Move to the US for a White Europoor: good idea or not?

I've had this discussion a few times, and I noted some pros and cons.

>+freedom of hate speech
>+still a lot of good White places where the demographical battle needs to be won
>+seems easy to economically prosper without giving half your money gibs to shitskins

>-giving away the land of your ancestors
>-lots of cultureless, niggerified Whites
>-high chances your children will become like them too
>-people just seem to be more used to cosmopolitanism in general (even if it's segregated), although probably less cucked than Europeans

Personal note: I'm a French male aged 20, and I truly believe that staying here will just result in me and my family silently being replaced and die. We can't even defend ourselves nor voice any credible opposition freely. My case is particularly bad as I live in a non-White area.
Eastern Europe could also be an option indeed, but I'd like to invest myself for the development of a threatened community one way or another, make White children in a place which needs them more, not just retire in some temporarily preserved (and also quite powerless) area. I don't blame those who do this at all, though. It's also good and useful.

So what are your thoughts on an hypothetical settlement in the Land of the Free? Is this just a contemporary naive version of the American Dream? And most importantly, is it even possible to move as an average White guy without huge incomes or competences? I've just heard so many contradictory things about it and would like serious opinions to know the way I should follow.

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Do it. Go away from this shithole we've become. There's no hope. Valuable Whites need to go away especially if they live in dangerous areas.

Thanks for the gif

This gif is beautiful

Jow Forums's system uses poster's IP# to label what country they are posting from.
They should have covered this in the orientation at shareblue.

You're not getting your Soro's shekels today, faggot.

If you're cute, come here and I'll be your bf.

I know, friend. Je vis dans un quartier négrifié d'une grande ville gauchiste, élever des enfants ici serait impensable.



I think I am relatively cute. I can be a temporary faggot if that gets me a green card, I guess.

No idea man, this is a battlefield worldwide. Pick a place which suits you to stand your ground and fight.

I moved to the US from Belarus when I was 23. It's hard to move into a totally different world by the time you already soaked in your local culture. And be ready that you'll always feel alien, in both your new and old countries.

I can't say that the US is the dream come true, but it's still better for living that any European country now.
Moving to pretty white town in my area to escape hordes of shitskins, but it comes with a price too. Don't expect a comfortable life with a low salary here.

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Yeah, but I feel that America (for obvious reason) is THE place where the struggle needs to be led now. It has worldwide consequences. If I just move to Hungary or Poland, learn the language and build a family, I'll surely be happy, but that would be a defensive position. I want to be in America, to help the good states and the good guys who are showing an amazing resistance against all the (((pressure))).

Interesting, thanks for this answer. Actually, the few things I've heard about Belarus were extremely good, at least compared to France.
I just want to be able to sustain myself, I'm not looking for comfort immediately. That would come in the future, when I will build a family there.
How was the procedure? You went in with some money? Easily find a job?
I could put only a few thousands € in this project, not much more.
Good luck to you!

You'd love it

After 2015 there is absolutely no place i would rather be than here at home in Slovenia. Truly blessed.

That said, fuck off we're full

>>+freedom of hate speech
yeah, don't come to the US, faggot.

>I just want to be able to sustain myself, I'm not looking for comfort immediately
You need to answer for yourself, why are you wanting to move?

To be among other whites? You can find majority white life only in small towns here. I'm sure French small towns are not suffering from shitskin invasion, so why move?

To enjoy American freedom? Yes, you'll be free to have a gun, and even shitpost online, but free speech in America is already a meme. I grew up in a literal dictatorship and felt way less restrictions than in the US, where every wrong word in a wrong place could cost you a job, "friends" and bankruptcy for your business.

To enjoy endless opportunities? That's a great goal, but you need to be ready to fight for everything. Most of the people I worked with in Texas, California and Colorado are not focused on delivering high quality results and many of them don't even keep their word, so you need to get very and very self-sufficient and don't rely on any gibs from anyone or government. It's not the wild west bad, but you'll definitely need time to adapt after socialism-focused Europe.

>How was the procedure?
It was my goal since I was 15, so I worked kind of hard to get here. I found that going trough L1 path was the best option for me, so I started to work for all kinds of international companies, until I got my chance for a transfer.

>I could put only a few thousands € in this project, not much more.
You can't buy your way in the US. Not without some shady fraud at least. Wouldn't recommend.
Current immigration laws will let you in if you're highly skilled specialist or a star. America don't want random people who just to want live good. Not officially at least

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At least change your flag to a meme one if you don't know how to change it to a french one, faggot.

Totally depends on the area, the US is as big as Europe.

You'll probably need to be in a fairly large city because of your faggy french accent, but other than that, the South or the Northwest are the best places to be right now. You'd fit in well in Florida probably.

First you have to get on your knees and admit that the Germans are better than you in every way and you should have given up your land to them 1,000's of years ago, the french are responsible 100% with the jews and brits for creating this fucking mess

I want to move because I want to marry and have children, basically. I'm a poor guy living in an African district where I can basically get robbed or stabbed any day, I already had issues with the French justice for "racism" online, they know me, I'm on their files like thousands of others, which is also why I hide my IP. ( )

>To be among other whites? You can find majority white life only in small towns here. I'm sure French small towns are not suffering from shitskin invasion, so why move?
You're so wrong, I grew up in a small French town in Aquitaine, one of the most preserved regions, and it has also become invaded. There's no way back for France, I thought and talked about it countless times.

>To enjoy American freedom? Yes, you'll be free to have a gun, and even shitpost online, but free speech in America is already a meme. I grew up in a literal dictatorship and felt way less restrictions than in the US, where every wrong word in a wrong place could cost you a job, "friends" and bankruptcy for your business.
That sucks, I was hoping that some places would be better than others about it. I don't idealize America at all, in fact I mostly had love/hate feelings about this place for my entire life, but the recent events and readings I had, as well as my future projects, progressively changed my mind.

>To enjoy endless opportunities?
I see, well that would be for sure a huge change from France, where everything is given to you by the government.

Gj to you for achieving your goal.
I don't want to buy my way there, was just talking about the money I had to live as soon as I'd move.


I 100% agree, unironically. I even wrote some stuff about it.

>Move 'Murica. Get shot and stabbed as soon as you leave the airport.
>Have to pay 500.000$ for some low medical issues.

>Tfw no French immigration

Im also seriously considering moving over there. Im a long distance trucker witb zero ties here. I've read in a few trucking magazines that there is a shortage of drivers so im figuring picking up work wont be an issue and a i'm quite happy spending 3 months in my truck. Do you have any pointers for an area that would be beneficial in my quest, any advice would be greatly apprecaiated unless it s along the lines of fuck of we're full

Good, you don't seem too bad.

Now, assuming you have quality white genetics:

Stay illegally and work labor. You can make $15/hr working under the table, and the jobs aren't that bad. Practice your English and Southern accent. Stack up enough cash to where you can move to California.

Once in Cali, get a drivers liscense, social card, and then buy guns legally if you can, if not, you can pick up shitty pistols for like $200.It's harder in Cali but you would be much safer.

You can't migrate as a truck driver. You can stay in the US illegally while working as a truck driver for some shady mexican or jewish company

reminder northern us states are rightful Canadian clay

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Cali would your best option as well, you can get a drivers liscense, social card, and could work legally after obtaining those two things.

If you can manage to get a work visa, overstay and head for the west coast to do above.

Trucking jobs are highly regulated, you won't get hired without certificates, but it's good money and you could basically just drive around and explore the US. Sounds like a good gig. Get a gun as soon as you get here, legally or illegally, and if you bring any of your leftist shit here with you I'll hunt you down and pee on your face

I've heard that other states don't recognize Cali DL anymore, so you can't use it as a gateway to get a DL in a normal state state. Not sure how true is that though

Canadian clay will be rightful to take by any shitskin within your generation.

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>If you can manage to get a work visa
H1B? Pretty low chance without brutforcing your way trough Indian body shops.
I'd recommend going on a legal path trough school visa first

Europe live too well compared to its actual quality. When Iran will close the strait of Hormuz and real shit will start it won't take long for Russia and the chinese to invade Europe. Move away before it happens. Europe is the weakest link and has zero chance to resist.

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Well shes not wrong.
Just not the brown shes expect.

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at least they wouldnt think he is a wetback when he has to say his name. feels bad.

Just biding my time in this shit hole to settle family matters. Going to take a few years but after that I'm instantly going to the US and hopefully never be back. Just do it. Fuck your monkey land.

You're a little late but come on in. Your people took the south east mainly such as New Orleans/Louissiana. Lots of nigger there now but you'd be respected as Frenchman.

I got news today my company is finally going to put me up for an 01 visa after hassling them for about a year. Fucking hyped I might be able to escape my Orwellian britbong shithole and my work in the european cucknion to some actual conservative freedoms

Goddamn. Can't believe that happened less than 100 years ago by the way things have changed. We won't lose this time.

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You better have a good job lined up before moving.

>Lots of nigger there now but you'd be respected as Frenchman
After being stabbed by a nigger? As much as I love New Orleans, it's getting worse and worse every time I visit. Even historical center is crumbling.

I am tall, in a good shape, blonde when I was young, brown-eyes. So average+ I'd say.
The expression "stay illegally" bothers me a bit. Is it really that easy?
I always knew the French accent was awful, thanks for confirming. Anglofags have always told me it was cute, however I don't have it much so it should be fine.
Can you get all that while being there illegally? I don't get it. Thanks for the tips anyway.


Yeah I'd like to settle in a White area

fuck off we're full

>Is it really that easy?
It's "easy" to get into that position, but not easy to live as a person with absolutely no rights. Every day you go to sleep you can't be sure you won't be deported tomorrow after some random ICE raid.
Being basically a rat who survives on it's own. It's a life for a person who has nothing to lose. You CAN legilize yourself with various ways later (you need to cross the border legally though), but it's difficult and expensive.

>It's "easy" to get into that position, but not easy to live as a person with absolutely no rights. Every day you go to sleep you can't be sure you won't be deported tomorrow after some random ICE raid.
Hahaha America is so awesome.

Wrong IP-flag kike

N'écoute pas les neet ricains qui n'ont pas de point de comparaison. Même au Maryland, coin super libéral, tu vois bien plus de liberté d'expression que n'importe où en France. Et puis quel bonheur de voir des familles blanches, des quartiers blancs, et pas d'arabes. Un truc qui frappe aux US par rapport en France, c'est aussi la façon dont les blancs se comportent. Tout le monde est poli, articule correctement. Laisser la vulgarité française derrière soi c'est un grand bol d'air. En France on te conditionne à être un esclave pessimiste, tandis qu'aux US on t'encourage à une consommation optimiste.

Thanks the advice user, much appreciated, my original plan was to head off to Canada but i had a change of heart when signs of it turning into a liberal hell hole started to appear

Génial, ouais on m'avait pas mal parlé du nord-est aussi, zone assez gauchiste (encore que) mais très comfy. Merci pour ce retour.

I spend a few months over winter playing golf with what seems like half your population. I have to admit that your fellow countyman are very friendly , have a good sense of humour and its always a pleasure playing a round in their company. I do find the females can be rather controling though, ive noticed on quite a few occsion where they seen be having stern words with their husbands, mayne that my fault though.i dont think women belong on a golf course and i think they can sense that in my attidude and it upsets them especially when i show subtle signs of disapproval when they constantly hit bad shot and in some cases they dont have basic level of ability to actually be playing on some courses.


Yeah come on over dude, come to the midwest. Look for a quiet suburb. Boink one of our women who will probably fall all over your accent. Get a concealed carry, have a chill happy life. Shit isn't exciting here, but that's a good thing imo. Come to Minnesota, We're just chillin up here, shootin guns, playing hockey.

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