Why are they so bad? I'll take Boomer memes over what the Left puts out
Leftist Memes
probably cause you're so fat
their top priority is being preachy as opposed to being funny
They're trying to meme something they don't even understand. It's really fascinating.
the fuck is this language, looks like a horrid mix of C, Python, and C#.
sounds like a nigger learnt some programming lingo
> ==true is redundant.
These are actually completely unbiased a lot worse than the regular NPC's memes
they are programmed to copy any memes Jow Forums makes in a poor fashion
the npc memes with code in them makes me cringe
remember when this crappy meme wasn't about politics?
This one is funny because it's true
Quake C
because you disagree with them. that meme is identical in quality to the other NPC memes, it's just pushing a narrative you disagree with instead of pushing a narrative you like.
I hate Kotaku for bringing it back
NPCs don't have one political affiliation. There could be NPCs on t_d.
fuck left my memeflag on
>leftist meme
>its just another edited Jow Forums meme with the roles reversed
literally what an NPC would do, instead of creating a hip new meme they just copy ours.
you fail to recognize the true purpose of the meme
its made simply, to plant a question
>am I real?
this is why this meme is exploding and will explode
everybody will call everybody an NPC because we are breaking down collectively as we realize we dont exist and our sense of self is an illusion
pretty funny the left are having trouble with it, being that they are all "for inclusion", KEK
some faggot replied to me with this shitmeme on reddit
>poorly memed NPC meme made by an NPC
Not surprising
gue gue gue hue hue hue
we matrix now
they don't have the intellectual capacity to create humor. instead, they make walls of text that explains the point. which is fundamentally and exactly the most unfunny thing you can do. it is having the joke explained to you, therefore ruining the humor in the joke itself.
I'd give them actual credit if they came up with their own memes rather than blatantly steal ours. Even when they do, they are garbage. An autistic chink could reverse engineer better than them.
>I'll take Boomer memes
Implying Boomers are not the creators of the best memes of all time.
now this makes me want to install quake
sup iraqbro, how are you doing? do you sit on Jow Forums all day to shitpost or you live in a non-war affected area with school/job?
Good catch.
The absolute state of npcs.
oh I know what it means
it's just the edgy kids that think everyones a sheep
this is just the wojak edit
>reddit spacing
you are the real NPC
Put npc instead of sjw
Kek this actually made me chuckle. You just have shit taste and no humor.
OP is a faggot, sage
your in hell
this guy knows whats up
Basically they suck because humor requires a small grain of truth to be funny. In other words you can't just copy the right's memes and expect them to work.
>they're mad that we actually thought for ourselves and found a way to MAGA against their thoughtlessness
well idgaf if they portray me as an NPC because I already know I'm not one lol and I know I'm not because I've been outplaying them for over a year now
Why do
you type
like this
Whenever faced with criticism the leftist response is always "No, You!"
Hahahaha oh wow
>print "What about black on black crime?"
Do these leftists even think before making their shitty images that barely qualifies as a meme, because it's not shared.
Their memes suck because all they do is copy other people poorly, which is what rebbit in general does because they are unironically NPC retards with no thought or creativity just reacting with butthurt to getting shit on
The left needs to keep women onside
Are they throwing redpills?
Does anyone have the smuggie that says "look I made a left wing version of a rigth wing meme,what now?"
There seems to be something deeper to it. They have smaller souls or something.
is this a random Python2 plus C hybrid,
or it is Java?
they can't even emulate our memes properly