Why Are Wypipo So Obsessed with Land Ownership?

Why does the Caucasian race raid other lands, rape, torture and gentrify the indigenous peoples there, e.g.; Africa, Australia, then have the nerve to play the role of wounded, unappreciated benevolent benefactor when you get called out for your rampant, self-congratulatory bullshit?

Whites are so obsessed with their "white picket fence" ideology of land ownership it seems endemic. Never mind the cultures or flora and fauna that lived there before.

I'm just curious. Not trying to start an argument. Just looking for some logical, honest answers. Maybe that's asking to much of you guys, but heregoes. Let the flaming fragility begin!

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Agriculture vs hunter gather.

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Starts a thread with nothing but strawmen AND CLAIMS WE ARE FRAGILE.


Nonwhites are still afraid of shit like silence in the woods and spirits. Whites conquered nature so we have a natural desire to own it and impose our will on it.

cringe tranny poster

Go buy some more 40s and rims, nigger

>Why does the Caucasian race raid other lands, rape, torture and gentrify the indigenous peoples there
The weak are always going to be preyed on by the strong. Its evolution at work.

Triggered over a simple series of question albeit provocative ones. Regardless, my original supposition stands.

However you feel about borders, the world is more chaotic and violent without them
And you can dream about smearing shit all over yourself and going ooga booga all you like but being weak and inferior means that someone would've been along to wipe you out eventually, and probably ones less sympathetic than whites (who are comically incapable of decisively slaughtering inferiors.)
Honestly if we learned anything from all this it's better to genocide the natives and weep for them later, than to put up with their bullshit for eternity.

I fucking wish we went back to colonialism
do it right this time, maybe

land means the ability to grow food
the ability to grow food means the ability to raise armies
the ability to raise armies means more land
it's a positive feedback loop which has allowed us to roflstomp all the competition for all time.

this, desu.
no such thing as a freed slave again.
only slaves and dead slaves.

Whites are the best at it, beat the rest so bad they have to pretend now like they were never interested in it in the first place

Jow Forums basics

>Who we are against.
>What we do. What we want.
White supremacist,Nazi,Alt-right among others are just labels given to those who speaks for white people and to those whites who want to preserve their culture,heritage & identity. So situation is like -Die or be the "bad guy"

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Because we want everyone else to fuck off including other white people and without the concept of land ownership there would be nothing to stop self entitled packs of niggers and mariachi bands from loitering outside of my bedroom window at 3 am.

Pic related.

>Inb4 why wytpepo so obsessed with a good night's sleep

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There is always desire to be something more within human. Usually it manifest itself through materialistic ways, sexual ways, through drugs or parenthood example. It is endless chasing, rat-race that leads nowhere but keeps you busy through own creation that people calls as life.

We can't remember our time as toddlers because we didn't exist in that time. We had no identity. Only when years has gone while we gathered data from our environment we created identity. When we have our identity, we decide what matters to us. Then we experience impulsive feelings when things didn't go as we wanted.

We are piece of life that creates own image and plays it (Genesis 1:27 So God created man in His own image). We get so tangled to our own creation that it can kill us and bring us into hell. We think that something or someone causes our misery even when we alone create everything within.

We have all this mysterious desire to do something, be something more. It usually manifest itself through sexual ways, materialistic ways, through parenthood, dating, drugs, games, food, alcohol.. you name it. Through that it leads nowhere, it keeps us happy for a moment and then we need more. So where we are now? We are piece of life that want to experience bigger part of it. Through physical ways it finds not that part and when that need to expand finds no expression we create this pain within. So what to do? This is what meditation is all about. We wan't to think nothing, be nothing because that is just the data we gathered from the physical and created self from it. When we learn to be still, just be as piece of life, something start to happen that seems to expand you into everywhere. It seems to that consciousness, awareness is the basic that exist and everything else is manifest of it.

What (((they))) wan't is to bind us more and more into physical, sins, into that rat-race i wrote about above, so that we wouldn't learn or even think about this.

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It might be an overly simplistic answer that white people built ships and invented firearms to explore the world and expand the horizons of mankind. The subjugation and genocide of the natives we found occupying these lands was merely incidental not pre planned.

Cos we build stuff. All the buildings and infrastructure and stuff? It didn't just grow out of the ground. Must be hard for a nog to understand.

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Inneryard vs outeryard.

It's a Heathenry ("religion" of your ancestors) about caring for and striving to better those that belong to you and yours. Taking land, building a home, fencing it off, is literally, a way to say "this is me and mine, and I'm only concerned about them"

I've actually saved money now over three years so i can buy my own land next to the lake. I want to build my own place there where i can be alone or with people i want to be there. I can create nice place to work and live in nature.

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We didn't genocide anyone. If we did they wouldn't all still be here complaining about us.

>Never mind the cultures or flora and fauna that lived there before.
Native Americans burned entire forests to create more grassland for buffalo.
Without regards of the hundreds of species that required the forest to survive.
Those same natives we're cutting off human body parts of enemys to keep as war trophy's.
Without the white man, North America would have become a wasteland like Australia's outback.
100 years ago, Central Americans were still sacrificing virgins and practicing canabalism.

Meanwhile the white man sets up natural preserves, protected species lists and limits animal harvest while mandating replanting of forests.

Why do predators eat the prey?

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I see some refreshingly honest answers ITT. Like I said: I have no quarrel. I was only curious. Thanks! Carry on.

looks like nice wooden house
what about heating?
planning to farm?
can you hunt where you are?

>Whites are so obsessed with their "white picket fence" ideology
Yeah! Fuckin' white people wanting peace and quiet and a safe place to raise children. Something seriously wrong with them. Those fragile conquerors.

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I wonder where you have got that picture and why you think that white people today are responsible. hmmmmm...

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We like exploring and accessing global markets for whatever fruits terra provides

I wonder if it could be because your media, your programmed is made by people like these.

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cringe maxi pad flag gross. Use a tampon instead Sally kuoko

If "indigenous people" were as smart and resourceful as whites, they would have dominated the planet and other races. It's survival of the fittest. We subjugated the lesser races the same way we domesticated beasts of burden. Your question is no different than: "Why didn't oxen rise to the top of the food chain and make humans work the fields instead?" Because they are incapable of that.

Have you ever considered the idea that when one cultural group surpasses another group in terms of technology and health, that it is inevitable that they will be richer, more influential, and wield more power than other less advanced cultures.

Would you say that this is the natural progression of things and how conflicts have always been created and solved and that this is true of how each cultural group has behaved on each continent since the beginning. So the group with the greatest strength and the most ambition will typically colonize the weaker group. I would say this is a people thing, not a white thing. So when egyptians, anglos, and arabs found groups that were still stuck in the stone age, moving around from place to place following prey, they thought, how do these people fit into the modern world, these unevolved and tribal peoples. Well, they are wasting their land and resoutces and dont seem capable of living in our, more successful culture.

Pretty easy guess what happens next, elimination or subjugation. This is what happened on every continent, between members of the same races for millions of years prior to today. I would say that, based on human history, the last few hundred years have shown real improvement and we all know that the native people of these so called paradiseswould have exterminated any coloniist if they were capable if doing so and dud do these things after early friendships. Even after bartering fir the sale of the land, then truedto renig and got absolutely fucked for ever more. Its only due to the enlightenment and the further evolution of the stringer cultural groups that the lesser groups have made any head way.

Jews aren't white dick head

Indigenous people and subhumans in general are far more obsessed with land ownership.
That's why they and their enablers constantly whine about losing their land to the White Conqueror.
Problem is, niggers, abos et al., having an IQ lower than 80 are incapable of holding the lands they are obsessed with, whilst the White Master is capable of not only conquering, but also of using the land.

>lets go back to being animals
That's what you're arguing you stupid monkey.

Yes, heating with fire, electricityta & Geothermal heat. Plan is to get as self sustainable as possible. I have huge list about things i like to farm, i have some experience on that subject. I could start hunting but haven't really thought about it seriously. Next summer is time to buy the land if everything goes well!

Go get in line for some new $300 Chinese made sneakers.

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>Why Are Wypipo
I can already tell your thread is going to be shit.

Good luck user tho its missing SAUNA and vodka factory.

It's called Empire Building.
If you don't understand it intrinsically you will probably never do so.

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Thanks,never! :D.D

When the British Empire first arrived in South Africa, the found a tiny tribe called the Zulus from a small village on the coast in the process of ethnically cleansing the entire southern African continent with a slave army. Huge, vast regions of land had already been cleared. That's literally all they were doing. Murdering the entire rest of the niggers from the Cape to the Zambezi. They did not use the land for any purpose. Not agriculture, mining, building. Niggers had never had nor would have invented those things. Literally the entire purpose of their empire was rape and murder on a continental scale. Everything that is not made from mud or rape and murder was built by the British. They were not using the land for anything and never would have, because their average IQ is too low to do or invent anything but rape and murder as a group. Why shouldn't Europeans use that land to build civilisation and bring peace?

Land ownership is true freedom and power

Based and confirmed. I met a Indian American thot once. Bitch was afraid of the woods. Confused the fuck out of me.

>raid other lands, rape, torture and gentrify the indigenous peoples there, e.g.; Africa

Africans do all that on their own you fucking merchant.

Has OP full.of fallacies

>I'm just curious bro, I'll be honest

You guys really need to lurk more. Unless of course you're a sub 90 IQ 3rd worlder, in which case you lack the intelligence for even the most basic.of debates.

I'll expand on that: From the muslim invasions until the Renaissance the white race was in the defensive. Some attempts were made to bring the war to their (conquered) lands like with the Crusaders, with mixed results.
In Eastern Europe, the "survival" phase lasted even longer, to the XVIII century.
In most of Europe, however, the immediate threat of muslim invasion was done before Constaninople fell.

So, it is only logical that after 800 years fighting tooth and nail to keep whatever meager pieces of land we had, once the invader lost their impulse, we redirected it.
Instead of resisting conquest, we started conquering.
And so the whole world was, indeed, conquered.

Protestants used to think they were Jews so the world belonged to them because God willed it. Ironically they are being punished like the Jews.

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Didn't you ever wonder how the entire Middle East and North Africa speaks Arabic and prays towards the Arabian capital city? How a billion Chinese took over half of Asia? Why do you think only whites built empires when casual observation of an atlas proves it false? Chinese, Muslims, Mongols, Aztecs, Incas, Zulus. Black, brown, yellow, red. These all existed before white empires. And did far more rape, murder and genocide. Just be glad whites won in the end. We imposed peace, abolished slavery and built civilisation and gave it all back afterwards. None of the rest would have.