever, instead you're bending over backwards and stammering over yourself just to avoid condemning them as well.

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Go on Muhammad use some Taqiya you're allowed to bahaha!

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Throwing around "KIKE" just shows are weak and dirty you are canada scum. Who owns canada lately? HAHAHA not white people. We own you faggot and your peoples future lies under our foot and there is nothing you can do about it!! LOL!!!!

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Shut the fuck up you literal Jude subhuman

>Still refuses to fuck off and make his own thread.
Muslims are fucking pedophile trash that need to be exterminated along with kikes. Now fuck off and stop derailing the thread you fucking butthurt kike. Israel will be annihilated soon.

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In my unbiased opinion shilling for Israel is not a bad thing.

you think you are better than arab cockroaches? HAHAHA you are the exact same filthy goyim. both of your children shall serve israel.

Right on brother!!!!!!

Good job Ahmed, did that hurt so bad?

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You probably aren't of the tribe but either way, chill out.
Putting your people first doesn't mean you wanna be on some evil villain shit.
We won't enslave anyone...

Attached: JewsNice.jpg (625x521, 120K)

I'm just sick and fuckin tired of these antisemitic trash. We are born to be their rulers, PERIOD. the LAW tells us so and the proof is everywhere. I can't wait to shove "KIKE" down their fucking throats.

Jews lie, period.


that the best you can do south american nigger?

Is that the best YOU can do?

No actually, look around you scum. My people rule your every move. Hows that for starters??? LOL

All men lie... and women are even worse during sinful times.

Even if some people are chosen are rulers they should still bring their compassionate side before their vengeful side.
Hard times breed hard feelings.
Rise higher brother.

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Relax, he's not even a real kike, he's just an accelerationist troll.

youre right brother. you have a lot of wisdom to match my anger

Neo Babylonians are positioning the reconquest of Ukraine, as their next ethno-state base of operations. They couldn't take Syria, so therefore Iran is off the table. These servants of the fallen are way behind Lucifer's agenda; with the Orthodox church now guiding Russia.

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You are being manipulated and sold down the river. Wait until you find out what they have planned for you. You're going to scream out in pain during the next holocaust which will be a REAL 6 million dead. All your pride will be stripped away and the betrayal of your people will be complete. You think you're superior, but you can't even see what's coming for you.

such tough talk for a dirty spic. You will never defeat my people. EVER. G-D has chosen us to rule you. Doesnt it prove who is superior by who owns this worlds banks, media, newspapers, governments, businesses? You are nothing. ZERO. Your parents are shit. Your children are shit.

every left wing and right wing politician shills for Israel...it is as if they control every single nation

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another dirty spic goyim in fantasy land. when we rule you, make no mistake, you WILL KNOW IT you fucking insect!!

Obvios shill. The "jews" are eating the "jews" as it always has been. The holocaust was a sacrifice of jews, by jews. I can't believe jews dont get this, but I guess they aren't used to being out-jewed.

Brazil isn't a spic colony...my uneducated friend.

ya I forgot they are niggers

Obviously not Jewish either. They are never so obvious.

fuck your filthy mother. the only shill here is you. does it make you feel tough being antisemitic? one day we'll shove it down your throat.

Yeah, now I'm bored with you. Work on your jew game, goy.

Germans, Dutch, Japs, niggers, natives...etc
Never forget that Brazil let in the "axis of evil" refugees after WW2.

>you're a kike
>NO you're the kike
every thread lol

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LOL saw an old man with a hat the other day: Zionism is the way

World Jewry migrants, those of Israeli ethno/Geo state, carry Ashkenazim DNA; not the Semitic blood of Palestinians!


Nice proxy, goy.

Notice how in every thread about....
>USS Liberty
Where there is hardly any mention of muslims, Islam, etc.....
Shills pop up screaming the same shit, time after time?
>you just love moooslims!
>go suck muhammads cock!
>yeah well muzzies are worse!
Gee, its almost like this board has been known to be monitored by a certain group, and they always spazz out when certain topics are brought up.

Really makes one think. Really gets that ol noggin joggin.

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There are no Jews on pol today. It's shabbat. Jews don't post on shabbat.

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israel = bad
zionism = bad
islam = bad
not up for discussion

oh well. muslims and christians will all serve us goyim scum

It's literally a Hasbara 101 tactic and they think Jow Forums doesn't recognize them... like this kike () proving my point.

>what is shabbos goyim for 500, alex.

Spoofing his GEO; stolen lack of valor, over his wanna be association to the JIDF.

It's against Jewish law to post on pol on Shabbat.

fine but they aren't Jews

This is unironically true

Whites are notorious backstabbers especially to each other

as a non-practicing Jew you can suck my superior cock insect boi

fair enough but thy will still be done.

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Exactly. This is what happens to insecure goy. Proof that the Jewish people have certainly affected many good goy.

>It's against Jewish law to post on pol on Shabbat.
It's also against Jewish law to operate any military equipment on Shabbat. I can't believe that no one ever though about attacking Israel on a Saturday.
jidf don't follow Jewish laws. They are the "secular" Jews who still believe in the Jewish mythologies but don't actually practice Judaism.

Attached: JIDF 7.jpg (800x500, 83K)

Jewish meme superpowers don't work on Shabbat. This is a well known fact. It's the only day where goyim can outmeme Jews.

pathetic. listening to all of you is like hearing littl e children talk. Being a Jew is a whole experience, not just spiritual. One day you will take the knee to us insect

Isreal is doing everything Jow Forums would do with that power.
>protect your race no matter what
>build communities amongst themselves that allows them to help eachother and look out for eachother above all others through their uncucked religion
>manipulate all other races to mix until they're all close to nigger tier and easily manipulated
>untouchable by the entire world
>hold entire world hostage and under their heel

there is no jews
but there's lots of zionists

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The Talmud & the Hadith, both mirror each other in "War by deception"; therefore posting on the sabbath is acceptable


>If you shill for Israel or their policies you are a complete cuck, end of story

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sup brother, just chatting with the cattle

The Hebrew religion, was co-opted by the divine serpent all ago!

Israel does have one of the most badass and unique flags and color schemes

yep we do and one day it will fly over the world

Seal of Solomon

The official color of Judaism is blue because in envelops the world. The official color of Muslims is green because they have foliage envy.

Not christians? Even though the new testament is a continuation of the Jewish bible in some sense?

the official color of goyim is brown, because well... you know

>The official color of Judaism is blue because in envelops the world. The official color of Muslims is green because they have foliage envy.
The official color of Judaism is blue because it envelops the world. The official color of Muslims is green because they have foliage envy.

Notice how when you bring up Muslims to the people making these threads and going hard against Israel never condemn Muslims or even want to talk about them. Just a coincidence though, I'm sure, right? Both are shit, get over it.

You will never pass. You will lock yourself away in your home and become more and more bitter and delusional as you desperately try to convince yourself that you look like a women.

Your only friends, and I use that word very lightly, will be fellow castrated men who will also be suffering the same regret and mental anguish over their poorly thought out decision. The entirety of your "friendship" will be mutual reassurance that you didn't make a mistake and discussing how to make other people fuck up as bad as you did so you won't be alone in your misery.

But you will be alone, even around other people.

Always alone in your head, always suspicious of what others really think about you, always knowing the truth that they are only humoring you out of pity.

Despised by all, hideous, a freak. Incapable of having love, a family, or genuine human connections. Slowly slowly slowly your grip on reality will slip away until, on the rare moment you are forced to confront it, it will be such a shock to you such a painful reminder of what you actually are that the intrusive thoughts will highjack your every waking moment.

whatever racist prick boi