Finland thread.
Finland thread
Shit thread
Please tell me more about my Finnfu Elf.
Archived thread
She looks like that chick from the tv show House
Go away, Sweden.
thank yuo for sunlight saunasaippua and tervashampoo and ruispalat and jallu
Is series two of "Sorjonen" out yet? Holy fuck, what a terrific show.
I have no idea what Sorjonen is.
I don't watch tv that much.
You're very welcome.
Suomi Marssii:
Friendly reminder that Finland doesn't exist.
It's a detective series about an autistic as fuck detective who quits Keskusrikospoliisi and joins the local police force in his wife's hometown of Lappeenranta after she survives brain cancer.
Really dark.
Terveeks vaan, kuomani suomalainen.
>Imagine being proud of being a yellow snow monkey
Your fox is Finnish? You should watch Sorjonen if you get bored one day. It's even better than Karppi.
hey buddy better watch out what you say or i will knife you.
i'm sorry let me translate that for you.
ay ese mejor mira lo que dices o te cortaré, comprende
Hitler is an honorary Finn.
Whatever you say khan
Säkkijärven polkka:
I have no fucking idea what you talking about.
Mannerheim visits Uncle-Adolf and his hunting buddy Göring
Ilmatyynyalukseni on täynnä ankeriaita, serkku.
tervetuloa viroon
pic related my man
>Watching TV show made in Finland in CURRENT YEAR -1
>A character has a funny Finnish accent
>I mistake it for slurry Salvo
>Character is from, and I quote, "Viro."
>Laugh my ass off imagining the levels of Estonian rage
rage over what? finns are bros no rage
Eh, you seem to be the exception that doesn't mind being called Viro.
Hurris out
radical Finnmindedness now
wtf, literally nobody has a problem with that.
? viro is estonia in finnish why would i be mind being called that
sorry, finbros, can't resist posting this
but I really like you!
I remember in middle-school (?) a teacher saying it's ''inappropriate'' to call Estonia for ''Eesti''. As if it was racist or something. Viro was the supposed official and respectful name for Estonia. Well, it is. But there's absolutely nothing derogatory about Eesti. Thinking about it, that was probably one of my first encounters of SJW lunacy ''you can't say that!''.
why do they think its bad? :D its exact same like calling finland suomi as estonian
That's some poor african type imitation mämmi.
Viro in Kalevala means the entire world
The Virokannos carried the whole world
I know, I ate it myself in Sweden :D it's just for the spürdö sprölö moment :DXDDDD
finngol is best gol. fucking snow gooks saved europes donger, shame it turned half gay 50 years later. easily one of my fav ss march songs. outrageous number of commies you gols slaughtered stiff in the snow.
Oh gosh, we went full gona at six months.