Necrophilia vs Abortion

Professor argues that necrophilia is no worse than abortion. Now he's under "academic review". What's your take on this Jow Forums?

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Killing jews is no worse than abortion

He's a fed. Confirmed on stream.

I mean both are abominations so...

> 'If you're pro-choice in the abortion debate, I find it very difficult to see how you could possibly have ethical objections to necrophilia,' the politics lecturer tweeted.

In other tweets, Dr Murphy used the slur 'retards', prompting a critic to accuse him of being 'ableist'

> For instance, when gay people were not allowed to get married, I think a lot of people made very reasonable arguments that that's fucked up because people are gay, they love each other, and they should enjoy their life together. To not let them do that is a serious violation of their rights. I think necrophilic people could very well say the same thing about not being able to have union with dead bodies.

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One is simply considered gross; which is ironic since most morons routinely consume the rotting flesh of dead animals even when alternatives are readily available.

The other is the acceptance of denying a potential healthy human life at the whim of an irresponsible person. Abortions should only be permitted in the case of confirmed, severe, incurable genetic disorders.

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Tell me for real... it this guy a crypto nazi trying to make people disgusted with faggotry?

I would argue necrophillia is kind of better, since nobody is actually being hurt.

I think he's legitimately a communist, but he's honest about why leftism is failing. Of course, he's being attacked regularly by Marxists for pointing out why their ideas will never work. The system wants neutered, ineffectual leftism that doesn't rock the boat

Abortion is murder.
Necrophilia is a fetish for men who want to be cold cocked.
Would you fuck pic related?

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Necrophilia is not commendable.

What happened? Did he died?

My take is that he failed to play the game. He also did shrooms on stream. He’s an attention seeking fag who wasn’t smart enough to wait for more academic clout before putting his bizarre ideas out into the world.

Oh look, a retarded vegan who rejects anthropology and the diet of his ancestors.

>fucking dead people is worse than killing babies
This kike sure has his priorities straight

No shoes

He dead

Holocaust is real cause they took their shoes

>My take is that he failed to play the game. He also did shrooms on stream. He’s an attention seeking fag who wasn’t smart enough to wait for more academic clout before putting his bizarre ideas out into the world
It's a problem that people have to wait until they're 50 to be secure enough to express an original thought, though. That's his whole point

Sounds like he’s just trying to be an edgy faggot

If we regard a fetus as nonhuman because they are a mass of cells that has not yet reached the threshold of consciousness, a dead body is no different. In both cases consciousness = 0, and therefore the fundamental anchor of human rights and dignities is missing. Fucking a corpse and evacuating a fetus is, in principle, the same as fucking a fleshlight or flushing a shit. We don't afford human rights to inanimate objects for a reason.

It's certainly not lampshade material.

>Dr. Justin Murphy
>a Lecturer in Governance and Policy for Politics
>attacked for analyzing and criticizing governance and policy in politics, literally his job.
Guess who's just been radicalized to the center.
Whether or not you agree with his views, it's still your duty to protect his freedom to express them. Anything less is un-American
And a correction, he's now suspended after tweeting about his "acadenic review".

Is anyone else tired that we need to find justify why it's wrong to kill babies and fuck corpses? I probably could come up with some reasons as to why fucking a corpse is bad, but most likely it's just a question of feelings. Could that not sometimes be enough?

They are unrelated. Also, dead bodies cannot give consent


I will only argue with a commie he's agreed to come for a helicopter ride.

>Is anyone else tired that we need to find justify why it's wrong to kill babies and fuck corpses? I probably could come up with some reasons as to why fucking a corpse is bad, but most likely it's just a question of feelings. Could that not sometimes be enough?

No, that's exactly what a fucking libtard would say in this situation. Feelings to not trump reason. This is the essence of the right wing: compliance with natural law, NOT emotional responses to complex issues

t. feelscuck

chimps eat meat retard

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>NOT emotional responses to complex issues
It's not a complex issue. Fuck a corpse: good or bad?

We evolved feelings for a purpose. Also, not an argument.


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>It's not a complex issue. Fuck a corpse: good or bad?

Well, is it worse than aborting a baby? No. That's his point and it's a good one.

Let me guess what race he is. He must be black surely right Jow Forums. Oh pix related ok. OH! ....Oh.

>it's a good one.
It's a pretty shitty one, honestly. A baby will reach consciousness, if let be. A corpse won't. The two are not thus even remotely comparable.