Anyone feel noticeably dumber than they were 5 years ago?

I think they’re putting something in the water, or chips in our phones to sap our intellect. I feel so much more sluggish and mentally slow than I did 5 years ago. Am I becoming an NPC?

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Neuroplasticity is selecting for shallow "learning" and distraction rather than deep concentration. Quit the net and read more and it'll all come back (or rather, to be more accurate, will remake itself).

I just feel more blackpilled.

This is part of it for sure. Far more blackpilled than I was back then. I don’t drink booze, I don’t smoke weed, I stay in good shape, but it’s obvious now that life is suffering and ultimately meaningless. Shaking the net would probably help, I don’t read books at all.

have you gained weight?

Lost 25 pounds. I’m pretty solid shape. Life is just a meaningless haze.

probably you spend too much time here

the time I spend in this shithole used to be spent reading books, going out more, etc

I too work out more actively and read only very selectively. I've almost cut down TV to 0%, especially """documentary""" and """news""" from American channels, BBC and their ilk. 90% of news I get is from Jow Forums or a handful of youtube and twitter channels.
Oddly, I also understand more how power and media work than like a decade ago when I was still naively believed whatever was fed to me. I was probably an NPC back then. Now that my firmware has burned out, I'm trying to program myself to survive life without going insane.
When you are redpilled or even blackpilled, reality is like an ice cold wind shouting into your face.

Attached: me-right-now.jpg (971x716, 150K)

Welcome to old age user

>eating chips
No i doubt you can get any dumber than you already are op.