Top five presidents list

1: Andrew Jackson
2: Thomas Jefferson
3: Theodore Roosevelt
4: Donald Trump
5: George Washington

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Andrew Jackson was a sociopath who killed people in duels. And the first Democrat. Definitely not top 5.

he killed those who challenged his honor very based

hes number 1 for preserving the union like lincoln except with no bloodshed

also for manifest destinying all those indians

There was plenty of blood shed during his presidency. And look at the horrible things his political party has done and continues to do.

Only Bill Clinton and the rest I don't even care.

How was he supposed to know that his political party would be taken over by Moloch worshipers?
Why is Trump on here?


Jackson is based, he saved us from the banks the first time. Trump's hero

His party was also pro-slavery. I'm not saying he's the worst president of all time. He's somewhere above Obama and below William Henry Harrison.

Jackson took down the Second Bank of the United States. Now there were some short term consequences that MVB took the fall for but it was the right move.
Jackson is the only president to ever lead the United States to being debt free.
Jackson told the Supreme Court to fuck off and enabled us to Manifest Destiny up this continent.
Take a couple points off for his views on state's rights depending on how you want to look at it.

Trump is an Israeli puppet

all of these presidents have 1 thing in common.
they all believed in the greatness of america and their policies reflected this belief.

the things jackson jefferson roosevelt and washington did for america is bigger than the things trump has done however they didnt have to contend with the fbi nigs

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Madison deserves to be there more than Roosevelt desu

trump does not sound like he should he ever be onthat list

>Andrew Jackson was a sociopath who killed people in duels.
He killed bankers and banker apologists. I wish he was here today.

Slavery for blacks is a good thing. You just make Jackson sound more based.

You have to put George Washington as #1 for a lot of reasons but most importantly because he had the opportunity to be "King" and he turned it down.

If America was a monarchy we might be better off then this jew infested (((democracy)))

george washington is only on there since he has to be which is why he is number 5. if this was a top 10 list he would be number 10

And where's Lincoln, who tried to get rid of all the blacks that Jow Forums says jews brought to America?

0. George Washington
1. John Q. Adams
2. John F. Kennedy
3. Andrew Jackson
4. Stephen Grover Cleveland
5. Benjamin Harrison

Washington will always be number one on my book. For obvious reasons. Jackson is up there though. Trump is definitely climbing fast.

james monroe gets on the list before madison and calhoun gets on the list before monroe

>no JFK
>no FDR
>no other old-style Democrats
>the Drumf man

This ain't it, chief.

1: Thomas Jefferson
2: Abe Lincoln
3, Teddy Roosevelt
4, Donald Trump
5. Ronald Reagan

lincoln is somewhere in the worst 10 presidents list along with most 20-21th century presidents

Renounce your US citizenship immediately.

How about this, in no particular order...

Abe Lincoln
James Garfield
William McKinley
John F. Kennedy

>jfk and fdr being in the top 50%
i bet you voted for hillary

>And look at the horrible things his political party has done and continues to do.
>implying the modern democratic party has anything in common with the party of the yeoman farmer and thomas jefferson
Get the fuck out.

replace lincoln with jackson who preserved the union just like lincoln except without any bloodshed then send lincoln to the worst presidents list and ur doing pretty good

4. Taft

Why bong boyo? He brought us out of the great depression and oversaw America's golden-age.

1 woodrow wilson
2 jimmy carter
3 barack obama
8000 John kennedy

nice meme
ww2 industrial production brought us out of the great depression not the new deal which has cucked america for almost a century

It isn't the same political party as the Democratic Republican Party that Jefferson was part of. The modern Democrat Party started with Jackson.

1.Franklin Roosevelt (new-deal,WWII)
2.Eisenhower (interstate system)
3.Lincoln (saved the union)
4.Teddy Roosevelt (national park system)
5.Kennedy (Apollo Program)

fucking lmao

1. andrew jackson
2. george washington
3. thomas jefferson
4. donald trump
5. lincoln

>Franklin Roosevelt
Fuck off, uncle joe.

Where would Hillary rank if she won?

fdrs new deal was a meme it didnt help the usa it made our population get used to gibs. ww2 industrial production ended the great depression

eisenhowers interstate system is pretty good and could land him on a top 15 list but definitely not top 5

lincoln is one of the worst presidents. he allowed the south to organize instead of quelling the rebellion before it got out of hand. lincoln is to blame for 620,000 american lives lost

roosevelt is not great because of his nat parks he is great because he didnt take shit from other countries and expanded american influence around the world

kennedy was a cia nigger then got assassinated like a bitch

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your list is garbage george washington didnt actually do anything as president he was just a good general the only reason he was on my list was that he has to be on a top pres list which is why he was last. furthermore lincoln is responsible for the unprecedented loss of life during the civil war

>not including Polk

polk should be on the list but gw sort of has to be on a top pres list. if it was a top 6 list polk is #5 gw is #6

if it was top 7 then it goes
5 polk
6 calhoun
7 gw

Reagan allowed the spics to enter

Washington doesn't really have to be on it if you're ranking just by actions they made while president. If you're looking at their contributions to the USA as whole then I guess he slips in at the end by default.

A Vice President makes #6?

2 jackson
4 trump
5George washington

1: Lyndon Johnson
2: Barack Obama
3: Woodrow Wilson
4: GW Bush
5: Jimmy Carter

You literally can't argue with this list.

You have that backwards

I forgot to put Truman on there. He was really really good too.

TR was a fucking Progresssive

>5: George Washington
If you unironically believe anyone other than Washington was the best president you should kys

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California is a text book case of states rights not always being the greatest thing.

t. Resident of commiefornia

Calvin Coolidge.


killed faggots and natives

looks like he missed one

george washington was a ceremonial figurehead. he wasnt a great president he was a great general and a great american which is the only reason he makes the list

He’s going to end 40-50 years of uniparty control over our politics.

Jackson is the literal worst president of all time. Jacksonian democracy was the knife in the heart of our Republic that led to everything wrong with the country now.

Reminder that pic related was painted as an illustration of what Jackson's vision for the country would lead to instead of a comfy isolationist agricultural Republic.

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Wilson is a shit tier president desu

>listening to the ramblings of a pseudointellectual artist
if tumblr existed in the 1800s thomas cole wouldv been all about it. I bet cole voted for clay

Nixon was told to march on Washington and make a coupe to which he replied,"that would be against everything this country stands for." Cementing him into being one of the best presidents ever

nixon used the monroe doctrine as toilet paper by doubling down on vietnam. nixon is one of the worst presidents