I'm 99% sure that I'm going to be converting from catholicism to reform judaism. Any reasons why I shouldn't?

I'm 99% sure that I'm going to be converting from catholicism to reform judaism. Any reasons why I shouldn't?

Any reason other than

> hurr durr well akshuly a bunch of old celebate white when will say you're going to hell durrrr

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Read your Bible. Even the OT. Its all about Jesus.

Genesis 3:15 15And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; he will crush your head, and you will strike his heel."

Numbers 21:7-8
7The people came to Moses and said, "We sinned when we spoke against the LORD and against you. Pray that the LORD will take the snakes away from us." So Moses prayed for the people. 8The LORD said to Moses, "Make a snake and put it up on a pole; anyone who is bitten can look at it and live."

Isaiah 53
Psalms 22
The story of Samson, Joseph, ect, ect... The Jews won't let you read it yourself. All opinions must come from a rabbi. Rather, you should both read and be taught, not just be taught.

Well you're going to hell as a catholic anyway so knock yourself out

Op, you should. Because your such a faggot and jews get to suck baby dicks.

>All opinions must come from a rabbi.
Actually people read torah and talmud and bitch with rabbis all the time. It's considered healthy discourse.

Arguing with a priest or bishop though in catholicism? The church gets it's panties in a knot and can't handle it.


youre a faggot and a race traitor, sit down and read some books

heres a list ive put together (as a christian)
List of Reading in order

Squires Trial:

Awakening of a National Socialist:

Next Leap (Note: there is anti Christian stuff in the spirituality section of tis book):

Zero Tolerance:

RFM-01 Mental liberation:

Mein Kampf Ford:

For My Legionaries:

White Power:

This Time The World:


Podcasts ive put together
Recommended podcasts for easy understanding

read jewish Catholic apologist David Goldstein

I can think of one reason... You will be a goy by jewish law

Then you were never properly catechized.
>1 Thess 2:14-16

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99% of american jews don't give a shit about literal halacha

American Jews need to be gassed

I know but consider what this means: Those who hate jews will hate you, and the actual jews will see you as a phony.
I only see cons?

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you should only do it if you intend to breed a jewess, then your children will be "real jews" . You however is never going to be anything else than a familiari

Likened to how much Jews hate protestant "messianic Jews."

>I'm 99% sure that I'm going to be converting from catholicism to reform judaism
not your fucking blog you libtard r*dditor, GET THE FUCK OUT

Have fun worshiping molech alsonthr news wont accept you goy

Have you looked at other made-up cults first, there might be one that is more fun. "Reform" any-religion is a joke as the religious fork was made by butthurt fags who did not want to follow the rules of their religion. Don't be a fag. If converting to Kike go full fucking Kike, that is what I would do. Reform is just larping. Buddhists get more action if you are willing to put up with the pure faggotry.

Take the Varg-Pill user

Theres not much of a i difference between the two, both catholics and jews are satanists.

Isn't reformed Judaism just atheistic liberalism plus Jews?

I suppose you might be serious. Dr. Michael Brown might be the best active Jewish Christian apologist. He's a nice dude to those he debates, so he has a lot of them with rabbi's. Tovia singer might be the one to goto for an ant-missionary view. Nothing in particular special about this one, but he has a lot of stuff out on jewtube. That is if you want resources and not neckbeards on Jow Forums.


More people are reading the culture of critique

You don't possess the hyper tribalistic mind, you easily trade one culture in for another, you will belong in neither.

>> hurr durr well akshuly a bunch of old celebate white when will say you're going to hell durrrr
really, that's your biggest concern?
if youre that retarded maybe convert to scientology.
Or liberalism.

You shouldn't convert to reform Judaism because it's not Judaism. The only real Judaism is the so called "Orthodox". Real Jews (orthodox) are not allowed to enter into Reform or Conservative synagogues because they are considered places of heresy and idolatry. Either go for a kosher orthodox conversion or don't. Good luck!

Men can never convert to judaism. You could circumcise your entire body, but you will never be a Jew.

Only if your mother is jewish can you be considered a Jew

>I'm going from worshiping Satan to worshiping Satan.
>Any reason why I shouldn't?

Funny, the KJV isn't on the list, so called Christian.

Siding with kike scum?

This is what Jow Forums sees as your future.

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Because you’ll just upgrade to a gentile instead of a goyim
You’ll never be of blood, they will pretend you are of the jewish family

You are free to do what you want, God give us free will, i'll se you in hell, don't worry you will not be alone, i'm a lawyer so i will be there too.

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reform judaism is not real judaism tho
even reform jews agree

>Any reasons why I shouldn't?
youre not an ethnic jew and they dont want you.

Bullshit. There are two ways into Judaism. Either your mother is Jewish or you convert. The only "discrimination" against converts is that men can't serve as judges in religious courts and female converts can't marry Cohanim, who can only marry virgins who are Jews from birth.

>I'm 99% sure that I'm going to be converting from catholicism to reform judaism


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Reminder: an army of well funded, well organized jew shills patrol the internet in effort to shut down any counter-jew discussion and to promote the globalist anti-white jew agenda.




>ACT.IL shill recruitment video




>Why Facebook and Google Are Complying With Israel to Delete Certain Content

>Israel’s Online Shadow Operations
>Numerous well funded, organized projects by and for Israel work to flood social media with pro-Israel propaganda, while blocking facts Israel dislikes. The projects utilize Israeli soldiers, students, American teens and others, and range from infiltrating Wikipedia, Reddit and Jow Forums to influencing YouTube. Some operate out of Jewish Community Centers in the U.S.

>Israel launches secret squad to challenge negative image & boycott campaign

>"Israel's Internet Censorship War - If Americans Knew"

>"The Lobby P1: Young Friends of Israel – Al Jazeera Investigations"

>"JIDF Editing on Wikipedia"

>Israeli American Council shill recruitment video

>"Tony Martin IHR Conference Tactics of Organized Jewry in Suppressing Free Speech"

>"Defamation" – Documentary about how acusations of anti-semitism are used as a JIDF tool to silence goyim who criticize anything related to jews.

>jews hate all non-jews and slaves

if youre an european white: congratulations, youre now an """""""""""""""ashkenazi"""""""""""""""""""

He said REFORM Judaism. They don't do valid conversions. No Orthodox respects their conversion and neither does the state of Israel.

I never thought I'd say it but the Jews in this thread are right.
>American Jews need to be gassed
Please do it. I know it's getting around that time when you need to do another "burnt offering" again.

stop talking shit.

he's right idiot. A valid converted Jew is a Jew.


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You'll never be a Jew in their eyes. Never. They are a tribe, not a religion. It's not like Protestantism or Buddhism. They will never accept you, not even Ivanka.

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Then go to Hell you were warned.

Jews will still see you as subhuman even if you convert. They don't even believe converts have a soul as good as their own. They see convert's souls to be on a lower level.
They'll take your property after you die too as your family has no legal right over it.
Our greatest ally!

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Oooh lah lah!

I bet these American Jews don't even know what "holocaust" means in Judaism.

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Because apostates go to hell

They will.

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why reform and not the original?

I know a convert. Her certificate of conversion says the Jewish court considers her to be עם ישראל basically an Israelite. It doesn't even say Jewish. So you can join the tribe.

As long i know if you convert then you stop being a goy, my wife tried to convert me when we got married, she is jew, but i told her that i was not willing, Christ is more important to me than her, at the end of the day she won, because later i learned that judaism works in matrlineality so i guess this fight is never going to end

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Do you khazarian satanists consider Catholics who have a matrilineal Jewish line to be Jewish or goy?

Because Jesus Christ is the Messiah.

Messianic Judaism would be good, or any non-Roman Christian church (even other catholics orthodox not associated with Rome, like Anglicans or Greek Orthodox).

If you’re seeking a community to be part of, that’s understandable. But the most important thing - the thing which determines your eternal destination - is simply your personal relationship with Christ Jesus.

If a "valid" converted Jew is a Jew, why is it that converts are not allowed to marry a Cohen (Jewish priestly tribe) under any circumstances?

Do you guys sacrifice your own because Elohim doesn't give a fuck about goy souls so the sacrifice doesn't count or isn't as effective or something?

I mean the last olah got you guys your homeland back so it's hard to deny the power.

That's how it goes...
Nah diaspora are just cunts is all.

>goy souls
Or goy lives I mean. You guys don't believe goys have souls right?

Any blood will do.

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Convert to Society of Friends (quaker). Cut out the middleman

That's a paper.

Interesting. Honestly as a goy, it was mind blowing when I found out holocaust was just a greek translation of your ancient blood sacrifices. I was like: "Now ain't that mighty suspicious!"

Because there is a chance that the conversion was done incorrectly and there is not as much tolerance for risk with Kohenim.

There is no stopping us. But you can join...

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Traitors get tenfold the damnation that enemies get

signed by a jewish court, come on man stfu already

Whenever people start calling their shit holocausts, do you guys get offended like: "I don't remember any rabbis taking part in that olah?!"

>Christ is more important to me
kek verified, don't follow this (((money changer))) religion.

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Converting doesn’t instantly boost you iq you retarded Jew

Deadly Star
The Mystery of Solomon's Seal Revealed

>Actual jews

Bro, what is exactly "an actual jew" for you? I mean, Ashkenazi are basically europeans, i see no genetic diference between a converted burger and an Ashkenazi

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>implying shills will let you
You do know jews pretty much don't accept conversion and only way to become a jew is to be born one
Don't force your children to become shills. Thats child abuse.

do you frustrated virgins write posts in the toilet?

because it's not /pol it's /adv or /qa

Why American Jews so liberal or gay??

brain damage

Judaism and belonging to the jewish people inherited matrilineally. There is no other way. If your father is a Jew but your mother a convert or a goy, you can't be a Jew

>reasons why i shouldn't

You really think a slip of paper is going to make you a Jew? They'll just laugh at you and make fun out of you behind your back. You the wanna-be-jew will never be equal to them. Ask Sarah Silverman if she thinks you'll be the same in her eyes as her Jewish grandma. Prepare some handkerchief for the tears.

>"for you"
more postmodernist shit. there are rules, i didnt make them up. the reform made up their own rules, and recently.

the definition is recursive: you are an actual jew if your mother is an actual jew, or you are a convert.
the base case is Abraham pretty much...

think about it. its all the ones who ran from conflict. both in ww2 and after it when we made israel.

you are building for yourself, absolute hell.
i will enjoy watching and i will not help you.
even if you beg crying and screaming.

Don't do it....

If you become rich it will not matter to them, hell you dont even need to convert if you can make money.

>he doesnt know that converting to judaism is not like the christoislamic cult but actually takes at least 2 years