Everyone around me is an NPC i cant take it anymore, happening tomorrow, LA Jefferson, 27 white male

Everyone around me is an NPC i cant take it anymore, happening tomorrow, LA Jefferson, 27 white male.

Attached: NPC..png (636x773, 8K)

Using a proxy by the way

Dont do it man, not worth it, sometimes people arent as npc as they seem if you get to know them, maybe you can even wake them up

Nah man, hop on that plane and be a terrorist. You will be called 'Air Jordan.'

If you do it, theres just one less PC in the world

fuck off fbi, you aint going to false flag this meme

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>I can take it anymore
>wants to contribute to NPCization of society

Trump is now NPC

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all these random "am i a npc" threads

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Don't take your shit out on the innocent. If you can't figure out how to awaken people you are an NPC yourself on rampage mode. Hurting people awakens you up a bit, but it also moves you further into not of this world category.
Remember what you push is what grows. It's not worth it

Kek, you are the npc, controlled by this meme to Ff.

Shut the fuck up NPC your words don't affect me, i don't want to live anymore because this is a simulation and if its not then things aren't going to get any better.

boi better commit

>Jordan wasn't nuked by israel yet, but somehow still glows in the dark.

also, tomorrow is Sunday

0/10 bad bait is bad

unless this nigger goes to a Sunday school.

you going on a rampage?

What country you from?

lmao wow (((they're))) really getting this desperate to stop us from posting NPC threads
not shit is going to happen

kys kike shill OP

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Guys. I'm an NPC I think. I work at Sam's giving samples from a little cart in an aisle. I stand there for 6.5 hours saying shit like 'chicken pot pie' over and over to anyone who comes within a few feet of me? If there's small talked I've began to ask 'what are ya buying' as a joke to myself.. Sometimes it's pretty slow and I think I'm inner monologuing but I'm not sure. I think this position might be getting to my. Am I too self aware of the joke or irony here? I think I should quit.

hey FBI!

What are you going to do you little queer cut in line at Starbucks lmao

Put me in the screenshot

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