How can we end the United States two party system?

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You don't, it's designed that way to occupy your mind and prevent you from revolting.

It's mainly that we have the First Past the Post voting system

Destroy the dems in the midterms.

Presidential systems work that way, especially with FPTP voting. I sure as hell don't want a parliamentary system.

Well I was mainly talking about the House of Representatives and the state and local elections. The federal senate was meant to be appointed by the state legislature and the President was meant to be elected by electors appointed by the states.

I literally voted for Trump to do this and he is delivering. Look at the state of democratic party. Shambles. Republicans will be splitting around the end of his 2nd term

Trump already has

Stop parties from gerrymandering for one...

I think it's just an inevitable compromise. Just imagine the shitstorm if we elected a president with only 34 percent of the vote.

The US has a one party system.

One World Order

>I think it's just an inevitable compromise.
No it's just an inevitable result of First Past the Post voting. Britain has the same problem to an extent.

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The two party system has been overdue for a change for a long time.

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Make cities illegal.


Yep no country in the world has anything other than a two party system... it's inevitable.

why would you want to. 2 party system is by far the most stable form of polity. there's a reason that all the constitutions we wrote for other people include parliamentary systems

Also ending political tribalism will help too. Given the state of the left, I can’t see it ending any time soon. Not even the right extremists are that bad

This. It is an emergent phenomenon of this fact.

A rising third party will alwys meet oneof three fates:

It will replace one existing party -- as happened with the rise of the modern Republican Party.

It will get consumed by one existing party -- as happened with the "Bull Moose" party.

It will die out for lack of success -- as happened with the Reform Party.

Long-surviving "third" parties always stay small and irrelevant -- as happened to the Libertarian Party.

But imagine there was a successful third party somehow, able to be competitive with the two existing parties without supplanting or being absorbed by them. Instead of the two parties see-sawing back and forth around 50% support, we'd have the three competitive parties see-sawing around 33%. In a "first Pat the Post system, this is going to be what political scientists call "A Bad Thing."


I'd agree it's a fine goal, but I can;t see any way to get there that is proof against the dominant party in the jurisdiction in question fucking with it.

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Abolish democracy.

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nice discussion on your question, really leads into conversation and expression of why you think this is useful. Lazy.

declare the united states a constitutional republic, and tell the democracy supporters to fuck off back to Syria, or china, or the dprk, and tell me how much they fkn love democracy.

fuck democracy.

With a war.

Deport all democrats

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There are dozens of parties already.
Join one and espouse it to others if you want more representation of a particular party.

Your country hasn't been better, statistically speaking. Why fuck with it now of all times? If it ain't broke lad. the fallen messiah had his reign the antichrist was denied power.

By getting rid of the party system altogether. If there are no parties people can't look to see if they're Democrat or Republican and that's all before voting. They would be forced to look at the policies of the people they want to vote for.

How would you implement that?

Ideally you'd remove the money from the electoral process, give every candidate a fair crack at the whip. Ironically, Trump did that though and won.

I have no idea. I don't have enough political knowledge to begin how we could abolish the party system altogether.

I'm not dissing you, I agree with it. That's probably the ideal system like Washington wanted.

Just wait until the civil war is over.



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