Bolsonaro's new ad for TV (redpill about socialism in south america)

Thread theme youtu.be/ZPIFITEfA-k

>2nd round polls: BOLSONARO 59% X HADDAD 41% (XP)
Bolsonaro vs. Haddad run-off in 2 weeks (October 28th).

>1st round results
Jair Bolsonaro 46,26%
Fernando Haddad 28,95%


Jair Bolsonaro is the front-runner in Brazil's presidential election. He is a conservative Christian, pro-gun, a former army captain, and the only candidate with no corruption charges against him. He's looking to modernise the lethargic Brazilian economy with the aid of UChicago economist Paulo Guedes. He wants to align Brazil's foreign policy with Western nationalist governments against the influence of China, Eurasianism and regional socialism (Venezuela and Cuba). He has a hard stance on crime and supports increasing the power of police forces and the army to tackle Brazil's drug and violence problems. Under heavy fire from the media and academia, with an extremely restricted campaign budget, and having survived an assassination attempt, Bolsonaro's presidential run is nothing short of extraordinary.

JB's antagonist in the presidential race is Fernando Haddad, a sociologist, former minister of education under Lula and former mayor of São Paulo. He's running for the left-wing Labour Party (PT) under the guidance of former president Lula, who is currently in prison after being convicted for corruption and money laundering. PT had been the ruling party in Brazil for 13 years, but is facing high rejection in the polls after a police investigation uncovered the largest known corruption scheme in Brazilian history, which PT architected.

MORE INFORMATION: pastebin.com/raw/fuZH3p7g


Thread theme youtu.be/F4GK_S4sGro
Interview that made him famous youtu.be/041YPJI5zz8
Compilation of some of his talks youtu.be/U0MBcUAf21k

Previous thread:

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Other urls found in this thread:


Galera, foi legal apoiar o Bolsonaro e tudo mais, tem pessoas que ate acham que ele pode ganhar(hahahahahaha), mas sério, tem muita gente que não percebe que isso não passa de uma brincadeira que está começando a sair do controle.

Vamos voltar para a realidade antes que seja tarde, precisamos eleger nosso candidato Haddad para a presidência.

Não podemos deixar um homem como Jair Bolsonaro com a posse dos codigos da cela do Lula
A partir de agora, vamos parar com as brincadeiras e memes apoiando o Bolsonaro, se não vai ser tarde de mais.

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Don't forget to vote on the way to the anime convention.

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What do you wanna know, user?

Só lembrando que quem votou no Amoedo tem a mesma culpa de quem votou no Haddad.

Bolsonaro is making anime real, so we vote for him.

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I don't believe they will rig the election. Lads, we will win.

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Does Bolsonaro have any merch for sale?

Well, they will try, but rigging the whole thing is quite hard regardless of local hacks and shit.

Otherwise we would be having a ciro vs haddad second turn.



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Really makes you think

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What do you know about clinical psychology? Bear in mind that I have no idea if such distinction between the fields of psychology exists in Brazil (Clinical, behavioral, etc)

There's one way to beat voter fraud and that's by outvoting it. Casting more ballots than they stuff is the trick. You can do it.

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Afirmação mais do que correta, não foi apenas a guerra contra a União Soviética comunista que existiu, houve também uma guerra ideológica contra o Marxismo dentro da Alemanha e isso é bem detalhado na autobiografia de Hitler.

Será q dá certo ir no elenao só pra pegar mulher???

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what's the original anime in the pic?

Only unofficial stuff and it's usually crap.

I wish someone would make a high quality green and yellow trucker hat with his motto: BRASIL ACIMA DE TUDO / DEUS ACIMA DE TODOS (Brazil above everything, God above everyone).

I don't know if it is official, but people are selling a lot of t-shirts with different styles online, look "bolsonaro camiseta" up.
Also, do you like Dr. Pepper?

Is he going to remove anti racist laws?

Agora tá explicado porque Dória levou bolo do Bolso
Oportunista nojento

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>the only difference between him and a nazi is the nazi part


Kek has spoken

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y-yes sir!

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Learn to OCR with your cellphone guys, really useful

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Bolsonaro is literally Hitler.

well, fuck off

Please elect this man Brazil. I know it seems like he'll win for sure but DO NOT STAY HOME.

VOTE. The world needs this

>enriqueceu a senpaiília toda usando auxílio moradia
Is that the power of the left?

vote is mandatory here lol

It would be nice.

If someone can find somewhere to print it I can make the art.

Most of it is fake, but, a professor can't make decisions as a captain can. Teachers are really only on the ideals field. I'll stay with the captain.

ZOG needs this.

>His son is a Mossad agent.
>His Vice-President is a mixed guy that is preaching that mixed men and black men should breed only with white women to "whiten the race".
>His Vice-President is a high-ranking Freemason member, a Master Mason
>His Vice-President said they have plans to invade Venezuela already (youtube.com/watch?v=ZJWhpOqIxDI)
>Bolsoberg said he plans to cut down the Amazonia jungle and sell all the resources in it for the Americans (epoca.globo.com/em-encontro-com-empresarios-bolsonaro-indica-ser-favoravel-exploracao-comercial-da-amazonia-22975107)
>Bolsoberg promised to give the Alcântara Launch Center to the Americans (youtube.com/watch?v=xK4C75l69eY)
>Bolsoberg salutes the American flag and chants "USA!!! USA!!! USA!!!" (youtube.com/watch?v=8M1dUtgFd0g)
>powerful Jewish Israeli Rabbi sends his energy to Bolsonaro, the Israeli candidate (youtube.com/watch?v=RIm8NsC6_Vc)
>each member of the Bolsonaro family became a millionaire in the last decade. (opovo.com.br/noticias/politica/2018/01/patrimonio-de-jair-bolsonaro-e-filhos-se-multiplica-em-apenas-dez-anos.html)
>Bolsonaro accidentally admits him and his party received bribes from the one of the companies that used to give the most bribes, "Who doesn't receive bribes? all parties receive bribes" says Bolsonaro (youtube.com/watch?v=S5CS08R2u9U)
>Bolsonaro claims to be right-wing but yesterday he said he plans to make a 13th salary for Bolsa-Familia, a communist welfare system that gives free gibs to poor people the more kids they have

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Hitler queria purificar o marxismo, aproveitando a dialética que ele considerava pura de Hegel mas sem o internacionalismo. Hitler e Stalin foram beneficiados por banqueiros, todo comunista sabe que revolução sem dinheiro não é possível.

History of communism

1) Gnostic + Puritanism 16th century (paradise on earth - humans are gods)
2) Evolved to humanism
3) Mixed with agitation and propaganda (jacobins in france)
4) League of The Just (first one world order draft)
5) Marx enter the scene to make it popular to the masses
6) Rich jews spread it to the world creating the super genius, philosopher, writer and economist Karl Mordechai Narx
7) International movement against mankind to destroy tradition and create a millions of obedient factory workers
8) Spread mass degeneracy because factories don't require millions of workers anymore
9) Spread transgenderism to decrease population and boost the pharmaceutical industry
10) International drug trade as an excuse for anti-imperialism

Did I miss any major point?

Não é como e o cabeça do PT tivesse feito isso também...

I wanted to vote for The Mito but then someone circulated this video-poem by Arnaldo Antunes in my classroom whastapp group:


What do you think lads? I'm corcerned we may be electing an authroritarian, violent monster. Maybe Haddad really is the best option for brazillian democracy.

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you come to pol and try to make a point with overused zipzop meme?

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>Also, do you like Dr. Pepper?
Yes, why?

lol you fagg--- wait a second... maybe you're right... what have i been doing? im literally shaking right now

Are you sure?
Please give source.

Also, Europeans with a degree go to the jail of people with degrees, or what? How does it work?

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She's absolutely right.
It's socialism that kills everyone before it even have the chance to become communism as intended.

Guys, remember to ctrl-c and cltr-v the book thing from the last thread, for fucks sake!

/hue/volution thread creator, don't forget to put those up, we need Haddad books!

Interessante, mas o Lula era o que mesmo quando foi eleito?

Ele é contra as cotas para negros que existem.


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>only nazis hate jews

What thing? We don't have a PDF yet, right?

>aiin vo perdê lei rounet

bando de artista filha da puta

esse mestre de capoeira foi morto por causa de discussão sobre futebol, maior fake news


kogos is very charismatic in his aspergers

>Maybe Haddad really is the best option for brazillian democracy.
Até o Reinaldo Azevedo acharia seu comentário um bocado extremista

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But don't you have stupid laws that if someone says something to someone darker, one can face jail time, or something?

What are you thought on putting cream/vanilla ice cream into Dr. Pepper?

Lads, I wasn't going to vote but now I'm 100% voting for bolso. It's good to be here.


his ideas

He's a Zionist being astroturfed


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Bumping for Bolsonaro!

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Kkkkkkk pegar feminista que vai dar dedada no teu cu e lamber

not sure if you can get jail time here for saying nigger
i know for sure that you can get charged for treating black people differently in public

Bolsonaro's commander during the military dictatorship literally said that Bolsonaro had anger management issues, was unstable, irrational, illogical and unhinged. His commander basically said that he is mentally ill, to put it simply and in every speech he makes you can feel his mental illness overflowing.

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Guys, we are planning on grabbing Haddad books, putting them on PDF format and posting them here, so we can make weaponized memes against PT.


I am a NEET, I have 0 money, but someone here could buy those, and spread the content here. Or get someone in a public library, on SP there are a lot with the Haddady books.

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>I have no idea if such distinction between the fields of psychology exists in Brazil (Clinical, behavioral, etc)
Clinical psychology is pretty much psychoterapy, there isn't an exact, "clinical" branch of psychology. What does differ is WHAT branch each therapist is going to use in their clinical practice (behaviorial-cognitive therapy, psychoanalytic therapy, gestaltic therapy, etc) and HOW they will apply it. That's why a lot of people have to experiment with different therapists before finding someone they feel "synchronized" with.


Have some standards user.

I don't think he can modify this. It's a taboo.

but his views are that should not have laws protecting specifics groups.

You do know Crusoé published the entire record right, cirofag MAV?


uma delicia

I wish the government paid me 5k dollars a month just to spread gay kiss in brazilian universities

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Which one do you think is better or what least the one you prefer right now? Psych probably has to live with a lot of problems and accusations of "not-sciency enough" or something to this effect. I come from a field with similar issues

99.9% of psychologists are leftists and they have low IQ
If you want to go to university move to another country

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Enjoy your rape accusation when she finds out you support Bolso

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I imagine someone from Bolsonaro's campaign went through his books already, if we haven't heard about it yet there's probably nothing interesting.

The person he's running against built the palestinains an embassy and an oy vey was heard around the world

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Ciro fags should support Bonoro.
When PT is wiped out Ciro will inherit the crown of opposition.

I said that to a Brazilian posting on /soc/ she was mad at first, but then she was cool with it.



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>It's a taboo
No it is not, it was implemented in the 90s.
Contar piada de preto era normal na minha infância, agora é "racismo".

>neonazismo foi implantado e matou milhões

I do not know which one bothers me the most: if the '-neo' or the 'implantado'.

>Contar piada de preto era normal na minha infância, agora é "racismo".
Imagina a quantidade de soja que os brasileiros não andam consumindo
Agora eu entendo porque no final dos anos 90 leite de soja tinha virado um produto chique

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Fuck off faggot

You need to say "sua bunda é uma delícia, sua biscate do caralho, eu quero gozar no seu cu até você sentir o gosto da minha porra na sua boca, sua piranha barata, aposto que se eu jogar 25 centavos no chão você fica toda feliz achando que é pra você, não é mesmo, sua vadiazinha rampeira." and nudes are guaranteed.



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So it will be legal to discriminate in employment, political party building and housing? What about removing the hate speech laws and “inflammation of violence” bullshit?

I discovered even the fruit juice I have been drinking for more than 10 years is onions based.

How screwed am I?

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