Day 631

Day 631

Wall Status:
>No funding, no wall

Obamacare Status:
>Not repealed

Budget Status:
>Largest deficit in a non recession ever

Military Status:
>$700 billion in gibs received

Israel Status:
>Largest aid package ever

Hillary Clinton Status:
>Not in jail, remains free at large

Corporate Welfare Status:
>Tax cuts received, 1%ers wealth at an all time high

Afghanistan War Status:
>Still ongoing, military deaths ongoing

Syria Conflict
>America remains involved

Regular American Wage Growth Status:
>3%, compared to 4% when Obama took office in 2008

Chinese Trade Deficit Status:
>Up 13% year over year in September, the largest on record

Has there ever been a bigger failure as president? This guy has literally done nothing except pass some tax cuts to help the rich get richer.

Anyone who says this guy is doing a good job is a complete shill.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Trust the plan

Yeah but none of that effects me directly and his existence pisses people off. That's all I really care about.

daily reminder that joan donovan's cunt looks like a cow shot with a cannon

budget deficit?

you mean like the 9 trillion obama added that you're somehow mistaking for something Trump did?

Trust the plan

All the democrats you hate will be arrested three days after the day after tomorrow

Watch for these signs

A leading democrat says something retarded

Trump does stuff

Muller arrests himself

6 gorrilion indictments

White genocide is fake

Let based black guys fuck your wife


You're right, we should have chose Hilary. I'm with her now.

still voting for him again stay mad libcucks


Even though nothing is happening, just keep trusting the plan!

he never said it's going to be easy. He's working towards all those. You can blame the cuckservatives for not getting that done. Once he has a majority he'll get them done one by one.

At current rates Trump will add more to the deficit than Obama ever did. And Obama had a Wall Street induced recession to deal with.

Shoo shill

Don't worry at the rate we're going we'll deport all the illegals in only 150 years. MAGA!!!

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This but unironically

The fact that op is butthurt enough to make this thread validated my vote

>Mutt logic

Q predicted this

>he's working towards it
>blame the cuckservatives
Blame the cuckservatives ?
You mean the cuckservatives that we're supposed to be voting for?

>Trump can't do anything because of the cuckservatives
>we gotta re-elect cuckservatives or else democrats will be in control
You fucking retarded faggot. Have you seriously not even spent 1 minute thinking this through?

>we have to vote for the people that blocked Trump's agenda
Jeez, it's almost like none of our problems will ever get fixed by voting

Trust the plan, shill. Don't ask questions. Be complacent.

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>I live in a shithole but it's OK because of liberal tears

>no wall
>no mass deportations
>no deepstate arrests
>no immigration reforms
But that's ok because some user is butthurt.


>hurr durr it's funny that people are mad that Trump isn't keeping his campaign promises
Kill yourself. Faggots like you deserve to be tortured to death.

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>Expecting critical thought and logic from Israel-first neocons

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They tried to repeal Obamacare.
Tumor McCain blocked it. Remember?

Neocons need to be sawed in half.
Kikes need to be sawed in half.
Journalists need to be sawed in half.

Fuck the journo that was killed. I hope thousands more suffer a worse fate

Trump said he was a great deal maker and could bring people together and make things happen, remember?

Welp that settles it. Guess i have to vote for the Left that wants me dead and my children raped and brainwashed

wtf I hate Trump now

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The existence of other bad people is not an argument, neocon.

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>Thinking that has any actual affect here

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Or you can vote for the right, who don't want your children to be raped and killed, but also don't want to fight the people who want your children raped and killed.

Option 1: the people who want to rape and murder your kids
Option 2: the people who will give power to the people in option 1 and stand around and watch.


>Trump will bring people together
By the time Trump leaves office, the left and the right WILL be united in hating Trump. But that will be the only thing we're united in

Him and his whole ilk are the swamp. We got played

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This man is fucking little Timmy's asshole as you read this, and Trump is allowing it to happen.

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>These threads only exist on the weekends.
>100% shills talking to shills, no actual Trump supporters in them
>The wall is almost done, shills either unaware or programmed to shill to low information voters... on a high information voter populated site.
>shills the only people who enable advertising on Jow Forums
>shills keeping Jow Forums profitable

No way!
Trump is going to have everyone arrested any day now!

Sessions is on the case!


Mueller is secretly working for Trump!
It's Mueller time, baby!

>But leftists are getting BTFO my dude XD
>liberal tears my fellow magapedes, am I right? XD XD

Trump is a better president than we deserve, but he's still a neocon just like the rest of them and if you suggest this in /ptg/ you get called a shill. I swear, all of them are 65 year old boomers.

>the wall is almost done
You retarded faggot.
The only work that has been done is replacing old fence with much better fence

> I swear, all of them are 65 year old boomers.
Relevant pic:

look at this immaturity

grow up

You can still criticize Trump from the right. This isn't sportsball.

Hey look it's a "muh shill" NPC. The onus is on you, brainlet. Some small sections of fencing have been repaired / replaced, which was a plan created under the Obama administration. Other than that, the wall is not being built in any sort of meaningful way and Mexico hasn't paid a dime. The Trump administration has spent more on Israel's border than our own while bitching and complaining about having to toss scraps to white European countries.

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it could all be true, and i still wouldn't give a fuck. for once in your short political history you have a man willing to fuck up the system to give your own kind a better position and you all can't stand it cos muh white priviledge or muh whatever else the left wing shoved down your throat. MAGA only one man can do that. And he's not a kenyan musrat, or a kept-alive-by-machines schizoid who needs pills and prompts to keep her appearing human.

>The wall is almost done
imagine being this stupid

CTR shill

There are a lot of retards in this thread. OP is exactly right and you can't prove him wrong. I'm pissed the most about no wall and we will never see it. Trump has officially conned us all to become president. Thank you OP for your post.

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It's only been taller, better fencing replacing the old fence.

The wall hasn't started. It's seriously frustrating being in the 1% who supports the maga agenda but can admit it's not happening

To the left I'm a Nazi, and to the faggots on here I'm a shill.

Either be an NPC or be a member of the Trump cult of fanatics

Release the memo


The wall is actually well underway... and the story that dropped yesterday regarding Clinton's security clearance specifically mentioned "ongoing investigations". shit takes time, especially when 30% of the people working under you are desperately trying to sabotage you.

>release the memo
Didn't you hear?
Trump cucked on all of that

trump is the orange calf we're told by God
not to worship. looks like that's being ignored.

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Q predicted this!

>shit takes time
I guarantee it doesn't take years and years to investigate YOU if YOU commit s string of felonies.

It's all being covered up.

There's going to be more wars and/or a market crash and before you know it, everything pre-2017 is forgiven

Wait. Really?

>631 days

It only feels like a couple months have passed

7 years of plenty before 7 years of famine op
If you werent an npc youd already know how foolish you look.

Im sure he got nothing in return just because you dont know.

Hi Shillary

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I want the memo released

Your shit makes no sense and your and idiot. Fuck off.

Couldn't agree more. No wall, net influx of illegals, still accepting refugees, and another middle eastern war for Israel started. Anyone who thinks Trump is /our guy/ is a Boomer tier Civic nationalist magapede faggot.

Yes, really.

Unfortunately there's millions upon millions of them

You just described 99% of Jow Forums

The God Emperor will prevail!

Do not listen to the words of Chaos.

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>and your and idiot

Attached: wtf.gif (537x336, 2.24M)

Seriously guys, we can't let him get his tiny hands on the nucular codes

Self checked
More like 99.9

All good points and yet I have a better job, more guns, and more hope now than I did in 2016. The shitskins are scared, the women are scared, and while that's not enough it's a good start.

We all knew it was the last chance for America and it was a long shot that he’d keep his promises, but now it’s been a big fat disappointment what do we do?

The wall is actually going up, Shareblue.


Fuck off kike faggot

>what do we do now that Trump failed and is a disappointment
Let the democrats control Congress and take the white house in 2020, and maybe we can finally have our civil war when they declare all white people terrorists who must be sterilized.

Electing republicans will never be the solution. We have to kill our enemies until there are no enemies left to kill.

Democrats will defund it soon as they're back in power. Like I always say....8 years is long enough to change something but not long enough to make what you changed permanent. Just look at Obamacare.

he's done a lot actually redpilling people and most importantly challenging globalization and global capitalism, benefiting jobs to come back to America. Stop the blackpilling.

That's a fence, you faggot.

It's a glorified version of pic-related

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This is legit why I wanted Hillary to win.
America is not redpilled enough for a true nationalist president. We need at least 8 more years of Communist Democrat control before people even remotely start waking up to what is REALLY happening in this country. We're just not there yet. People know there are problems, but they don't know (((who))) is actually making their lives terrible.

Armed conflict against the US Jew controlled government. Talk about mass suicide....

>he's done a lot of redpilling
I guess there's no need to arrest the deepstate traitors then. I mean, come on, redpills and stuff.

And who needs a wall when we can have a few miles of fence?

And who needs deportations when EVERYONE LOVES DACA, RIGHT?

And we can't reduce the funding for Israel's wars. Gotta sign the democrat omnibus bill so the military gets its war money.


You a such a faggot. The economy is booming, free speech has been restored, we are t at war with Russia or North Korea, the Supreme Court will protect us from communism for another 40 years, and you are still free to post on pol. For the more dramatic stuff like the wall and putting huge names in jail, power must be consolidated first, which he has already made huge strides in as evidenced by the Kav hearings. The midterms will seal the deal. You are a low IQ nobody loser who has never done anything for anyone other than whine and bitch. You really should kys.

You are redpilled as fuck sir.

People complain about the infrastructure in this country and it's basically crumbling. Our roads and bridges are falling apart, our buses are from like 1965, we have no transportation system, etc. All of this can be solved if the military budget was cut by like a fraction of a percent. But hey, we need that war money to fight the kike wars.


>ITT NPCs talk to NPCs

Are we being raided?

>economy is booming
And like always, the average person barely feels it

>free speech has been restored
How so? Conservatives are being censored on social media even more than in 2016, and the fake news media is even more committed to advancing that censorship.

>we are not at war with Russia or Korea
And we weren't under Obama, and Bush, and Clinton, etc.
You're seriously going to claim it's an accomplishment that he didn't start wars with Korea and Russia?
So if Hillary was president and we weren't at war, you would be on here giving her credit? FUCKING retard

>the supreme court will protect us
Sure they will

That is an absolute cuck faggot mentality.

>go and vote, GOP controls both chambers of Congress
>go and vote, now Trump is president
>sorry guise, we can't do anything yet
Fuck you and I hope you die from pic-related

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It and you are both so tiresome.
>t. actual photo of MANY from the article
>Humm, no match detected
>Beaner faggot RAUS

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I was even going to mention infrastructure.

SERIOUSLY just a fraction of the military budget over a 15 year period and we have a new country


>you are so tiresome
>posts picture of fence that isn't up yet
What are you even trying to prove by showing a pic of a fence?

>the average person barely feels it
BC faggots like you on the left define the avg person as your nigger constituents sitting on their asses with no skills not working living off the dole.
>we weren't under Obama, and Bush, and Clinton
Instead all those cucks played North Koreas game for 24 years. In less than 2 years Trump fucking broke their game and made them play by ours.

>he didn't start wars with Korea and Russia?
Which is what you faggots seem obsessed with causing. Literally we're seeing Trump engaging in real diplomacy and at every turn you're cheerleaders for war. WTF

>Fuck you and I hope you die from pic-related
People will die bc the Dems can't accept any challenge to their vision of a socialist authoritarian utopia. They are driving this country to civil war and act like it's not their fault.

Fuck'em if they don't like it rise up and fight.

Don't forget the $25 BILLION in gibs to black colleges.

of which most most of will help prop up the artificial black middle class "professors" who teach anything but math, sicence and engineering... anything that matters.

>faggots like you on the left
I'm more conservative than you will ever be, and I've been conservative longer than you.

Go choke on your wife's bull's cock

>bush and Obama blah blah blah
The claim was that not starting a war with them is an accomplishment. Retarded claim from a retard.

2 Supreme Court Justices

Dozens of Bills signed into law.

Almost 60 appointed judges and counting.

Refugee intake reduced almost to zero.

Illegal border crossings reduced 70%.

Deportations closing in on 250k

Wall prototypes in production

Tarrifs working mostly in favor of US

Droppes out of TPP

Punished the UN

Cut funding for companies that support abortion

Gave Flint a six figure donation to help with their water problem.

Strengthened our military

Repealed dozens of Obama EOs

Signed hundreds of his own EOs

>I've been conservative longer than you.
Edgy Boomer detected.

Okay, asshole


Pic related = OP
The end :)

Attached: BeanerSex.jpg (850x580, 209K)

also: niggers and kikes at the oval office

Remember, shitposteetos

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Diveedos y conquistos

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I don't watch vimeo shit, beaner behind meme flag. I provided the actual news links. BTFO, cucaracha.

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