Whenever I post this, half of the responses will be from landlords defending their parasitism. What's going on? Landlords clearly aren't half of the population. Have the Jews just completely infiltrated this board?
Whenever I post this, half of the responses will be from landlords defending their parasitism. What's going on...
Other urls found in this thread:
this board is all high IQ rich neets
how do you think we can shitpost all day without working?
>Finding it normal to have a landlord
Growth-based economies are going to die.
I work all day and I am my own landlord.
What now?
Property tax exists.
Also people choose whether or not to rent.
> conveniently leaving out that quality construction costs upwards of $125+/square foot
> also leaving out that the average worker is incapable of paying for this themselves, not even considering property tax, appliances and repairs
> t. envious parasite who is deeply butthurt that other people have become financial successful and desperately trying to create a wedge issue to make people disregard property rights
I want to be a landlord one day, real estate is awesome, inflation isnt though
Imagine if this bitch had to pay taxes.
>So they deserve some of our money.
The alternative is that you don't have shelter. You're free to explore alternatives, like living out of a van.