Uncle Sugar's army, present day.
Uncle Sugar's army, present day
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they blend in perfectly with the native ROMAnians
Fucking hell I hate Americans.
I noticed in the army the Finance offices are always black.
>Financial Management Support Unit
the absolute state
those ain't officers
On some level the US has to know this is bad. The intelligence community was successful in the eastern block due to people being from those countries. All this shows is shitskin nigger occupying your country.
Do you know what a office is? When you have payroll issues you talk to these people. They're always at least 50% black.
Ah my bad I misread it as officers. Its because they are very good at spending gibs
> The projected amount of aid that will be allocated to Romania from the United States' budget for foreign assistance is $1.5 million in 2019
>WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. senators who just returned from a trip to Israel called on Tuesday for an increase in the $38 billion in military aid the United States is currently providing Israel, signaling support for more funds for Israeli missile systems.
Cheapest HOOKER US has in its stable.
>Lithuania and Romania complicit in CIA torture - European court
All that cock sucking for 1.5 Million $.
>Romania now plans to buy five more F-16 fighter jets from Portugal, four single seaters and one dual seater, by the end of this year. It also intends to purchase 36 more such aircraft in the future from other NATO countries like the US and Greece, but also Israel is an option.
>Romania Forgives $2 Billion of Iraq Debt 2005
>2009 Romania and the International Monetary Fund could announce a support package of up to €19bn next week, bringing with it the prospect of relief for Romania’s credit-starved enterprises.
>As an IMF-led delegation finishes its second week in the country, government officials are expecting to borrow €12bn from the lender and a further €7bn from the European Union, according to local media reports.
It's because they thing it will be easy and safe. They're almost all astonishingly cowardly. So if they enlist, it's to supply, finance, or something else they think will be far away from shooting and danger. Also, recruiters tell them to do finance and they can get out and get jobs as bankers, when in reality, they're entry level drones.
>Romania is a source, transit, and destination country for men, women, and children subjected to trafficking in persons, specifically conditions of forced labor and women and children in forced prostitution.
>As reported over the past five years, Romania is a source, transit, and destination country for men, women, and children subjected to forced labor and women and children subjected to sex trafficking. ... Romanian women and children are victims of sex trafficking in Romania and other European countries.
>Some 42% of young Romanians aged 15 are functionally illiterate, according to a study by the Center for Educational Evaluation and Analysis
>3.4 million Romanians left the country in the last 10 years; second highest emigration growth rate after Syria
Romania 2 major parties BOTH LEFT.
>Social Democratic Party
>National Liberal Party
Liberal, socialist, democrat= LEFT
>Romania has reduced its greenhouse gas emissions by 54.2 percent between 1990 and 2016, the third largest decline in Europe after Latvia and Lithuania, as the economy entered a large scale restructuring process
Romania and Bulgaria are getting BLACKED
a fate asian chick two niggers and a gay mexican but hey
at least they arent marching around london in red high heels.
> The scenes showing Borat's home village were filmed in the village of Glod, Romania.
>they're entry level drones.
If they move into federal government jobs like many do they will be more advanced in the pay scale.
Well, it helps explain our military expenditure
>Another lost generation? World Bank says that Romanian children born today will have the lowest human capital in Europe by age 18 due to poor education and healthcare
>In the Human Capital Index (HCI), 2018, Romania has a score of 0.60, lower than all other EU member states and even lower than Georgia (0.61), Montenegro, Bosnia – Hercegovina and Albania (all 0.62), Ukraine (0.65), Russia (0.73) or Serbia (0.76).
>Romania also has a low “adult survival rate” (reflecting the quality of healthcare) score, of 0.87, lower than Macedonia, Serbia or Kosovo.
What are nationalists in Romania going to do about ZOG military occupation of their country by niggers?
Nothing we adore everything american.
get ready for thousands of half nigger babies
We have them already so nothing will change.
Non-combat units are majority non-white. This isn't new.
ler the white trash die on the frontline.
makes sense.
The white trash can actually fight and adapt under high stress.
>Surprised that government jobs with handouts are filled with women and minorities
>angry because romania doesn`t take gibs
We aren`t niggers to beg for gibs
>let`s cia torture achmeds
how is that a bad thing?
>romania upgrades it`s army
Again, what is bad with doubling your airforce?
Those f16 will be upgraded like the 17 that we already bought.
>forgiving iraQ debt
let`s see how your country could pay after getting bombed to pieces
>getting nukes
Awesome man
Ps: is that infographic supposed to shit on romania or russia?
Remember nigger, those gipsies belong to the west now.
these guys work in FINANCE they will NEVER deploy. they sit in home station (which happens to be overseas) for 4 years then get out. the second guy from the left probably enlisted at 17 and doesn't know any better. they do a terrible job with DTS vouchers and only work 4 hours a day. while the rest of the army is out in bumfuckistan or getting ready to go to bumfuckistan these guys just soak up taxpayer dollars. but the army needs them to do paperwork because 30 days of training is better than 0 days and senior enlisted members are too busy running their guys into the ground for the stupidest shit to do their own finances (or do their troop's finances). thank god trump is in because he's at least using mattis to cut out the truly worthless perma-DNIF non-deployable guys that just sit at home station and twiddle their thumbs and finger their own assholes all day. 20% of the military does 80% of the work and if the evaluation system was actually worth a damn it'd catch these bullshitters and get them thrown out on the street. it used to be in the military that your entire life was the military, you wore your uniform everywhere unless you were showering or doing PT but now it's a shitshow of undisciplined teenagers who pretend to be useful. the only saving grace is that when war comes all of these retards are on a contract and are the first in line to die. i'm in the air force and i can't go to any of my guys for anything because they don't care to seek to help out and don't know anything when i need them. they can't lift heavy things, they can't run, they barely know how the different services on the af portal work and most of them don't even know their job all that well. yet they laugh the day away because if they didn't they'd commit suicide from being asked to do something actually difficult for once, just look at the fucking suicide numbers for military, it's stupid. even leadership discourages hard work, i was told that i shouldn't be coming in on the (1/2)
weekends to keep working on the stuff we're working on. i work in a job supplying warfighters and generals with intelligence and our squadron is just now realizing its potential to do great things for this country, there's a ton of work to be done to make this new stuff sustainable and i often miss lunch working 9 hours straight daily when i could work 3 hours a day and laugh off the other 6 like most others in my office do. no one has told me to do anything in the past 10 months because people know i go where i'm needed to accomplish what needs to get done. the weekend volunteer work was purely to help these other guys learn the new stuff but they won't even open the fucking materials, and then i hear from some faggots that some of the information i slaved over is "obsolete" or "wrong"... not even directly from the guy, just through a friend who relayed it to me. fucking guys talking behind my back when i'm working my ass off trying to make things easier. if they would pony up some time during the work day just to ask me how they can help we could've made all of this new stuff sustainable 5 months ago. but no one fucking cares. even the motivated guys take 10 minute smoke breaks on the hour always reminding each other to do so and fuck off for a few hours. i'm being paid by fractions of pennies from every single one of you anons' paychecks and i am doing the work of half of the office, and people have the fucking balls sometimes to call me out for shit. if i even throw it back at them a little then EO complaints start flying and someone commits suicide and i get kicked out of the military. the burning pile of shit that was my squadron taught me how to work hard out of sheer necessity and i would have never learned that at any private company with its shit together... i work that life lesson debt away every single day, giving back to a country that gave my stupid college dropout ass a chance because i wasn't a cripple and i passed a few tests...
America is cancer
What's worse is the "right wing" Americans who laugh and applaud it, it's like they enjoy seeing other people also get cucked? It's like an extreme form of cuckoldry for them.
Truly sick people.
At my Dad's funeral his urn was like 30 pounds, they had a tiny Asian chick carry it out and a 6 foot plus black guy carry the folded flag. For 20 minutes she was obviously struggling to hold it and almost dropped it a few times.
If she had dropped it i would have said i was appointed by the family to give her a spanking
I mean it in the best way
these are jobs that should be taken by guys who are slightly maimed so we are getting some work out of the two years they are still in service on the medical list
Like in private Ryan a one armed captain was in the death notice office