Are British women ugly?

Are British women ugly?

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yes, though due to a large number of immigrants, there are exceptions

Easily the ugliest women on the planet.

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>Are British women ugly?
What is the point of this thread?

All women are ugly

Lots are yes but there are plenty of hot British women. Ugly British women is a meme, as a whole British women are similar to French and German.

Are Eastern European women hotter as a whole? Absolutely yes, and in that video saying British women are overweight and entitled too, same applies to most Western women.

Even looking at fatties through a screen conjures up that disgusting fat people smell

Rare and redpilled

I love the fact on here when someone has a black or muslim friend it's their own biased personal opinion and not a reflection of blacks and muslims as a whole but when it comes to women you can cherry pick working class Brits on a Saturday night out drinking.

What's next, Jeremy Kyle show screen caps to prove Brits have bad teeth when the actual factual statistics of tooth care rates Britain higher than the USA.

Reality, ain't it a bitch.

Not just ugly, but also fat, loud, uneducated and entitled

the british underclass (don't call them working) are clearly the result of hundreds of years of dysgenics. you have to go far up the totem pole to find attractive british women.

They don't really look all that different to woman from places like the US or anything. The trouble with our woman is that they are ugly on the inside. They want nothing more than to get pissed up on the weekend and take selfies.

>"Why I vetted my wife's affair"
The complete state of britbongs.

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Yeah they're pretty fucking awful truth be told.
I wouldn't go out with an eastern european bird though just because it looks at bit mail order if you catch my drift.

Yep, but on any given weekend in the UK you can see plenty of attractive girls. Slavic women look different. Most British can spot a Pole before they open their mouths.

The real funny part is Americans here who post the British women are ugly meme when Americans generally tend to look British rather than slavic etc.

Was talking to a friend about this the other day. I'm sure there is a large genetic difference between the poverty brits and the normal ones.

Not just British. A lot of western women are way too fat and masculine

Yeah, there's something about the British Isles that seems to warp the DNA of its inhabitants. I lived there for 3 years, and I only remember meeting 1 10/10 girl there. I'd put them at the very bottom of national attractiveness scale.

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Many are, lots of the good looking Brits left for the new world. My sister and I are Anglo-Americans and she is pretty hot

it's an even wider gap between the lowest and the highest -- like the kind of thing you'd find in south asia or latam. i've met british peers and those people are on another level. they know their place and you know yours when interacting with them.
the duchess of york was a very sweet lady though. i don't know if that has more to do with upbringing than breeding but the difference in the upper and lower classes is truly astounding for an industrialized nation.

It's not only women, it's all brits.

This, but unironically.

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Not politics.
Sage and report.
Stop letting kikes and trannies direct the discussion.

Yes. Fuck off, we’re full

full of Arabs and Indians?

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I think its more the fact that we were the first into the industrial revolution and the fact we were the original 53% face with the mixing of irish, welsh, scots, english

That and shit diet

Literally 70% White face

inb4 part abbos and wogs are White too

abbos are forna

not all of them

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>Northwestern European blend
>original 53%
I think you don’t quite understand why Americans are looked down on by the racialists around the globe
Totally true. British chicks are the ugliest

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