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you can't even type more than one non-word you fucking shit eating moron

Oy Gevalt

My GF has used this or a similar service before. 90 minutes after the scheduled delivery a negress showed up with five kids to deliver the groceries.

"this them groceries yall ordered"

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what the fuck were you expecting? only people who work for those apps are niggers and chinese students

lol. thats what im dreading.

What'd you order anyway? It's pretty early in the day to start drinking, but I'm not one to judge.

nah ive been blessed with white people a few times

24 pack budweiser, 1 pack american spirit menthol, and a totinos pizza

Ordering alcohol delivery at 11 in the morning? Are you already too drunk to go yourself? At least E’bonce is out working on a weekend morning instead of being a degenerate alcoholic shut in.

lol. well played fag.

Sha'shanja has multiple kids, is behind on rent in her section 8 apartment, and hasn't had anything close to a job in her entire life. She will cause so much chaos to at least a dozen people between now and the time she gets to OPs apartment. She'll make about four deliveries today, while screaming about money on her Obama phone the entire time, and then call it a day.

OP is drinking on a Saturday.

Based heb and favor bro. Where in Texas you located?

I hope you didn't tip. You know they wouldn't tip in any situation involving any type of service.

austin. liberal oasis in the heart of texas

>Obama phone
Jesus Christ go boom somewhere else

What kind of low test numales are you two? A real man has at least 4 drinks of hard liquor in him before 9am.

>Sha'shanja has many children (a gift from god but you fund that), you pay for her rent as well and she hasn't ever needed a job her entire life

Stfu wagie stay mad

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I come closer to this everyday.

Has anybody ever taken an IQ test drunk?

Wtf are you talking about

the best writers are alcoholics. also there is a phenomenon called state based knowledge where you are less or more capable sober or drunk


Fuck yeah HEB is the greatest

jesus endorsed alcohol you puritan scum

>He smokes based American Spirit

So why exactly are you scared of a fellow nigger showing up in your doorstep?

Enjoy dying alone before 50
>”Here lies user. He started each day with a 12 pack and ended it with a Fifth. user spent these drunken days shitposting about niggers on an anime forum for fascists.”


I scored 140

>A real man has at least 4 drinks of hard liquor in him before 9am
Sounds like A. Rael Mann needs to go to some alcoholics anonymous meetings

yes there is a known association between blacks and mentholated cigarettes. thats not my fault.

Eat shit you fucking leaf

What the fuck is with all the nigger delivery drivers now? We order a ton of shit from Amazon and its always a nigger in a U-haul dropping packages off.