Explain this NPC meme to me
Explain this NPC meme to me
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it's uhhh racist
Conservatards snowflakes are out of control
Edgelord teenagers who think they're special in their hive mind.
Look in mirror. Thats an NPC.
CNN said it dehumanizes me >:^|
Someone posted these blogs about this study where 25% of people have no inner thought 50% have some inner thought and 25% have inner thought all the time and the meme exploded from this problem is the study only used like 8 people.
you say this but this otherwise trivial stale meme only so powerful because lib/progressives are so buttblasted by it and keep bringing it up.
Some people don't have inner voices and as a side effect it hampers self awareness.
Imagine you're losing an argument. Wouldn't it be easy if there was a jpg you could post that automatically made you the winner no matter how wrong you were? That's where the NPC thing comes from.
Just ask yourself this:
A meme aimed at normalfags but SJWs suddenly get butthurt over it.
I wonder why
Its a meme that hit too close to home, so it became as big as the butthurt desired it to be. Which is a lot of butthurt apparently. If you really want to know, why not check out the early threads of it. Its ment to uplift you from darkness user, on a path of self reflection. Take the journey into freedom.
Stop being racist
>leftists are like the random AI characters you meet in video games and serve no actual purpose, they only say and do what they’ve been programmed to do
You can tell it’s true bc of how upset they get about it
I'd say it's a response to the faggots who dismiss people by calling them Russian bots. Now that the shoe is on the other foot they're screeching hard.
Someone who has no inner monologue or has fixed inputs/outputs for everything
Uh, the meme explanation and original is literally in the acronym.
>You can tell it’s true bc of how upset they get about it
I guess Brett Kavanuagh is guilty then? lmao idiot
Uh, the meme didn't take off until that article was dug up.
Watch this stupid as fuck thread get 200 replies
NPC is a smug anime girl?
Leftists are carbon copies of each other who repeat anything that's popular on TV without ever having an individual thought.
Going to any side and see thousands of copypasted profiles from left-wing robots all saying "No human being is illegal #Drumpf #Resist #BlueWave "
The way they talk, especially on Twitter, is very generically generated and copypasted as well. It reaches a point where they being robots who just regurgitate what they're programmed to by the pretty celebrities on the screen is a real possibility.
"Fuck white people, fuck men, fuck Trump, fuck America and fuck YOU"
7 Likes 10 RTs 1.100 Replies
"Guess the nazis found this tweet lol, blocking a lot of russian bots"
Rinse and repeat until the sun burns out and the universe reaches its heat death.
kek or the other one that looks exactly like it that just popped up
you created the dalmation, the most retarded of all dog breeds.
fight me Croat.
Kek pretty much. If you use the most divicive event ever in western history as a pro white statement you are retarded.
People who trust the glowie media and reject Christ have no souls.
A large portion of the population apparently does not have an internal monologue. They are dubbed NPCs.
See this guy get's it.
It means non professional chiropractor.
Whoever fights memes should see to it that in the process he does not become a meme.
1984: “It was not the man’s brain that was speaking it was his larynx. The stuff that was coming out of him consisted of words but it was not speech in true sense: it was a noise uttered in unconsciousness like the quacking of a duck.”
I mean do they really not? If that's the case how are they even capable of being offended by being called NPCs?
I'm scared, hold me user.
it's the first weapons-grade meme
The Quick Rundown of the century!!
>The Most comprehensive rundown yet on NPC theory
>Some NPC's can be saved
He says the video has been demonitized... NPC THEORY SCARES (((THEM)))
THIS DAMAGING VIDEO TO THE NPC'S is a must see.......
NPCs are biorobots with no free will. Essentially they have no or a very weak conscious and are easy to manipulate.
Some one told them to act like that in response to the situation they have no inner cognitive reasoning.
That's what studies have shown, yes. They don't ponder or have a running thought process.
It makes sense in a Darwinian framework. Early explosions in human consciousness were apparently localised and rapid, where inner monologues paved the way for primitive art and problem solving. There's nothing to suggest that it was or ought to be evenly distributed across a population.
>twitter outrage threads make up my entire political platform
The NPC meme is just nu-Jow Forums showing their true re.dditor colors again.
We formulate opinions the moment we are asked, mostly. They do not exist before 99%
But why would someone who is not an NPC get offended being called an NPC and then proceed to tell NPCs they should be offended?
but its working really well, nigger
It's a memetic variation of the "if your opinions are different than mine that's because of a mental condition/disability". This time focused on claiming there's reduced self awareness &/or no free will on that person.
It's because NPCs can be awoken but the process is hard and painful. When they hear that they're one of the weak minded it's insulting and the tiny PC embers start burning.
>mfw Jow Forums watches this video and unironically believe it
>all that propaganda
Holy fuck, Jow Forums is a parody of itself
>working well
>not even using the meme properly
>pissed off a retarded twitter literally who
Haha, you owned those libtards epic style
Go play outside, little Johnny. The big boys are talking here.
I love Hitler but this meme is accurate for Jow Forums.
>JUSTICE Kavanaugh
>when your absolute zinger of a bant has you taking on the role of a six year old child
The absolute state.
It's not accurate. It's like having a single man stand up for something, get jumped by 5 gangsters and beat down to shit, and then blamed eternally by those 5 for bruising their knuckles.
A person tells an NPC to be offended and so they are offended.
Kind of like there are race traitors, there will internal monologue traitors.
An NPC cant create art like this.
So why can't you just tell NPCs to simply be... Not offended?
Because we don't control the airwaves or internet.
Why can't I control the world with all the NPCs?
I'm in competition with other people to control them.
first you have to (((figure out))) how to do that.
woah spot on
It's a shitty low-effort meme that was forced by a bunch of MDEfags. The origin is from a theory that was devised a few years ago about there only being a static number of souls that respawn which explains all the empty-souled bugman husks acting like NPCs in a video game on the planet, and also because of some shitty study that was done that freaked out some redditor a few years ago. The study's only goal was to determine how 30 people were thinking at random times of the day. The evidence that there's some large number of people with no inner-voice is lacking as that's not even what the study was for, but wouldn't be surprising if true. The goal of forcing the meme seemed to be to laugh at all the people that just take some stupid buzzword to attack people with like a NPC and watch everyone fight about it. The real meaning behind the idea is largely irrelevant because it will just be dragged through the grinder just like bugman and soiboi was. It's funny to watch from any angle.
Can NPCs do sign language?
>Some guy on internet calls me NPC
>forget about it and carry on
>browsing twitter later
"How dangerous and racist NPC meme dehumanizes SJWs"
> >:(
The NPC will get mad once it's told to get mad. Someone's not gonna get mad at being called NPC unless one or more of three conditions are met.
1. They have been told to be mad at NPC >"NPC IS RACIST"
2. They have been spammed enough that they get mad, but it's because they are programmed to not like spam >"Russian bots"
3. The NPC is already in a mode where it will get mad at literally anything not familiar to it, such as Trump derangement syndrome.
pic related.
People who claim to not be npcs are pic related
It's a new type of snowflake based around self loathing
A Wojack version of sheeple
Jews, Roma, Homosexuals and Communists aren't people
This is truth
The left are NPC's. All you need to know.
Not the first time retards(mutts) took a poorly done study and ran up and down the street with it.
Pic related is the study from which that stop the fags image was made
Tl;dr of it is lesbian parents are the most abusive to kids but retards will still argue that it's gay men doin it
a few SJWs have infiltrated Jow Forums with a new "LMAO MATRIX" meme, and the 14yos on this board finally have something to feel better about themselves
Ist shit, it isnt funny, it ll die in a few weeks because SJWs never can Keep this shit up, fin
>The origin is from a theory that was devised a few years ago
You dumb nigger. Gnosticism has been preaching this for thousands of years
and some of the jews.
It's an obvious joke.
Who are you and why are you here?
I think it's way more complicated than player vs NPC, but it's a good meme to start with.
I think consciousness itself is hierarchical, and at the top is something that some would call God.
this but unironically desu
Oh look one of the retards i specifically mentioned
The very fact that you posted an inahe in response and nothing else proves that you're an NPC scripted to respond to buzzwords like retard or amerimutt.
Who are you?
nah, if you read the study, the guys who had that inner monologue had very stressfull times and psychological distress at the time of the study
Of course someone whos got Problem will constantly bicker with himself, while someone whos life is working out isnt thinking about it 24/7
Its "sheeple" with a new name.
Looks like i upset the amerimutt NPC
Can somone reset him?