Given what nigger-loving whores white women have become, does the future of the white man lie in the Asian woman's womb?
Is Elliot Rodger the future of the Aryan
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>does the future of the white man lie in the Asian woman's womb?
The white race is doomed if you think turning to gooks is the answer. You guys need to save white women from complete degeneracy, or make white men manly and strong again.
Great, we need a bunch hapa mongrels because of this yellow fever shit
His dad is a jew
>another yellow fever thread
The amerilard is Israel's golem.
Enjoy Blacked roasties
>commencing operation yellow fever
>objective: shill against all white women
>secondary objective: promote race mixing
PSA Reminder that this is a Jew thread.
Please do not respond anymore to Jew threads.
Thank you.
When will you realize white women have no loyalty? Take the enthusiastically pro-Nazi pilot Hanna Reitsch. After the war she went to Ghana, where she had a romantic relationship with the Ghanaian Kwame Nkrumah. The director Leni Riefenstahl also worked in Africa after the war, photographing African tribes whom she thought came closest to the ideal human form.
Cant you figure out how to be more alpha than a dumb nigger user?
Fucking doucher, I use to bang two at a time and Im no billy gaytes.
Im so demoralized user
This coalburning white white meme is just a meme. But assuming it had any basis for being a significant issue, then shouldn’t any non-western woman do? This is all just a farce of throwing white women under the bus to justify this bugmen fetish. I cannot think of a worse mutt to be than an average hapa male.
*white women
>This coalburning white white meme is just a meme.
Neo nazi Russian girls caught doing Interracial porn
make the black spot bigger to fool cucks
elliot roger is so fucking based
How in the fuck would turning to asian woman solve anything? You're still going to dilute your white blood. And have a bunch of half fish kids.
Elliot Rodgers was a beta faggot
So you have fly all the way across the world instead of going south right to Mexico for the solution because...?
Was he more beta than this pureblood Aryan conceived by a white woman?
Yes, the future of the white man's seed will be well kept in the healthy Asian woman's womb.
But Elliot was a half-kike, not half white.
Kikes hate this eugenic mix. They want a dysgenic mix of niggers. Learn the difference and stop shilling for white women. Racemixing is a bluepilled term that is indiscriminate of race differences.
Is this the Canadian constitution?
>just a meme
You are a cuck.
Elliot Rodger's dad was majority Anglo British, don't spread propaganda.
SeeThat thing looks as foreign to me as a mulatto.
Fuck off, cuck. I don't see any DNA studies. I see a kike nose, curly kike hair, and a ZOG worker. Kike.
If you can't see the racial differences, then that's your failure, not mine.
his dad look like a big fish lips jew
I didn’t say it looked like a mulatto, I said it looks as foreign to me as one. And I prefer East Asians over blacks, but I don’t want my kid to look like a chink any more than I want him to look like a nig.
I want my kid to exist and not be a degenerate. Wife up these whores at your convenience.
>In conclusion, there are approximately 545,241 Christian women in the US aged 18-29 who regularly attend Church, aren't overweight or obese, are virgins at marriage, and are currently single. This is approximately 2.15% of the 18-29 total women population (545,241 / 25,332,752). In the US total population it is .17% (545,241 / 320,090,000).
>Respect in the Biblical sense is never between peers. It is always between a headship or authority figure and the one submissive to the headship or authority figure. It is given specifically only by the one in submission.
>Every time a woman demands respect from men or from me, especially Christian women, it is a good idea to remind yourself of this face. Women who say such things want to put themselves on a pedestal, and if you respect her you are complicit with setting her up as a false idol in your life and complicit in building up her pride which is sinful. You would be wise to avoid such sin.
> If a husband begins to respect his wife instead of love her, he starts to question his own decision making and he will start to cater to his wife. He will inevitably base his decisions off of her input and her feelings. Thus, the husband starts to live in respect, reverence, and fear of the wife. This creates an inverse to the relationship such that the woman becomes the husband and the man becomes the wife.
>America is the whole world.
I’m good thanks. Just wondering what’s wrong with a Latina woman? Your kids will still look almost like you/your race, at least.
IQ. Both are Asiatic. Why not get the one that is less decayed on the intellectual level?
White women are chasing black men because they still retain some of their masculinity, while whites have mostly become basedboys and incels. It's out fault, not theirs
nice anti-white thread you got going here lad.
Jow Forums overestimates the value of IQ. The children can still be smart functioning members of society all the same, and can do it without the baggage that comes without the general mental issues of a hapa, exceptions aside.
>The children
the children will suffer and never fit in among their peers. racemixing is a crime against children.
Elliot Rodger was an Asian Jew. How is that at all related to Whites or 'aryan's?
Jews are white.
White men were raised by white women. There are more single mothers than ever before.
White women are to blame for this.
White women also have the majority vote. Meaning that have 100% of the vote. Meaning that they are the ones who can reverse this. Not white men.
>herp derp let's just violence and punch and guns and stuff yihaarrr duuuuurrrrr
I don't consider anyone south or east of Germany to be white.
Don't expect loyalty from women.
Exact loyalty from them.
>implying women care and aren't npc's by nature.
Do not forget that WE let them vote and WE let the slaves free. You can't expect women not to fuck up, no matter their race.
Jesus fucking christ not that again
there is no going back. you can't revoke womens rights.
Only the Saxons and English actually.
Jow Forums is always right. And you are a cuck. IQ and disposition is everything.
Why do Asian women make roasties and cuckolds rage?
>Elliot Rodger
I'm pretty sure it was Rodgers in the universe I was in. Whats going on?
He is a Supreme Gentleman
>Enjoy Blacked roasties
So, it's true that American Jow Forumstards have cuck fetish
They are the ones who voted for the policies that suppress white masculinity. Unless by
>Our fault
you meant giving them voting rights in the first place, in which case I agree, that was the fault of "white men", or atleast the white men of the time.
This still doesn't address the recurring problem in literally all of these threads though, which is reconciling
>Preserve the white race
>White roastie over more relatable non-white women
>It's all men's, personal responsibility etc
which leads to
>I'm responsible for myself and myself only
>The future of the white race is none of my business, what happens, happens
The personal responsibility thing should be more of a
>When it comes to the crunch, it's men that are expendable
>Past generation was weak men
>Our generation is hard times
>Be aware and act accordingly
rather than a
>White women have carte-blanche to do literally anything, and white men are forced to settle.
White women chase black men because they are masculine, yes, but they also do it because they know that white betas will still settle. If the only thing that changes is that the white betas eventually man up, then this just makes it an even better deal for women:
>Cock carousel then white beta
simply becomes
>Cock carousel then white "alpha"
>But if you're alpha, there wont be a cock carousel
Remember the results of self-improvement are only realised in the future. Women have their casual sex phase in their teens - early twenties, before that investment has time to pay off. While you're "improving", shes fucking Tyrone/Chad. Self improvement wont fix that, unless you propose that preteen white boys go spartan or something, in which case that would need to be imposed by parents, ie not self improvement.
The only viable solution I can think of is self improvement, but pursue younger white women, and raise the children properly, cutting roasties out of the equation entirely, but this just makes things even worse for the next generation.
Cuckolds marry roastie coalburners. Men marry Asian niggerhaters.
Reminder this is a Jew thread. White women are the most loyal race of women on Earth. The roastie coalburner meme is a meme because of how rare it is.
desu if you're not such a loser it's easy to find a virgin girl if you want one
>White women are the most loyal race of women on Earth
>fornicates the most before marriage
>In conclusion, there are approximately 545,241 Christian women in the US aged 18-29 who regularly attend Church, aren't overweight or obese, are virgins at marriage, and are currently single. This is approximately 2.15% of the 18-29 total women population (545,241 / 25,332,752). In the US total population it is .17% (545,241 / 320,090,000).
If you don't think sheboons and goblinas are the biggest whores on the planet then you're a special kind of retarded
>correlation - causation meme
18 is when girls usually meet their boyfriend, out of my friendgroup of 12 people about 4 met their girlfriend as a virgin including me while only 2 of the dudes were virgins when they met their long time gf
Also it isn't the end of the world if a girl had a long time relationship before she was with you
>correlation - causation don't real
*tips fedora
>it isn't the end of the world if a girl had a long time relationship before she was with you
always a cuck
What a good asian country to live in, japan or south korea?
they do, especially in San Francisco. The city is over half (52% I believe) southeast Asian. You see a good amount of white men miscegenating with Asians there and it triggers the fuck out of the white roasties who typically hold higher positions of power within the corporate world compared to Asian women.
The glass ceiling is real for Asian women for sure but white roasties are getting BTFO'd at an increasing rate in the city. My idea is that this is starting to lead to a mass THOT awakening on the issues of immigration.
I would go to japan
Too late. Not sad. Asian women are much better wives.
Never been to Korea, so can't give a good opinion. Japan is expensive as fuck. Much higher cost of living. Don't turn up your nose to Southeast Asian women either. Quality wives.
mine was a virgin but i wouldn't give a shit if it wasn't so, had enough sex partners of my own, as long as it wasn't a one night stand or something
Oroku saki
if youre out there i love you, please gtfo this site and do your homework.
>meanwhile, hapas irl outside of cherry picked images