Israel Vs Mudslimes

Why is it that everyone always thinks that we have to pick a side regarding all this bullshit? Why isn't it possible in their minds that people can be both against Israel and Muslims at the same time?
>Hate on Muslims hardcore
>get called an Israeli Kike Jew
>hate on Israel hardcore
>get called a Muslim Brotherhood nigger
It seems like everyone who is particular to one side will always do that though, especially when you mention that you hate both sides. The muslims will call you a Jew and the Jews will call you a muslim. The people who shill hard against Israel refuse to condemn Muslims though and honestly seem like they are Muslims or at least non Israeli Jews who love their muddick pets. A person who shills hard for Israel can either be an actual Jew though or actually really does just hate Muslims that much.

Why is it so important for either that you have to support one side or the other? I don't know why people get so triggered when I say that I hate both, although it usually seems like the people shilling hard against Israel get the most triggered and say I HAVE to be JIDF even though all Jews deserve the gas. Yet, 99% of the time they refuse to say they dislike Muslims or hate them in any way shape or form. What's the deal, why is this such a fucked topic? Is it truly JIDF and the Muslim Brotherhood duking it out on Jow Forums? Either way it seems like both sides hate it when you hate both of them.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Or maybe it's all just JIDF trying to play sides? I honestly don't know, how much of a presence does the Muslim Brotherhood have here or any other Muslim organizations. It seems like most of those posters seem to be from Britain or Canada which both pull in a lot of Mudslimes.

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Hello infidels

We are your friends. Gib us monies so that we can help you with the jewish problem.

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>ID: JshPup

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I thought lebanese were based. Sad.

We're on your side guys.


>Gib monies

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Tell me Hashim, when you flood into the Western countries will you also take out the non Israeli Jews?

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>this entire post
I'm glad I clicked this thread

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Brother, show us your flag. Or else you shall be slain with the rest of the jewish dogs

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So, Kharam, how white are you for a Lebanese?

>tfw Northwestern European dad, Central European Slav looking jewish mum
>Germanic surname to pass in a White homeland, jewish enough for Israel
Let’s kill all kikes, except me, Dave Mustaine and Mark Knopfler

Hello Fabulous Fabian

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>for no reason
Oh come on Ahmed you should be able to recognize that the Jews could crash our economy if they wanted to, they've even killed one of our Presidents. Either way I still say you and kikes are awful although I wholeheartedly support you killing them. Although it seems like you're in bed with the Jews more so than us based on this post? Is that it? Muslims are teaming up with Jews to take over the West?
Based, you can Allah Akbar me anytime.

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>Why is it that everyone always thinks that we have to pick a side regarding all this bullshit? Why isn't it possible in their minds that people can be both against Israel and Muslims at the same time?

Nobody does, it's a false dichotomy literal JIDF shills try to push, ie "if you hate Israel you support Wahhabism, goy!"

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I'm kind of white, but it's obscured by my body hair.

Will I be spared in the day of the rope, desu?

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God bless Israel

Show pics and timestamp sp we can verify your huwhiteness.

Бoльшaя пpимaнкa, тyпицa.

>Why is it that everyone always thinks that we have to pick a side regarding all this bullshit?
while i do think thats mostly a JIDF false-dichotomy, i also think that not picking a side is in effect taking the muslim side, particularly Iran. Israel (as well as their Saudi allies and other Gulf states) is wholly dependent on our welfare to survive, whereas Iran keeps trucking along despite us constantly trying to fuck their shirt for decades. If we were to wash our hands of the region, the israelis and saudis would have lost the shield that they base their entire policies on. Iran would become regional hegemon in a handful of years. I don't really know if that would be a bad or good thing but it would be nice to not have to prop up israel and saudi anymore.

Who created Islam and why?

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i want the jews dead first, leave muslims in the desert and be strong and they will respect you.

Muslims hate pussies

Probably the Byzantines, or the Catholic Church.

some dumbass had a hallucination and then raped everyone the end

They're both Semites, literally brothers. Both rapey and greedy, but Jews are more sneaky and passive-aggressive.

That's why Arabs don't really take out Jerusalem although they actually could if they wanted to.

But then at the same time if you state that you hate Muslims then you're called JIDF by the frothing Israeli haters even if you want Israel glasses as well.

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Dude, even if Jews kill you all, the rest part of the world won't be even sorry for the loss.

Reminder: an army of well funded, well organized jew shills patrol the internet in effort to shut down any counter-jew discussion and to promote the globalist anti-white jew agenda.
>ACT.IL shill recruitment video
>Why Facebook and Google Are Complying With Israel to Delete Certain Content
>Israel’s Online Shadow Operations
>Numerous well funded, organized projects by and for Israel work to flood social media with pro-Israel propaganda, while blocking facts Israel dislikes. The projects utilize Israeli soldiers, students, American teens and others, and range from infiltrating Wikipedia, Reddit and Jow Forums to influencing YouTube. Some operate out of Jewish Community Centers in the U.S.
>Israel launches secret squad to challenge negative image & boycott campaign
>"Israel's Internet Censorship War - If Americans Knew"
>"The Lobby P1: Young Friends of Israel – Al Jazeera Investigations"
>"JIDF Editing on Wikipedia"
>Israeli American Council shill recruitment video
>"Tony Martin IHR Conference Tactics of Organized Jewry in Suppressing Free Speech"
>"Defamation" – Documentary about how acusations of anti-semitism are used as a JIDF tool to silence goyim who criticize anything related to jews.
>jews hate all non-jews and slaves

See that's the problem. People think hating both sides is, "not picking a side". No I am definitely picking a side, I want both destroyed.
Except they clearly want to invade the West and are doing so using covert tactics now and non Israeli Jews support that big time.

The US government and the population is so anti-muslim that I have no idea why yanks sperg out over them so hard. They're coming to europe yeah but numbers are dropping in the US. And as far as "subversion" goes, US citizens with the name mohammed can barely fly domestic, so no way are the muslim brotherhood doing jackshit. It's boogeyman tactics and it's obvious who's behind it.

Moysha? Is that you?

Hell even Israeli Jews want the Muslims to fuck off out of the Middle East to Europe and other countries so they can have their "greater Israel" but they don't pretend to like Muslims.

fake jew kike amalekites are shemites / semites
just like sand nigger arabs whom are also
semites / shemites. they're trying to draw you
into their conflict because they do not want
to go to hell alone.

if killing were allowed by God, all shemites
would have to be destroyed to bring everlasting
peace on earth. deep down, they know this
is the truth of their existence.

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>No I am definitely picking a side, I want both destroyed.
yea but thats a lot of work. especially the jews. i mean theoretically you could just nuke the mideast but that does nothing about the diaspora jews which are the most cancerous people on the planet. nuking LA, NYC and DC would kill a fair chunk of them tho. But then that would also be a lot of collateral damage

Notice me senpai

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Oh piss off Ahmed don't act like there isn't a huge push in the Media and in the US to accept and bring in Muslims or even accept what they do across the world. I know the US will never experience what Europe is with Muslims (we have our own problems with beaners though) but acting like they both aren't a thread (muslims and Jews) is just dumb. Also Christ this thread has produced a ton of meme flags.

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I'll need a better picture. It's a little too dark to tell.

Clearly we can't just nuke countries, that's not an actual option. Right now the war is being waged with Israel trying to get Muslims out of the Middle East and Muslims trying to get Jews out of the Middle East. Doing certain things will help certain sides in their goals but it seems many people act like there isn't a side. Being anti-Israel is obviously going to further Muslim goals. Being anti-Muslim is going to obviously further Israeli goals. Why isn't hating both and not helping either an option? Both sides though like to pretend that just because they're anti-X doesn't mean they're pro-Y which is absolute bullshit.

True, if it were up to me we would just wash our hands of the shitshow and let them kill each other without us helping either faction. Just got to be sure to actually enforce immigration laws so they don't refugee their way in here.

>Jews aren't whit...

Most jews aren’t White. Those are Slavic descantdant Ashkenazi converts from Poland or Russia probably

This is the latest zio narrative:
>we hate jews too but first let's focus on israel's enemies

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>starts a thread to complain and sperg about something
>proceeds to do exactly what he was complaining and speging about
saging this gay as fuck thread. kys faggot.

Yes, that's the biggest problem. Right now there is massive media influence to push towards refugees just being the victims and white countries are lapping it up and just letting them in. I wonder if Muslims believe this benefits them as well? Clearly they are using Europes welfare and other things to gain advantages but I'm not sure if they could ultimately take over an entire country, although they are doing a pretty good job with the UK right now. But if Muslims all flood out than the Israeli Jews will win.

>But then at the same time if you state that you hate Muslims then you're called JIDF by the frothing Israeli haters even if you want Israel glasses as well.
>and non Israeli Jews support that big time.
I thought you hated Israel Moshe, what was the point of saying "non-Israeli Jews"?
>Hell even Israeli Jews want the Muslims to fuck off out of the Middle East to Europe and other countries so they can have their "greater Israel" but they don't pretend to like Muslims.
Uh huh, keep telling me about the "based Israeli Jews" Moshe.

Exactly this.

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Yes please fuck off you cunt.

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All Jews are white retard. Just look at Jesus.

Fuck that. Already threw away the sticky note. Can't be assed to write a new one.

Here's another pick I took of the front facing end of my forearm

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Oh hey look, you left your thread to come to mine even though you pretended like you never wanted to actual discuss this. Are you going to condemn Muslims in this thread too or will you deflect like before? There is a difference between Israeli Jews and non Israeli Jews, they both have clearly different interests. I figured someone in the Muslim Brotherhood like you would be able to recognize that. I hate both sides that play off, "you don't hate X so that means you're Y!" then when I point out that you dumb faggots are doing exactly that you freak out. I don't know if you're JIDF or Muslim Brotherhood, but either way you're not white.

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Better, Pup. Yeah, you look fine, like a Greek. A little swarthy, but nothing excessive.

Because people generally struggle to form nuanced opinions about subjects they're only moderately familiar with. Going "X vs. Y" is a useful mental shortcut, and it's even easier if both X and Y are somehow aligned with your ideological identity.

Incidentally, most forms of Jow Forums "redpill" aren't actually transcending the "X vs. Y" dichotomy into actual understanding, but are simply reframing issue into different dichotomies. So, in 's case, reframing "Jews vs. Arabs" into "White vs. non-White". This isn't a true redpill because it doesn't actually provide any additional knowledge for you to see how the world REALLY is, but an ideological swicheroo.

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t. semitic sandnigger
Only Central European Slavic jew converts are White

It seems like Jow Forums of all places though considering Israel and the Middle East Muslims, refuse to acknowledge that it doesn't have to be an X vs Y scenario. Elsewhere and even in real life most people frankly don't even give a shit about either, I don't think I've ever had a discussion with any of my friends about it.

>posting in potential fbi thread

desu the FBI is probably monitoring all my shit but I don't really care, as long as I don't suicide myself with 3 bullets to the back of the head

Slavs aren't white, retard. Papa JF even said so himself.

In the medieval era, Jews and Muslims got along extremely well.

See to it that you know that Jews would prefer to live with Muslims than with Christians.

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I'm kind of leaning towards the idea that Jews and Muslims are working together to destroy the West which is why I really don't want either functioning let alone thriving.

>KEROUAC: In the first place, I think that the Vietnamese War is nothing but a plot between the North Vietnamese and the South Vietnamese – who are cousins- to get Jeeps in the country.

based wallah poster

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