Previous thread:
>An article titled "Men Prefer Debt Free Virgins Without Tattoos" is posted by a Christian female blogger laying out logically how men prefer Godly women who will make good wife material
>The frankness and clarity just in the title causes a tsunami of """""Christian"""""" roastie tears and hysterical reactions
This kills the thot Part III
Christian Mitchell
Other urls found in this thread:
Angel Miller
Charles Price
Cooper Morgan
Camden Jenkins
Xavier Bell
I hate the fact most women now of days have a pile of debt, tattoos and rode miles of cock before they decided to settle down with a prospective father to their half breed children
Wyatt Parker
But at least they are christian, amirite
Brayden Kelly
Jesus already forgave them, so you should too.
Wyatt Russell
give me your best thots, basic bitch, roastie... memes
>pic related
Lincoln Bennett
God I hate tattoos. I want to suck on all parts of a womans body until I see tattoos, piercings, dyed hair, graphic tees, giant alien shades, and some sort of small dog. No fatties only pawgs