American electoral system is retarded. She got more votes. Any any other developed nation she would’ve won.
American electoral system is retarded. She got more votes. Any any other developed nation she would’ve won
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Wrong, even leafistan has proportional votes.
Democracy is mob rule and America is a constitutional republic.
It was designed to prevent tyranny of the majority. If the electoral college didn't exist, flyover states would continue to exist and such and be left to languish -to the detriment of our country- while candidates pandered to the handful of major population centers that would then steer the election.
Also, getting butthurt because you tried to play checkers and lost at chess is fucking stupid. Hillary had opportunities to campaign in the places Trump was, but didn't and stuck to the cities like the popular vote actually mattered. She lost because she's retarded, and so are you.
No, retard. In direct democracies, there would have been a runoff because no candidate got 50% of the vote. No sane country on earth would elect its top executive based on a slim plurality.
Never mind that she had as many as 10,000,000 fraudulent votes. Trump won the PV as well as the EC.
calm down putin. you can be dictator, we don't care
>Any other developed nation
Ever notice how the United States has a larger economy than any other developed nation? Maybe it's good we do things better than other developed nations here.
>What is a republic
Nah bro it's because rusha hacked the election
Minus 22 million illegal immigrant votes
>Any any other developed nation she would’ve won
In any other developed nation she would've got prison
Sick of hearing about this shit from people who've never read the Federalist Papers and who think this is the first time this has ever happened. Lincoln won with a minority of the vote. Clinton never got more than 50%. Read some history.
Oh my God! You mean we have to follow the Constitution?
Hillary lost, bigly
Too bad the extra votes are all in states like NY or CA. You could get 100 million more votes in those 2 states and it won't change.
Something something small states
Sweetie, humans evolve. The constitution should evolve too.
Democracy is mob rule you commie. Our forefathers knew what they were doing.
As if most of her votes are real
>american system is retarded
>any other developed nation would have given power to a warmongering corporate freak
Sounds good
Trump won the popular vote if you exclude the million illegals that voted for hillary
I don't get this argument of "she got more votes" as if it matters. We're not a direct democracy when we vote for the pres, so why are you acting like the popular vote matters?
If you have a good poker hand while playing blackjack, do you start shouting that it's unfair too?
> elections should be determined by who commits the most voter fraud
You will never pass. You will lock yourself away in your home and become more and more bitter and delusional as you desperately try to convince yourself that you look like a women.
Your only friends, and I use that word very lightly, will be fellow castrated men who will also be suffering the same regret and mental anguish over their poorly thought out decision. The entirety of your "friendship" will be mutual reassurance that you didn't make a mistake and discussing how to make other people fuck up as bad as you did so you won't be alone in your misery.
But you will be alone, even around other people.
Always alone in your head, always suspicious of what others really think about you, always knowing the truth that they are only humoring you out of pity.
Despised by all, hideous, a freak. Incapable of having love, a family, or genuine human connections. Slowly slowly slowly your grip on reality will slip away until, on the rare moment you are forced to confront it, it will be such a shock to you such a painful reminder of what you actually are that the intrusive thoughts will highjack your every waking moment.
>Jews stuffing the ballot box in NY and LA should dictate how Wyoming uses their land
US is the most developed nation
so WTF are you even talking about
Follow US and your nation will get better
fuck off
>this shit again
The left coast with their illegals and New York are the reason we are a republic.
America should be run by the majority
GOP wont let the minority party rule
>You mean we have to follow the Constitution?
This shows you what a complete load of shit the Democrats call to abolish the electoral system would take nothing less than a new Constitutional Amendment, which means that 2/3 of the country's state legislatures (inevitably made up mostly of rural states) would have to agree that the rural states should have no say in their country's President before Congress itself (both houses) would have to agree with this self-castration as well.
>based Founding Fathers
lol fuck off ruski faggot
More living eligible us citizens voted for trump
It doesn't matter how many votes a candidate will get in a Russian election because Putin won't even count them.
Hillary's entire popular vote victory essentially came from California. This is exactly what our system of government was designed to prevent, one or two extremely populous states determining who would govern the other 48. If California wants Hillary so bad, they can elect her as governor. But the majority of states wanted Trump, so that's who they got.
We live in a republic thank god
Also millions of illegals cast votes. That’s a fact.
I like these threads. You can be 100% sure that Americans take the bait every fucking time.
Fuck off, faggot.
The reason America has an electoral college is because the founders of the country did NOT want the majority to dictate everything the country did just by being the majority. If you read things like the Federalist Papers, you'd know a rule by majority is something the US founders feared more than anything. Rule by majority is part of why the colonies were so under represented in the first place. It wasn't that people didn't go to Britain to argue for the causes the colonies believed in, it was because even when they did they were drowned out by the voice of the masses in Britain.
"We are now forming a Republican form of government. Real liberty is not found in the extremes of democracy, but in moderate governments. If we incline too much to democracy we shall soon shoot into a monarchy, or some other form of a dictatorship." - Alexander Hamilton
"Democracies have ever been spectacles of turbulence and contention; have ever been found incompatible with personal security or the rights of property; and in general have been as short in their lives as they have been violent in their deaths… A republic, by which I mean a government in which a scheme of representation takes place, opens a different prospect and promises the cure for which we are seeking." - James Madison
20 million of her votes were from dead people, felons voting illegally, and illegal immigrants.
compared to living in the shit hole democracy run by a kike hag.
hows that for bait fag, you can't reply cause you know I'm right
Is that supposed to be Gary Johnson playing Uno? Lel.
Its the right system, if you want a taliban government stopping modernity in its tracks.
At the end this will foster just balkanization.
They couldn't half the UK, so they bongs will be now at the hands of predatory globalists.
The big cities have only one chance. Just become independent of the surrounding taliban state, like Baltimore.
Or the big cities just remove themselves via charter votes from the surrounding state. Balkanization doesn't work, since this is between horse riders and car owners. The cities will become stronger in the next 50 years by populous and business, and those who will there will not accept some horse riders to tell them that they can't have cars. At the end, the cities will tell the state to gtfo.
The state can then have any rules they like.
Looks like you didn’t get the 2.0 update. Electoral college was the previous version, currently we’re shilling abolishing the Supreme Court. Please update and reboot.
>little states have too much power
This has literally been a political issue since day 1 of our country. We made compromises to solve this specific issue. We give small states some power while also allowing more power for more populous states. It's a pretty simple concept that most people can understand well in 5th grade.
>American Electoral System is retarded
>developed nation
Also if she did win we would be launching nuke at you right now.
what a coincidence that the party that wants to import as many illiterate browns they can also desperately wants direct democracy. What are the odds oh man!
This just shows that direct democracy would have failed us in that case. We were saved by the electoral system.
> Doesnt understand the system
> Loses
> Cries
>mfw our founding fathers believed that Democracy destroys nations
>mfw Jefferson wrote about this extensively
>mfw this is a Republic not a Democracy
She mad bro
>fkn saved
Our forefathers were some brilliant motherfuckers
t. retard.
It's basically affirmative action, propping up the vote weight of weaker regions, but it works against the Democrats, so of course they hate it.
Any electoral system that let's Trump wins despite having less votes is absolutely perfect and requires no changes whatsoever. That said, I'd rather just do away with democracy completely and install a permanent right wing dictatorship.
Jews are Jewing hard this Saturday.
checked for the truth.
they cant be they are still in Sabbath period, these are all the goy shills.
Funny how these Alexander Hamilton cocksuckers are against the electoral college
Bernie won the popular vote
Sage and report extremely low effort threads, like this one.
Now subtract the illegal, duplicate, and dead people votes and see how unpopular she really was.
>X Y Z, you suck D.
no effort bait thread
SLIDE sage
3mil aint shit, and im not entirely convinced that those 3 mil aren't just illegals, felons, the dead, and non-existants.
you can change the constitution through the amendment process.
Throwing it out because "humans evolve", just means it's worthless.
We did this, and now our constitution isn't worth the paper it's written on. No freedom of speech since 1970.
no. the system is very prevents that the east and west coast can rule over he whole country
30 years later, consent decree violation claims still threaten
Voting machines suspiciously defaulting to Barack Obama? Buses loaded with strangers appearing at polling stations? Even ballots turning out 100 percent for one candidate in precinct reports?
In short, suspicions of vote fraud?
That’s too bad, because a race-based consent decree negotiated by Democrats against the Republican National Committee a generation ago still has tied the RNC’s hands, and GOP officials could be cited for contempt – or worse – if they try to make sure American elections are clean.
No. Fact.
Sure she did, she couldn't even fill a high school gymnasium.
Vladimir, what are you doing?
Yeah but she lost. She was playing the wrong game
Get over it already
Cry some more
This is exactly what the system was designed for, to protect a few states (i.e. California and New York) from ruling the rest. This is because there were similar popopulation disparities in the original 13 states, and they valued their ability to govern themselves so dearly they'd just fought the revolutionary war over it.
States vote for the president, people do not. Each state chooses for itself how to direct the votes it is allotted under the constitution. Most states have a winner-take-all approach to prevent their say from being diluted amongst multiple candidates. This is why the electoral college exists and why to this day it is important. The same reasoning applies.
Read a fucking history book.
anyone have that pic where some chick got all butthurt because a city in cali had the same population as like 6 states, but was upset that those 6 states had more electoral votes than the one tiny city?
>says the USSAhrian
This has only happened 3 times in history leaving inclined to think GRU coordinating with Cambridge Analytica in fact hacked the election
This. I live in San Diego and there was a house down the street from me on the local news because it had 86 registered voters, probably never investigated properly and doubtful that those votes went to Trump. Just saying, how many houses like that in how many cities?
Population density is not evenly distributed, America being a republic respects autonomy over democracy. Democracy only serves densely populated Areas.