Get your ass kicked by the Nazis

>get your ass kicked by the Nazis
>have to leave all your gear while you evacuate your troops with everything that floats
>Nazis kind enough not to massacre you on the beaches
>immediately start blaming the French
>make jokes about how they are cowards for getting defeated by the same enemy that defeated you
>claim an embarrassing defeat was actually a victory
>sit back and let daddy America win the war for you
>still lose your entire empire in the process
>continue to make propaganda about it three quarters of a century later

Attached: dunkirk.jpg (600x875, 88K)

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Yea bongs are deluded

england is the new eastern bloc. not surprising they have orwellian delusions of grandeur.

>get excited to watch a WW2 movie with based Hardy
>pretty pumped to see what the Brits can do
>its two hours of a bleak retreat
>somehow a victory in the end

WW2 was a mistake. Britain and France would have benefited from Nazi Occupation for several decades, as weak inferior states should be.

Kinda dumb that so many people had to die just for them to turn around and open their buttholes for Germany anyway

Butthurt kraut cuz we owned you epic troll style xDDDD

Can we make this a bong hate thread?

Attached: UK policework.webm (1280x720, 2.41M)

UK hate thread

Attached: ROYALLY BLACKED.jpg (3500x2626, 1.59M)

based UK right guys?

Attached: Last appeal to reason.jpg (702x1408, 302K)

the two black girls are considerably unaethetic compared to the rest of the children