Why do Americans hate cycling and triathlon so much?

The American government actively discourages people from cycling by not providing cycling lanes and cycling friendly laws. Here, cycling is a sport of the native Germanics and the fit middle and upper class. Go one step further to triathlon and what you got is doctors, lawyers, business people, researchers everything.

>just came back from a nice cozy 180km tour with my gf... it’s the middle of October and it had 28C!!!

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Because wearing spandex is European and gay.

cycling attracts sociopaths and disrupts normal people during their commute

I love to ride. I used to love it a lot more before all these fixie fags and critical mass sjw's turned my recreational joy into a fucking political statement. Now I drive a big ass truck that gets like 5 gallons to the mile and run them off the road whenever I see them. Fuck them for ruining my love of cycling.

the hate physcial exercise, the outdoors, and freedom

Cycling while wearing spandex is gay. In Poland people just cycle normally except for one of my professors but he's probably gay too.

Cycleing is for fags

Use to ride for years, then my dick stopped working

(((They))) want you to cycle to take away your ability to reproduce. Don’t fall for (((their))) trick.

Gays don’t go cycling, they do gay stuff like cooking and yoga.

America is a Republic The government only wants fit people when there is a war to fight .

Mountain biking is okay, and decent fun, though 1000x less fun than motox. Road cycling is just straight up gay and one of the primary spears of attack for sjw anti-car faggots.
"Oh look at me I did a 180km with my gf". Well done, here is your prize:

>Use to ride for years, then my dick stopped working

Recommended is 80-20, 80% in sattle and 20% out of sattle while cycling in regular intervals, Plus breaks, don’t cycle 5hrs straight, take breaks every 90min or so.

Cooking is manly, yoga is as gay as cycleing.

Lift weights, pussy

We DO build bike lanes.
You NARCISSISTIC MOTHER FUCKERS then load your bikes up and FUCKING DRIVE them to a place with no bike lanes so YOU CAN GET OUT IN TRAFFIC AND FUCK WITH VEHICLES.

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How is your Brexit going, you anti mountain Brit? We even have a 2.8km high mountain, your mountains are like 300 meters high, we call those “bumps in the landscape”.

>fitting on a bicycle

Population density. America is several times the size of your defeated cuck country, everything is more spread out.

We developed around the car, we're not all crammed together in a tiny cramped village settled in the 1300s like you.

I live in a major US city. While our public transit (busses) are improving, we don't even have sidewalks everywhere because new construction wasn't required to build sidewalks until 2008.

We do have bike infrastructure, but it's not necessarily easy to go everywhere. From my place to work it's 9 miles (14.5 km) one way! That's 18 miles or 28km round trip. I can do it on occasion if the weather is nice, but every day, in all weather, in dress clothes? Hell no!

Biking + extra cleanup takes 1hr 20 mins vs. 10-20 to drive my car in. Biking saves me ~$1 in fuel each time I do it. Why bother?

>We DO build bike lanes.

Maybe in Iraq or Syria, but not in America.

>cycling attracts sociopaths
eh cyclists are probably some of the most civilized people, because bike seats lower testosterone.

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>Road cycling is just straight up gay
bro road cycling is extremely fun, but cars make it very dangerous and also the exhaust is a pain. But oh man I wish I could road bike without worrying about anything. so addictive and fun. the scenery, the fresh air, the feeling of speed and freedom and exploration. Don't knock it.

i have to BUILD the bike lanes for my Construction Company, idiot.
I know where they are.
Lying Faggot.
BTW, I fuck the lanes up any time I can get away with it.

Because they are domesticated fatties. It's embarassing for fat people to cycle, not that they would want to in the first place, of course. I have seen high level politicians on their bicycle in my city without any visible security, one of the most poignant examples that my country is in great condition in general.

Because they are fucking annoying.

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Maybe you build them now but when I lived in America back in 2007 to 2010, bike lanes didn’t exist anywhere really.

Is there anything more beta then being a cyclist?

Yeah you dumb Motherfucker, you just learned your first lesson in trying to Astroturf shit on Jow Forums.

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I think it depends on where you live to here.Like if you you live in commiefornia there is actually alot of bike lanes everywhere the problem is the stupid shitty drivers everywhere.I live right next to a state park and go everysunday theres alot of people yet its so big no one is in the way

The road is for CARS. Stay the fuck off of my road!!!

I hope you get run over.

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Yeah, being a gasoline guzzling, rolling coal pickup driver redneck.

>It's another "unwarranted sense of superiority Dutch" post

/int /b /bant

You're doing Gods work user.

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but there are bike lanes in America, but they are mostly restricted to cities because who the fuck cycles on the interstate

Come to Portland. I didn’t know how to drive until my 30s cuz I always rode a bike.

You stupid fucks shouldn't have built everything so far apart then. Also, we have great public transport and cycling lanes to every little shit town in our country, so that's not even an excuse. You just federalized too much and now the entire middle section of your country has bad infrastructure. Too bad, Billy Bob.

There is no way user is “fucking up the lanes” and getting away with it, except if America is a 3rd world shithole without quality control. Not to mention that making a proper bike line takes many people, not 1.

>Implying Americans care about triathlons at all.

You used to be cool Germany...

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Come move here.

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>I'll share the road when you fuckers follow the rules.

>i didn't know how to drive until my 30s cuz i'm a faggot antifa who lived in mum's basement

If we wanted to we could dig up most if your country, ship the dirt to the end of long island, and watch your miserable country sink into the ocean.

I don't care about "being cool". I'm a proud cyclist and there is nothing you can do about it.

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He's getting away with it for certain. Nobody gives a fuck about bike lanes here except for Onions fags.

I've notice that the lanes will abruptly disappear, or will merge with right-hand turning lanes in dangerous ways.

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You are as stupid as your flag looks. Q.C. Techs here make minimum wage and hate cyclist as much as the rest of the U.S.

Cyclists are fags that are too obnoxious to car drivers. Running and hiking are more popular here in the US.

Okay thanks for sharing.

Yes, yes there is.
We can make you a hood ornament.

>>I don't care about "being cool".
We know...

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As long as you stay in Germany, it is no matter to me what you do.

Cycle on, bro. Keep a wary eye out for the Truck of Peace.


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Because cycling is associated with these vehicular cycling faggots that block the entire lane and honk at anyone trying to pass them.



Bicycles are for faggots and low T bugmen. Grow a pair and ride a motorcycle at the very least.

>lmao why can't one of the largest countries on Earth have infrastructure quality on par with my country that is the same size as some of the smallest US states
very large countries universally struggle with infrastructure. Look at China and Russia, their infrastructure suffers from the same kinds of problems that ours do.

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I'm a cyclist and am working to train for triathlon. If you do it for sport rather than simple commuting you can cultivate great discipline, which this country desperately needs. I don't hate cars, I own one and use it a few times per week. It's a great way to stay in shape, have a more wholesome connection with your town/city as you ride, and save money on gas. You also meet other athletes, which is a welcome change over fatties and unmotivated people (vast majority of my countrymen).
Also, wearing lycra unironically makes you faster because you have less drag at high speeds. If you're just pedalling along at 8-12 mph it doesn't make too big of a difference.

Yet you can't even protect yourself from heavy storms. Also, you would need Dutch companies to build that land off Long Island because we are the only ones doing that.

Underrated post of the year
>images of bicycles, click verify once there are none left.
You mean reload once there are none left, Captcha?.


I wouldn't care if they biked in the far right of the lane, but they make a point of obstructing the goddamned road.

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Shouldn't federalize so much then. Not my fault.

Americans want to keep our own money instead of paying more taxes because we don’t want to benefit niggers
Downfall is no bike lanes

>Why do Americans hate cycling and triathlon so much?
It requires physical effort

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It's legal to cycle on the interstate in most rural states. In some areas it's the only way to get from A to B (see Weber Canyon). Of course you also have to contend with extremely narrow shoulders.

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Ebikes let you cover that same distance faster without sweating like a pig.

t. 32 mile round commute

eBikes are the future.

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>You stupid fucks shouldn't have built everything so far apart then.

How else are we supposed to get away from the nogs?

You know that's why white people live in suburbs outside of the city, right? Inner city schools are a corrupt disaster full of shitskins. It would be child abuse to send a white child there.

That's why whites with families live in suburban/rural areas and vote red. Only low t bugmen who can't reproduce live in urban areas. They're still segregated as fuck though, they just call it "gentrification"

Maybe they know their lives are shit, so they embrace it instead of fixing it, and this creates the social justice mentality?

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Why do you care about what other people think about what you look like compared to physical performance and breaking personal records? Are normalfag opinions more meaningful to you than being a competitive athlete? Serious question

i bike regularly but if i ever wear that faggy spandex i'd have to kick my own ass

I rather like cycling as a sport. I wish it was more popular in the US.

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Rolling coal is the most obnoxious bullshit. I’m never say much about muh optics, but its just stupid and wasteful. Not wanting to have restrictive regulations is one thing, actively going about with a fuck the environment attitude is another.

Because bicycles do not belong on the road.

Take that gay shit somewhere else.

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Cyclists are faggots

Why would you be prideful of cycling? I have a bike. I cycle or use mass transit. Might even buy bicycle for offroad and winter fun but it is not so entangled in my identity that I am proud of engaging in the activity.

truth be told, americans love cycling.
the only catch is, America also loves driving.

the two do not go hand in hand.
plus the united states is too fkn big for a bike to be a viable method of travel.

Not politics.
Sage and report.

> not knowing the pure freedom and joy from cycling through beautiful countryside without a car in sight

consider suicide

So let me get this straight, you are proud that instead of major living cites (one might call these "cities") you have multiples of these cramped villages and then you complain about the distances between those villages? I know your kind ain't very bright but please, would you try at least?

Good and simple explanation inflammatory ire these threads always draw.

Cycling in Portland was great until all the surplus bums moved in and started shitting and leaving needles in the bike paths. The springwater was the best until it turned into a 12 mile long hobo camp a couple years ago. I hope Charlie Hales dies of dick rot with anal cancer as a backup.

because it is not safe, having bicycles feet next to rolling thousands of pounds hunks of metal and death is not a good recipe

Automobiles > bicycles

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>because the federal government doesn't build bike lanes that means there are no bike lanes in America
Are you retarded or something?

wtf are you talking about hans. I did a 2000 mile cycle tour around the US and it was one of the best things I've done with my life.

I live in city with one of highest densities of cycling lanes and paths per its size in nation. His argument is devoid factual evidence.

>>I hope Charlie Hales dies of dick rot with anal cancer as a backup

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I love mountain biking...I can't get on board with road biking except for specific areas built around it like some cities in the US. Road bikers bike on twisting, winding dangerous as fuck mountain roads and cause accidents often. Simply put it's too dangerous in the area I live for it, even though it's where everyone wants to bike.

MTB is badass here too, if you are using biking for exercise and enjoyment instead of commuting I suggest MTB...with that said I live in a rural area, road biking for commuting doesn't make sense.

Yeah that's my point, but turns out the faggot hasn't been here in over a decade. I swear every time a brit or a kraut makes a thread about America they do this.

Cyclists pay the same road taxes as motorists and damage the road less than motorized vehicles. Calling something that you don't like gay isn't an argument. Bicycles were on the road before cars were as well

you like building cars.
I like building bikes.

we really should be friends.

Your suburbs should have industry and jobs close to them. If you're just building giant suburbs with only houses, you're doing it wrong. The best quality of life includes being able to commute to work and facilities without having to use a car because the distance is too big. It contributes a lot to killing social cohesion and a sense of community too. It is nice to be able to do groceries with a bike, drop your kids off at school on a bike, and when they're about 4-5 they can ride their own bike. You can take a scenic route through a park on the way to work. Our country looks like one huge vacation park.

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Mountain biking or downhill is fun.

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one of the various criticisms I have of capitalism, right here.

capitalism is great, but it also brought on the suburban sprawl that kills communities, and can probably be blamed for why the 50s and onward has been nothing but a downhill slide.

>>Cyclists pay the same road taxes as motorists
>>DMV fees
>>Traffic tickets
>>Gasoline taxes
Are you fucking retarded?

Walking was around before bike fagging; go stretch your legs on the SIDEWALK.

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Yeah. We built ONE HUNDRED FUCKING MILES of bike lane South of Anchorage, and what do the leftist retards do? giant convoys of gas guzzling behemoths full of bikes drive one hundred miles to the end of the bike lanes, park in one giant fucking parking lot, off load gaycycles, and GET OUT IN THE FUCKING HIGHWAY TO FUCK WITH TRAFFIC REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE DIE MOTHERFUCKERS *CRUNCH* *SPLAT* *SKID*.

Some cities are trying to rectify the mistakes of past city planners by implementing these things into current neighborhood design as well fitting them into the city as is. With the latter though that is incredibly difficult, expensive and many municipalities don't have the will. American cities are such mishmosh mistakes in urban arrangement.

I ride 20-30 miles twice a week as part of my exercise rotation, it’s the most fun of the days. Going out in good weather, seeing some nice countryside and nature, and the feeling of hitting 30 mph when I’m the engine is awesome. I did a self supported cross country tour a few years ago and it was life changing. The discipline, self reliance, overcoming challenges and pain did as much or more to make me who I am than the years I spent in the army. Mostly because I had to make myself do it and live up to the hype I had built and expectations others had of me to follow through. If any user has the inclination to do something like it, doesn’t have to be cycling, just a long task or journey that you take upon yourself, I would highly recommend it.

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>>I hate zoning laws
>>I want to be able to live next to the oil refinery where I work

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