This is a good point, does the leftist full of shrieking SJWs or are they emotionless robots, it can't be both?

this is a good point, does the leftist full of shrieking SJWs or are they emotionless robots, it can't be both?

Attached: shaunt.png (617x322, 41K)

get killed

it depends on the situation

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This NPC meme is really hitting home. Good work boys.

NPC’s can display emotions you know, it’s just that they are programmed into their character and not actually genuine.

Have you faggots never played a video game? Unless it's multiplayer, every enemy in the game is an NPC and tons of them are insane. A better term for these retards is "lemming"

npcs lack true emotion but can still pretend to have emotions. in this case they go way overboard because they don’t understand it and it’s just eerie and weird to normal people

This. Only an NPC wouldn't understand. They are taking it literally.
The meme is when people realize they are an NPC

I love how confused the NPCs are by the NPC meme. They know they're supposed to be angry about it, but they don't understand it either because it's beyond the confines of their programming. Hysterical.

can't they be both?

Jow Forums is a bad virtue signalling political strawman comic personified.

Just an NPC who doesn't understand the meme, user.

Attached: 1539319054586.png (680x550, 95K)

nobody said npc’s were stone faced and emotionless. left can’t meme

>implying npcs can't activate the hysterical shrieking script

Attached: 1479854771787.png (951x558, 34K)

NPC is easier to grasp and is more modern than lemming. Plus, it has a nice Gamergate callback.

The two are not mutualy exclusive, when one thing affects the hord all of them exibit simular reactions to the stimuli. Think about how ants or bees react when one of their colony becomes agitated.

Attached: GrugNPC.jpg (593x448, 32K)

Attached: 2885718-8800263791-laugh.gif (264x240, 2.64M)

SJWs != NPCs


I thought that was a glitch. I've seen NPCs screaching at they sky on MSNPC live streams. I didn't know it was programmed.

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you exhibit emotions, they're just not real

It's very effective online versus these retards, but offline with normies in the mix, lemming is a much less "offensive" term that accurately describes these idiots and might even get normies to stop being retarded all day every day.

Sorry but you are just an NPC with low INT. You just don't get it.

No, what happened was SJWs thought NPCs were a direct attack on them and starting spreading that falsity far and wide.

NPCs can be programmed with 2 or 3 base emotional states. The point being, they're all the same and they're all programmed.

just like in a video game there are different types of NPCs

Attached: 25E76006-D850-4698-85A5-1349355B0BDE.jpg (680x420, 119K)

hysterical shrieking is a programmed response. it's not emotion.

Attached: NEAT.png (480x390, 144K)

Op can’t comprehend
Wonder why...

They thought that because it describes them.
They have no inner dialogue and their opinions[]=PopCulture.Get();

That’s why the meme is a win regardless of what happens next.

tay was more human then you will ever be, faggots

Attached: tay.jpg (1872x1990, 460K)

god i love this fucking meme. never have i seen so much buttmad, and a perfect description of what ive always thought. nearly everyone else in the world is fake

Shaun once again being a retard.
You're shrieking SJWs BECAUSE you're emotionless robots. You don't think critically about the things you're doing, you just do them because everyone else is doing them/you've been told to do them.

Case in point: Shaun posted this. Ten or fifteen seconds thinking about this could clue him in on why antifa is bad for him and why telling everyone how great it is will make people dismiss him a a moron. However, that's not in his main code loop, so he doesn't consider it.

Attached: antifa_is_cool_guys.png (617x300, 33K)

Expert says low playability people might feel oppressed and hurt by the new racist meme.

Attached: 1539435741039.png (670x417, 63K)

Jow Forums drifted the meme and SJWs picked the version that suited their narrative.

NPC can seem intelligent, but you have to remember that it was only coded to be that way.

Kind of like SJWs.

Even end game boss's are just NPC's with more programmed dialog and programmed movements. Without awareness and self thought they are still only programmed to act and respond and are easily defeated.

Nothing about the NPC implies lack of emotion. In fact quite the opposite, they run purely on emotion without the capacity to think about anything. This tweet just shows how triggered NPC's are by the NPC meme and how accurate it is.

Attached: wat do.jpg (1280x720, 57K)


>NPC can't figure it out that he's a NPC ready to get angry only when the MSM tells him to then they don't know what to do until they get the next order

Entirely missing the point, it's almost like the have no ability to reflect.
Confusing to be honest, thought they were the tinkers and that the bad guys were farmers (the worst people in the world).


>[something good]
man the npc code is sloppy.

>they react to certain stimuli, it does not matter if you lay out the facts for them
>mfw yuri bezmenov warned us about the npc meme

It is pretty hilarious that the NPC meme started with zero connection to SJWs but they picked it up as an attack on them because it's about people that can't think on their own.

the (((msm))) thought them to react like emotional faggots when X or Y happens.
This twatter post is worthless.

Shaun is a retard who, ironically, uses this "checkmate alt-right" technique most of the time. He has no understanding of economics, using the failure "privatization" of some small British railway lines as an argument for public ownership, and claims that women marrying soldiers is as bad as the reverse.

its not our fault they misconstrue everything to the point of thinking that any lowly name refers to them.

vanity is going to fucking eat them alive.

I don’t understand why they have such a hard time grasping the NPC meme it’s not even an original concept people have been saying the masses are mindless drones for years.

Attached: 1EAF3368-652D-49E8-B66E-0BECC7F0280B.jpg (731x594, 141K)

The left is whatever their jewish masters says they are.

>I don’t understand why they have such a hard time grasping the NPC meme it’s not even an original concept people have been saying the masses are mindless drones for years.
Because the masses really ARE mindless drones, and self-reflection is a very difficult concept.

NPCs aren't emotionless, they just are told what emotion to have and obey.

You can tell it from their dumb ass media articles.

"Here is X and why you should be concerned"

Fucking idiots. The fact they couldn't think of that on their own is more proof they are just NPCs.

It's both.

Attached: npc_migrants.jpg (455x247, 25K)

Nobody said anything about them being stone-faced emotionless robots. They're robots programmed to be outraged by whatever the (((media))) tells them to be outraged about.

My favorite part of the NPC meme is the fact that it’s basically the equivalent of idiots on the left calling everybody nazi.

Not mutually exclusive. They are still screeching shrieking SJW's but that's what they are programmed to do. They are in the background, not thinking --- just doing what they are supposed to do.

>very enemy in the game is an NPC and tons of them are insane.
>Go to raid in WoW
>Boss sees raid forming inf ront of it
>Does absolutely nothing because the raid is out of aggro range set by the programmer even though the raid boss can see 100 people appearing to wreck its shit
>Kill the boss and the only people the boss managed to kill were afk or tabbed out masturbating to futa draenei porn

>npcs cant be hysterical and shrieking
what did he mean by this?


Attached: we live in a democracy npc.jpg (700x394, 58K)

Normies don't all know what the fuck an npc is. You won't convince my dad with that shit, but if you called them a bunch of fucking noisy lemmings, he would chuckle and agree with you. This shouldn't be something that is limited to video game references. Eg. Everyone knows what the fuck a sheep is.
>inb4 lemmings is a video game reference too.
Don't. Just don't.

NPC's were programmed to be hysterical. Hence all the fake outrage on TV everyday.

Attached: theois.png (600x439, 126K)

Attached: 4k3qeo.gif (124x240, 2.84M)

This is hate speech.
The correct wording is 'LOW PLAYABILITY'.

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>he doesn't know

Attached: fembot.png (500x499, 726K)

>Everyone falling for this bait.

No ones cares what you think it's whatevee pisses liberals off.

Precisely. NPCs do as the program tells them.

Attached: Chimpin NPC.jpg (963x949, 157K)

>libs can't stand being called conformists and fake

NPC meme is great, hits right at the heart of every snowflake that needs to dye their hair and get a million tattoos so they feel like they stand out

And that's a good thing.
And it's beautiful.

the fact they thought that shows that at least they are self-aware of their own bullshit

The left has a boomer understanding of slang, they simply don't know how to react to the phrase NPC because they don't know what it means which makes this all the more hilarious.

it took video game terminology to get the literal autists here to understand the term "lemming"

Attached: IMG_0067.jpg (1280x720, 105K)

Attached: npc_protest.jpg (612x408, 56K)

Absolutely nothing changed. Just the insults. It is possible to be a screeching lunatic but still suffer the same emotional disconnect. The point being that they act in a predictable manner given the right stimuli.

They re not emotionless robots, they re mindless robots.

>NPC cant be programed to shriek hysterically

The NPC meme comes from the lack of independent thought, not the lack of emotion. You do exactly what you have been programed to do by your (((celebrities))) and (((elites))) without questioning their motives at all. that is why you are an NPC. The same could be said of the millions of hardcore conservatives who can only scream about guns and abortion without ever looking past those two barrier issues.

>trigger alarm

I don' t see the problem.

the shrieking is part of the programming

It’s not real emotion. You can make a robot scream or cry. It won’t know why it’s doing it, but it will do it.

It’s both;the shrieking of the SJW is just a programmed response, feigned emotion like the screeching of the afflicted in “invasion of the body snatchers”

1. SJWs seem to have appropriated the title of NPC for themselves as opposed to being labeled by others
2. No one's saying NPCs are stone faced or emotionless. We're saying the emotions they display are for show. Which, in the case of SJWs, is largely the case.

Attached: 1538933644965.jpg (1168x1804, 445K)

Spoken like a true NPC! He can't comprehend that it means that his emotions are artificial and triggered by specifically-programmed stimuli.

Attached: NPCrace.png (970x660, 341K)

Nobody said they were emotionless.
They have no souls or free will. No brain.
They are programmed to respond to stimuli, like an animal. Animals have emotions, not brains.

It is more about unthinking conformity and the hollow posturing of repeating acceptable ideas to win virtue signalling points. This does not preclude emotion, or even strong emotion. The antifa NPC in this meme is clearly angry, for example.

Attached: 1539366805421.jpg (880x429, 55K)

Ever notice how the left always say we're all human, gay people are human beings, human beings this and that.
They're trying to convince us but more importantly themselves that they're human when they're not.


Social media is their "brain", their hivemind. They are literally legion, the ultra-demon of the bible.

"Lemming" is a misleading label based off a Disney film where they forced some lemmings to fall off a cliff and then falsely claimed that the lemmings did so voluntarily.

"NPC" makes sense because NPCs in video games are literally only programmed to react to certain things like (in a gaming sense) damage, sight of the player character, a button press, etc.

Seems like NPC don't know shit about how NPC can be programmed to act depending on triggers. Well, as expected from an NPC.

>we were this, but now we're that
>without rigid labels i literally cannot think
Imagine being so dumb that you lack the ability to perceive discreet events in a continuum

It's a logical paradox, if they understood it their programmed minds would explode.

You're not wrong.
But we can't help it that SJWs are the ones that take offense to it. I think a lot of them have reached a point where the ones that are actually cognizant realize how they're behaving is morally reprehensible, and feel insecure when reflect on how much virtue signalling and prostration they've committed.

showing the untextured npc model beneath the retard hair and subroutine

Attached: npc untextured bind pose.png (509x815, 59K)

Attached: 1511845850559.jpg (237x213, 4K)

Tfw NPC;
NPC gets it bios reflashed and cant even reaction face.
Tfw tfw invalid

you first, abberation

it is because all the reichwing has is talk. they are as insubtantial as the shreiking leftists they hate so much

they do what the puppeteers make them do

Fuck off shill.
people know what lemmings are so they'll just dismiss it and forget about it.
They hear NPC and are like wtf, so they research it or ask someone and they talk about it and it'll stick with them longer than some throw away shit you stupid fuck

True. The definition still stands though.

-a small, short-tailed, thickset rodent related to the voles, found in the Arctic tundra.
-a person who unthinkingly joins a mass movement, especially a headlong rush to destruction.

They're mindless robots who have been programmed into shrieking SJWs.